Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1339: Emperor Moro has fallen!


"Sure enough!"

"Your defensive method is not really able to withstand all my power. Once you exceed a certain limit, you will still be hurt!"

Emperor Moreau suddenly laughed.

His body is also burning, but using energy to heal quickly, it can support a period of time.

Mu Qing frowned. The extent of Emperor Moruo's attack was indeed unexpected. It suddenly broke the barrier of Jikong and hurt him.

His eyes fell on the golden ball of light in the heart of Emperor Moreau.

It was precisely because of that golden ball of light that the attack level of the Great Emperor Morro suddenly increased by not knowing how many levels.

Mu Qing can rely on the magical power of Jikong to resist the ordinary semi-prime level attacks, and even some powerful semi-prime attacks!

This is also the power of Jikong's supernatural power.

"If you think this alone is enough to beat me, that would be fantastic."

Mu Qing said lightly.

His destroyed half of his body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

You know, Mu Qing's body is now a supreme weapon!

The golden gaseous flame that penetrated through the sky directly destroyed half of his body, which can be seen as a very terrifying force.

However, what Mu Qing is currently using is not the resurrection ability of the Starry Sky Demon God.

Once the body of the supreme weapon is damaged, it is more difficult to repair than before, even if it is the ability to regenerate, it will take a lot of time.

However, Mu Qing once again used the power of the Starry Sky Demon God in the form of fate, the original ability of resurrection and destruction, and at the same time realized the corresponding two magical powers.


Destroy Dragon Fist!

The immortal world is an advanced version of the fusion of the power of resurrection and the power of air transport, allowing Mu Qing to recover more quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the physical body healed.

This time Mu Qing no longer kept his hands, his figure flashed, and the surrounding space shattered in an instant, and his whole person had appeared next to Emperor Moruo.

Emperor Moruo's pupils shrank suddenly, and Mu Qing's speed was much faster than he had imagined.

His reaction speed is also very fast, the violent golden gaseous flame is condensed in his palm, turning into a scorching beam of light to penetrate!


Mu Qing once again used the supernatural power to isolate everything, but couldn't resist all the power, and a big hole was directly penetrated in his chest.

Especially those golden gaseous flame power poured into Mu Qing's body, eroding his starry will.

This is equivalent to being wounded!

But Mu Qing did not back down. He coughed up blood and displayed the Black Palace, trapped by Emperor Moruo, who would not be able to react in the future.

Looking at the surrounding darkness and the crushing force of the black hole, Emperor Moruo sneered.

"You are underestimating me! The same trick can't work for me!"

A golden flame broke out again on Emperor Moreau, and the Black Palace, which was able to cause significant injuries to him, was burned out at this moment.

He condensed a golden divine sword, swept it, and the golden flame turned into a thin line across the black palace in front of him.


This time it was not that the Black Palace collapsed automatically, but was smashed to pieces by the Great Emperor Moreau!

Mu Qing's black palace magical powers, at the last moment when the black palace collapsed automatically, burst out all the power and strangled it.

But this time, although the Black Palace trapped Emperor Moro, he couldn't hold back the opponent's strength.

However, after smashing the Black Palace, Emperor Moruo discovered that Mu Qing had already accumulated strength outside.

As for the hole in Mu Qing's chest that was blasted out by Emperor Moruo before, it has been healed by the power of the undead!


A dragon roar sounded, Mu Qing slammed a punch, and the terrifying power of destruction condensed into a giant dragon, hovering and roaring away!

Emperor Moruo didn't have time to react, he was hit by a punch, and his body suddenly exploded!


The power of astonishment burst out in an instant, the shocking air wave swept all around, and the space directly exploded a huge hole.

Even the pale golden barrier laid down by the Great Emperor Moro was shattered at this time.

The supernatural power formed by the power of destruction, this power destroys everything, under the dragon fist, the body of the Great Emperor Moro is completely annihilated!

Of course, in fact, Emperor Moro's body itself was already on the verge of collapse. He forcibly unlocked the seal of the golden ball of light, but could not withstand the energy that the golden ball of light escaped.

Emperor Moruo was not dead, his soul was suspended in the void, gritted his teeth and reunited his body.

Mu Qingsha came to his side, but his palm was aimed at the golden ball of light, and a wave of azure blue energy blasted it away.

Then, he looked at the spirit of Emperor Moreau.

Fingertips have begun to condense energy, and the power of blue air transport and the power of the starry sky quickly converge.

"Without that thing, you are incredibly weak."

Mu Qing looked at Emperor Moruo's spirit indifferently.

Really want to fight, Moruo the Great is not Mu Qing's opponent at all.

Now Mu Qing's strength surpasses the ordinary Semi-Supreme too much!

The reason why Mo Luo the Great was able to wound Mu Qing was because of the power of the golden light ball in his body, and he possessed a super attack power, but his own state was also affected and became extremely poor.

Mu Qing destroyed the dragon fist with one move, smashing his body completely, and taking the opportunity to fly the golden ball of light.

At this time, without the energy transmission of the golden ball of light, the strength of the Great Emperor Moro plummeted!


Mu Qing screamed, the huge energy sphere at his fingertips smashed down!


"Do not!!!"

Emperor Moro roared and snarled frantically.

It took him a while to experience that powerful force, and he didn't want to just die like this!

But with only one soul left, he has no resistance at all.


Along with the brilliant explosion of the stars, violent wind swept along with the air waves.

Emperor Moro has completely fallen!

Mu Qing let out a long sigh, converging his strength and returning to his original state.

After returning to his senses, he found that the power of every singularity in his body had been used seven or eight.

"In the form of destiny, once again bless the power of the starry sky demon god, although the strength is even higher, it consumes more!"

Mu Qing raised his eyebrows.

The destiny form can always be maintained in a normal state, without consuming the power in the body, but the state of the Starry Sky Demon God is different.

The consumption is huge!

However, the power brought by the power of the Starry Sky Demon God is also very sky-defying.

Mu Qing was shocked by the powerful destructive power that Emperor Moruo had with the help of the golden ball of light.

With the help of the power of the starry sky demon god, it was fairly smooth to solve the opponent.

At the same time, he also discovered that the magical power of Jikong, which isolates everything, is not truly invincible.

Once a certain limit is exceeded, the opponent can still attack him!

At this time, Mu Qing looked at the golden ball of light, and the power of the starry sky fell continuously, confining it.

"What the **** is this?"

Mu Qing looked curiously, this golden ball of light was like the sun, and it also bestowed the great emperor Moruo with incredible strength.

At this moment, the earth began to shake!

The top sacred stone vein that Mu Qing originally handed out was completely integrated into the earth at this time.

Immediately afterwards, a flaming figure revived, and the ancient aura made the space around tens of millions of miles tremble.

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