Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1328: White light group

The Avenue of Stars traverses the void, and the power of the stars hangs down like the Milky Way.

Under the blessing of the power of the stars, the Tao, like a beam of light, merges into the ancient tree of Qi Luck.

Gradually, cracks began to appear in the ancient tree of Qi Luck, and after all the extreme positions merged into it, the cracks became more and more.

"Can't it?"

Mu Qing frowned.

Suddenly, the ancient tree of Qi Luck burst into a dazzling light, like a star explosion, the gorgeous light waves spread directly.


Mu Qing's body trembled, as if struck by lightning, a large amount of blood was spit out from his mouth.

He hurriedly manipulated his power, and the starry sky avenue behind him shuddered, and the power of the vast starry sky surging again, intending to reconsolidate the fragmented ancient tree of luck.

It seems that some problems have occurred in the process of condensing the Supreme Device.

The supreme device is formed by the power of one hundred extreme positions and the supreme avenue.

Mu Qing condensed one hundred extreme positions on the ancient tree of Qi Luck, which was equivalent to an extra force of Qi Luck, which naturally caused conflicts, and even caused him to suffer a backlash.

"I don't believe it!"

Mu Qing gritted his teeth and tried his best to spur the power of the Avenue of Stars, intending to forcefully reunite this fragmented ancient tree of luck.

The biggest feature of the power of the stars is fusion!

The fragmented ancient tree of fortune, blooming the most essential color of the power of fortune, pure white!

Pieces of white fragments began to gather together gradually, but the process was rather slow and consumes a lot of money.

In the process of condensing the supreme weapon, Mu Qing dared to do so by forcing the force of Qi Luck.

Even though it has the fusion characteristics of the power of the stars and the avenue of stars, it is still quite difficult to recombine these powers.

Mu Qing gritted his teeth, his eyes were fierce, and he simply incorporated these white fragments into his body!

The starry singularity in his body did not resonate, but Mu Qing planned to forcibly fuse these white fragments into a singularity!

Logically speaking, there is no force that resonates with the singularity of the starry sky, even if it is a special force, there is no way to form a singularity.

But Mu Qing has gathered the singularity so many times and already has some experience.

He intends to rely on the two powers of Star Avenue and Star Singularity to forcibly fuse the ancient tree fragments of luck!

However, these white fragments cannot be called ancient trees of luck.

It is the product of the fusion of the extreme position Dao and the power of the ancient tree of luck.

The two are merged, and they are quite compatible, even if Mu Qing wants to separate.

The problem lies with Mu Qing's starry sky power!

Just the fusion of Dao Ze and the power of the ancient tree of luck is not a supreme weapon.

Only by reinjecting the power of the Supreme Avenue.

It is a pity that the power of the starry sky does not fit together, and a conflict arises, causing the ancient tree of Qi Luck, which is integrated with the power of Dao, to burst into pieces.

Mu Qing will now reorganize these fragments.

Before the luck list, he sat cross-legged in the starry sky, with a starry sky avenue behind him.

Several days passed, and all the white fragments were summarized in Mu Qing's body.

This is a big but serious move. A little carelessness will cause this body to explode!

Mu Qing urged the power of Star Singularity and Star Avenue at the same time, and even took a deep breath, bursting out blue arrogance, black hair turned into blue hair, and entered the state of fate!

"Fusion for me!"

Mu Qing roared, and the two fragments suddenly merged in his body.

Seeing this scene, Mu Qing was overjoyed, it was really possible!

In the form of destiny, it becomes possible to forcibly condense the singularity. Of course, what he condenses is the supreme weapon.

But after another thought, the supreme weapon condensed into a singularity, should it be held in the hands of an adult?

But now Mu Qing didn't care about it, all in one go, after all, the destiny form lasted for at most one day.

Obviously, there was no way to condense and regroup all the white fragments in this day. After the day was over, Mu Qing maintained the white fragments in his body in a normal state.

After a period of rest, he once again entered the form of destiny, and continued to reorganize the white fragments.

Do the same, for a whole month!

With the fusion of the last white shard, a brand new singularity is born!

Do not! It should be said that it is a supreme device!

Mu Qing took out this white singularity, and could clearly feel the breath of the power of luck and the power of the stars.

He was planning to give it a try to see how powerful this supreme device was, but the next moment he felt hot from his palm.

White smoke came up, making a sizzling sound.

Above the white singularity, flames poured out.

It is a gaseous flame, or a gas that looks similar to a flame.

Mu Qing's entire palm was directly burned through, and before he could react, a heat wave hit his face directly.

"not good!"

Mu Qing's pupils contracted, and he realized that he was a little hard to control the white singularity.

This is one's own supreme weapon anyway!

Suddenly, a white light burst out, so dazzling that Mu Qing had to close his eyes.

But he immediately probed the situation with thought fluctuations.

Then, the whole white singularity exploded!

It exploded again!

The extremely hot energy tide hit Mu Qing first, and the whole body melted instantly!


The pain caused Mu Qing to scream.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing's entire body disappeared, leaving only singularities in the distance.

Headed by the starry singularity, several other singularities surround it.

A total of six singularities are suspended in the starry sky.

There are strange fluctuations in the nearby starry sky, which are fluctuations of thinking and will!

Naturally, Mu Qing didn't fall so easily. He didn't have a soul in his original body.

His soul has long been transformed into thinking and will, and has been integrated into the entire Hunyuan realm.

Because of this, Mu Qing is not afraid of death, even when facing the Emperor of Heaven, even if he is killed, he can be resurrected through the Hunyuan Realm.

But now, his body was directly burned by the white singularity he created!

I was killed by my own supreme weapon!

Who is going to make sense?

After the body was burned, Mu Qing's will to think was to pay attention to that side immediately and see what happened next.

Although he is still conscious, he can even spur the power of the Hunyuan Realm to fight, but after all, he has no body, and his combat effectiveness is greatly weakened.

I don't know how long it will take to reconsolidate the body.

If you just fool around and condense a body, I'm afraid it will be blown up soon!

"not good!"

Mu Qing's thinking and will have just paid attention to the white singularity. As a result, after the white singularity exploded, a white light was formed, covering the other six singularities, turning into a beam of light and rushing towards him.

A tremor rushed into my heart, and it was obvious that my own thinking and will spread throughout the Hunyuan Realm. It stands to reason that foreign objects can't touch me.

However, the white light after the white singularity exploded, enveloping the six singularities, directly hitting his own thinking will!

In an instant, the starry sky of the entire Hunyuan realm showed white lines like veins, but they quickly converged at an astonishing speed, and finally converged into a white light cluster. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1328 White Light Group), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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