Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1326: Lucky list changes

"Long time no see, Thunder Punishment."

Chen Jiusheng suddenly laughed when he saw Lei Punishment.

He and Lei Chai are also old friends.

Although I haven't seen each other for a long time, the relationship is still there.

"Old guy, it's really hard to ask you."

Lei Cai snorted softly, he had already learned what happened from Mu Qing's side.

Chen Jiusheng chuckled and said, "What is my condition, let alone King Hun and Mu Qing have gained tremendous gains?"

"I heard that King Hun found a way to break through the supreme?"

Lei Chai remembered something at this moment, and quickly looked at Mu Qing.

Mu Qing nodded, "It is true, but it should take a while for the Second Chaos King to break through to the Supreme."

"The Holy Kingdom has not noticed us yet. This period of respite is very important. Maybe we can have more supreme combat power at that time."

Lei Chai also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"The Chaos Temple is also very special, definitely a holy place for cultivation."

"In this period, it may play a key role."

Lei Ping said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, when I left, I already notified the Desperate Party and asked them to take over the area near the Chaos Temple."

Chen Jiusheng smiled slightly and replied.

He will naturally arrange this.

In addition, the Chaos Temple is in the Void Wind Realm. As long as they have more powerful people after they destroy the Holy Party, they will use the power of darkness to temper them.

"Wait for the results first. During this time, I will go to the outside world to inquire about news, and I will also help the Lord of Wind to eliminate evil thoughts.

Mu Qing glanced at the direction of the moon, frowning.

He could feel the breath of the Slaughter Emperor, but he was a little weak.

Now, I can only hope that Emperor Slaughter can tide over the difficulties smoothly.

After arranging a place for Chen Jiusheng, Mu Qing left.

He doesn't need to practice now, after all, he has been practicing for a long time in the Chaos Temple.

If you continue to practice, it doesn't seem to have much effect.

After the original chaotic power in his body was restored, Mu Qing planned to leave the Primordial Realm again and go to the outside world to inquire about news.

Now, Mu Qing has begun to consider the matter of condensing the supreme weapon.

The Supreme Artifact is a condensed one hundred extreme Dao, and the refinement of the Supreme Dao is added to it.

Although Mu Qing seldom used the power of Dao in the battle, the one hundred extreme Dao still remained in his body.

Regarding the issue of the supreme device, Mu Qing has been idle for a long time.

Nowadays, although the destiny form has not reached the realm that has been maintained in the normal state, it can also be easily used in battle.

It's time to think about the supreme device.

What kind of shape the condensed supreme artifact should be, its approximate power, and its fit with the Avenue of Stars, all need to be considered.

Mu Qing frowned and thought for a long time, and had two plans.

One is to condense the supreme weapon into a long knife.

Mu Qing had used a long knife for a while, and it was fairly easy to use.

However, I didn't need any imperial tools anymore, and I didn't use it for a long time.

When he reached this state, he also knew very well that the improvement of the strength of the artifact was very limited.

The supreme device is the most important!

Of course, in contrast, the importance of the Supreme Dao is still higher than that of the Supreme Device.

As for the second plan that Mu Qing came up with, that was to condense the supreme weapon into a star-like existence.

The manifestation of the Avenue of Stars is a starry sky map.

Mu Qing thought, if he wanted to fit the Avenue of Stars, perhaps it should be right to do so.

By condensing the supreme weapon into a star, and putting the star in the starry sky map of the avenue manifestation during battle, you can exert a more powerful force.

At present, Mu Qing is more inclined to the second plan.

Before he came to the Qi Luck List, he wanted to see if there were any special changes in the Qi Luck List.

The Qi Luck List records the forces of the entire universe. When some strong people in each force fight to kill, they will plunder the opponent's Qi Luck power to benefit their own forces.

Every moment, the rankings on the Qi Luck List will change.

But the forces of the top 20 have not changed.

Except for the Demon Territory, it was because Mu Qing went to the Bipolar Realm to grab luck and was promoted to ninth place, and the other forces remained unchanged.

Mu Qing suddenly condensed his eyes, and he noticed that the power of luck in the land of chaos was shining!

The Land of Chaos ranks second, second only to the Holy Kingdom.

But in fact, the comprehensive strength of Chaos Land is not as good as Heaven.

The reason why it can be ranked second is mainly because of the special nature of the land of chaos!

The power of air transport is linked to strength to a certain extent, but the forming elements are even more complicated.

A strong person naturally possesses a huge amount of air luck, but some other factors can also cause extremely strong air luck.

Mu Qing now looked at the power of luck in the land of chaos, the deep purple light was constantly flickering.

It seems that the two chaotic kings are trying to break through the supreme realm.

These two have the supreme combat power in themselves, if they can break through to the supreme, the power of luck will definitely increase by a lot!

Mu Qing shifted his gaze downwards, slightly surprised.

Found that the three forces of Demon Dao, Demon Race, and Taiyue Palace were also shining.

"What the **** is going on with these three forces? Obviously their respective princes have either fallen or entered the road of dominance. As a result, the power of luck has been growing!"

Mu Qing was secretly surprised and didn't understand what was going on.

Could it be said that these three forces still have powerful remnants hiding in the universe?

Mu Qing doesn't know much about Demon Dao and Yaozu, but there shouldn't be any remnants in Taiyue Palace!

The so-called remnants are Sheng Shenger and Emperor Tianyue, they have already joined the Demon Realm.

At the next moment, Mu Qing's eyes shrank, and the top ten on the Qi Luck List changed.

The Yaozu suddenly turned into a dark blue, surpassing the Desperate Party.

The Taiyue Palace turned dark blue, surpassing the Demon Realm.

The magic way is even more amazing, suddenly turning into a deep purple, ranking below the heavens.

Three successive forces have changed!

This scene happened to be witnessed by Mu Qing.

Except for the first three unchanged, all changes have taken place in the back.

The fourth name is Magic Dao, and the power of Qi Luck is dark purple.

The fifth place is ruthless palace, purple.

The sixth place is ancient immortal world, lavender.

The seventh place is Jiuyoutian, dark blue.

The eighth Yaozu, dark blue.

The ninth slaying party, dark blue.

The tenth place is Taiyue Palace, dark blue!

Mu Qing touched his nose awkwardly, he didn't know how these forces suddenly gained a lot of luck.

Perhaps it is stealing the power of other people's luck in secret?

What made Mu Qing helpless was that Demon Field fell out of the top ten and returned to the eleventh place.

But Mu Qing didn't care, after all, there was no reward for entering the top ten, and he didn't know the origin of this luck list.

There is no need to worry about a ranking.


Suddenly, Mu Qing realized something.

Seeing the luck list, he thinks of the power of luck.

"If I condense the supreme device into an existence that can cooperate with the force of luck, wouldn't it be more suitable for me?"The latest chapter address of the starry sky: starry sky dominates the full text Reading address: sky dominates txt download address: https: // starry sky dominates mobile reading: https://m.wuxiaspot .com/read/147180/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" notebook below Reading records of times (Chapter 1326 Change of Qi Luck List), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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