Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1337: Encounter Morro the Great

"That's it! No wonder Sage Jiang said that this thing can awaken the Supreme Sage!"

"Inside this special crystal, there is a top-level sacred stone vein!"

Mu Qing was surprised.

Now for him, the high-level sacred stone ore veins are not uncommon. After mastering the entire Hunyuan realm, he can find a lot of them at any time!

But there are none of the top sacred stone veins!

Later, Mu Qing learned from Chen Jiusheng that it seems that only the Immortal Mountain can find the top sacred stone veins.

This also means that the gap between the top sacred stone ore vein and the high sacred stone ore vein is like the difference between cloud and mud!

The energy contained in the top **** stone veins is even mixed with the indestructible power that only the supreme can have!

"Now that the Supreme Sage can recover, he should be able to deal with the Emperor of Heaven with one more helper."

Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

The strength of the Supreme Saint should be very strong.

Although the opponent is not an opponent of the Emperor of Heaven, as a former subordinate of the Emperor of Heaven, and a strong man who can fight the Emperor of Heaven alone, his strength is probably stronger than that of Lei Pun and others.

"Let's wake up the Supreme Sage first. With the current situation in the Hunyuan Realm, it is obviously impossible to hide it again."

Mu Qing put away the special crystal, which should be a kind of storage space made by Jiang Shengren.

Afterwards, Mu Qing looked at the magic knife again.

Even with Mu Qing's current strength, he still felt a gloom and weirdness.

He can feel some special auras from the magic knife, which is quite terrifying, and that is definitely the power of the magic ancestor!

Carefully collect the magic knife, this is also a hole card when dealing with the Emperor of Heaven.

Afterwards, Mu Qing got up and went to the position of the Supreme Saint.

With the warning from the Emperor of Heaven, Mu Qing could no longer hide the Hunyuan Realm.

Otherwise it will completely anger the emperor!

Moreover, Mu Qing had hidden the Hunyuan Realm originally, but the Heavenly Emperor had seen it through, and the same method no longer worked.

Blue Moon Realm, Tianhe Galaxy!

Mu Qing came across the boundary and came back to the place where the earth was within three days.

The Blue Moon Realm is now the territory of the Holy Kingdom.

However, after Mu Qing came here, he found that there were not many strong people in the Holy Kingdom.

In fact, several realms of the universe have been ruled by the Holy Kingdom, but the Holy Kingdom has not arranged some strong guards to guard them.

Most of the powerhouses of the Holy Kingdom are above the sea of ​​nirvana!

The evil gods control the sea of ​​silence and travel through all realms of the universe.

Mu Qing heard a piece of news in the Blue Moon Realm, which was also a big hit in the universe recently, not a secret.

The Holy Kingdom has broken into Dongyang Realm!

Mu Qing smelled something wrong very keenly.

Did the emperor and evil **** discover that the origin of the chaos is fake?

One came to the Hunyuan Realm, but the other ran to the Dongyang Realm.

Dongyang Realm is the site of Ruthless Temple, and Ruthless Temple usually guards its own one-acre three-quarter land without leaving Dongyang Realm.

Why did the evil **** suddenly go over there?

Logically speaking, if the evil **** finds that the chaos origin arranged by Mu Qing is false, then it should be a re-invasion of the chaos realm and break into the land of chaos to find the true chaos origin!

This intrusion into Dongyang Realm was unexpected to Mu Qing.

What's more, now the Hunyuan realm is no longer hidden, and when the emperor breaks open forcibly, people from outside can enter the Hunyuan realm.

"The evil **** has found something more precious than the origin of chaos?"

Mu Qing frowned slightly and noticed that the evil god's behavior was abnormal.

But he couldn't guess the evil god's thoughts, so he could only watch it temporarily.

Mu Qing didn't care about this for the time being, he first came to the place where the Supreme Saint was sleeping, and crushed the special crystal in his hand.

Suddenly, a golden real dragon broke free, and faintly, even a dragon chant sounded, shaking the surroundings!

However, although the top sacred stone mineral vein is precious, it is only a mineral vein after all. It contains unimaginable energy, but it does not possess any threat.

At the very least, there is no threat to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing controlled this top **** stone vein and sent it to the earth.

The earth now has no living creatures, and this earth is also the key treasure for the supreme saint to recover.

Just at this time!


Mu Qing suddenly drank, he noticed an unusual breath.

Immediately afterwards, a large hand condensed out of the void, shrouded in the veins of the top sacred stone.

It turned out to want to cut Hu and take away this top sacred stone vein!

Naturally, Mu Qing would not let his opponent succeed, and the road behind him appeared, smashing the space with a punch.

The big hand exploded directly, and the power collapsed.

Then a figure emerged from the void, looking at Mu Qing unexpectedly.

When Mu Qing saw this person, he was also slightly taken aback.

"In Ruthless Palace... Emperor Morrow?"

After thinking about it, Mu Qing recalled the guy in front of him, and suddenly a murderous intent appeared in his heart.

This guy was originally an enemy, he was only the pinnacle of the extreme, but he didn't expect that his current strength was even stronger, and he had reached the semi-extreme level!

Emperor Moruo did not expect that he felt an extremely majestic energy, and he immediately fought for it after discovering that it was a top-level sacred stone vein.

Unexpectedly, this top **** stone vein turned out to be Mu Qing's!

The Great Emperor Moruo snorted coldly, "I am not from the Temple of Ruthlessness now. Those people who have no emotions, really think that the cultivation technique that the Emperor of Heaven gave them is a good thing?"

"It's just using them as tools!"

Hearing this, Mu Qing frowned.

He felt a little puzzled, "The Emperor of Heaven? What do you mean?"

The Lord of the Ruthless Temple, doesn't he claim to be the Way of Heaven?

It is also the more mysterious supreme in the universe.

"Hahaha! You don't know yet, do you?"

Emperor Moruo sneered, "Then what heaven is just a clone of the heavenly emperor, the person behind the scenes who really controls the ruthless palace is the heavenly emperor!"

"If I didn't take the opportunity to escape, I might be completely brainwashed by the Emperor of Heaven and become a tool man!"

Mu Qing's eyes shrank slightly.

He really doesn't know this!

Ruthless Palace, even belongs to the Emperor of Heaven!

It can even be said that this is a force developed by the Emperor of Heaven in secret.

"You don't seem to be particularly surprised?" Emperor Moruo looked at Mu Qing, but did not see a special expression on Mu Qing's face.

"I really don't know about this, but it hasn't shocked me yet."

Mu Qing shook his head.

The strength of the emperor is too strong, so that he is a little numb.

The God of Heaven has two identities, and the Emperor of Heaven has two identities.

It's no wonder that these two guys would have become masters and apprentices.

"Cut! I'm too lazy to tell you more, hand over that top-level sacred stone vein!"

The depths of Emperor Moruo's eyes were extremely hot and full of greed.

Although he didn't know where Mu Qing got the top sacred stone vein, since he had encountered this thing, it was bound to be obtained!

But what surprised him was that, for some reason, he couldn't perceive Mu Qing's specific aura.

Could it be that Mu Qing is stronger than him, so he can't detect his breath?

Emperor Moro shook his head, this is unlikely! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1337 Encountering Morro the Great), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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