Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1341: Sunshine Shard

"There is no limit to the Chaos God?!"

Mu Qing was shocked again.

Chaos God, that is, the God of Heaven.

He didn't suffer any restrictions when he broke through the supreme in the first place?

The Supreme Sage nodded and said in a deep voice: "In the Chaos Period, where does the universe know that the presence of the Supreme will possess such a powerful force?"

"It must have been after seeing the terrifying power of the first supreme, that is, the **** of chaos, and was afraid of it, and then put the shackles on the later supreme.

"In other words, without the shackles of the universe, everyone who reaches the supremacy will be much stronger than they are now!"

"The supreme is the end, there is no realm division!"

"As a result, there are nine shackles in the universe, even if it breaks through to the Supreme, but most of the power is sealed by the power of the universe. You can only rely on yourself to break the shackles of the universe step by step and regain your own power!"

After listening to the explanation of the Supreme Sage, Mu Qing finally understood what was going on in the realm of Supreme.

Except for the first supreme, all the latter have been sealed by the universe.

After the self-destruction, he was reborn and possessed countless times stronger than the supreme looks now, but most of the power was sealed by the universe at the moment it broke through the supreme.

The entire Supreme Nine Heavens is a stage of contending with the power of the universe, breaking the yoke of the universe and regaining its own power.

"If there is no yoke of the universe, does it mean that after I break through the supreme, I will be able to compete with the emperor?"

Mu Qing couldn't help making a hypothesis.

"Of course!" The Supreme Saint nodded.

He opened the mouth and said: "If there is no shackles, then everyone who breaks through the supreme will be a completely released power. They are all nine heavens. Even if there is a gap, it is impossible to achieve a spike, and it is also impossible to defeat five by one.

The corner of Mu Qing's mouth twitched slightly, it turned out to be like this!

At the same time, he couldn't help the illusion in his heart, he mastered the Hunyuan Realm, should he be on the side of the universe, right?

When the time comes to break through to the Supreme, will the universe look at the face of Hunyuan Realm and not put him on the nine-fold shackles?

At that time, he can immediately contend with the Emperor of Heaven!

Of course, this kind of illusion is only now for Mu Qing to think about it.

Impossible to achieve.

Not to mention that Mu Qing is now the master of the Hunyuan Realm, but in other words, with the description of the secret method of thinking, he has forcibly taken the authority of the Hunyuan Realm from the hands of the universe.

To put it bluntly, it is a robber!

It's not bad that the universe doesn't put an 18-fold yoke on him!

Thinking of this, Mu Qing dripped cold sweat on his forehead. Don't the universe really put on his own shoes then?

"Huh? Isn't this a fragment of the sun from the Dongyang Realm?"

At this time, the Supreme Sage placed his gaze on the golden ball of light next to Mu Qing.

"Dongyang Realm's Sunshine Fragment?"

Mu Qing was taken aback for a moment.

Then he handed the golden ball of light to the Supreme Saint and asked: "Senior, what is the origin of this thing?"

He also informed the Supreme Sage about the fight against Morro the Great.

The Supreme Sage glanced at Mu Qing unexpectedly.

"It seems that your strength is stronger than I imagined. A semi-sage who obtains this shard of the sun, the burst of strength should be very close to that of the supreme."

"You can kill it and take the Shards of the Sun. Your strength is estimated to be second only to the Supreme, and the Semi-Supreme will not be your opponent at all."

From a few words, the Supreme Sage guessed Mu Qing's specific strength.

He coughed and explained: "This is the special treasure on the Dongyang Realm. There are rumors that there are three special suns with the power to burn the world, corresponding to the three blue moons in the Blue Moon Realm."

"These three suns are called the Three Sunshine Fragments. According to the rumors handed down during the Chaos Period, the three Sunshine Fragments can be combined to form a huge Sunshine. They are the heaven-defying treasures born by the universe, and their power will not be inferior to the supreme. Device."

The Supreme Saint told Mu Qing some things about the fragments of the sun.

Of course, it is said to be a rumor. In fact, the three sun fragments had a master long ago, but this thing is a treasure after all, and sometimes the holder does not have the strength to hold it, and it will naturally be taken away.

Currently, the whereabouts of two sunday fragments are clear, and the third sunday fragment left should be the one in front of us.

"You can think of him as an alternative supreme weapon, but in comparison, it has a greater effect on the extreme pinnacle. You can understand the sun avenue and the matching supreme weapon in a short time, and it has half supreme strength. "

The Supreme Saint threw this thing to Mu Qing.

Although this thing is a supreme treasure, the supreme obviously doesn't look up to it, and it is actually not too useful for the semi- supreme.

Mu Qing took the fragments of the sun and listened to the words of the Supreme Saint, he finally understood why the Great Emperor Moro would break through to the semi-sovereign.

It turned out to be relying on the power of this shard of the sun.

Even the avenue is understood from the fragments of the sun.

However, Mu Qing had to admit that the power contained in the fragments of the sun was indeed amazing, even his emptiness could not resist.

"You wake up my intention, I also know that I will go to the Demon Realm with you, with me guarding, even if the Emperor comes again, he can resist one or two."

The Supreme Saint spoke.

After Mu Qing collected the fragments of the sun, he couldn't help asking: "How many days is the strength of the predecessors?"

"About Seventh Heaven..."

The Supreme Saint replied, touching his chin and groaning.

He then gave a wry smile, "The saint's road is difficult to walk, it is a crooked road."

"Supreme's strength is obviously more powerful. You only need to break the shackles of the universe step by step to gain the power that belongs to you."

"But the saint is based on blood, honing and improving step by step. It is much more difficult to improve than the supreme."

Mu Qing's eyes flickered. Although the Supreme Sage said so, the other party was still comparable to the Supreme Seventh Heaven.

Among the saints, I am afraid that the other party has already come to the forefront, right?


After awakening the Supreme Saint, Mu Qing took him back to the Demon Realm.

On the way, Mu Qing went to inquire about the news again, and learned that the Holy Kingdom was indeed in the Dongyang Realm and was fighting with the Heavenly Dao.

According to the previous statement of Emperor Moro, Heavenly Dao is only a clone of Heavenly Emperor, so the evil **** is entangled with Heavenly Emperor again?

This is good news for Mu Qing.

At the same time, Mu Qing had some guesses.

What exactly does the evil **** do when going to Dongyang Realm?

Before that, Mu Qing naturally didn't know anything, but now he has some guesses.

That's the shard of the sun!

The Supreme Saint said that the three special sundays in the Dongyang Realm correspond to the three special blue moons in the Blue Moon Realm.

The evil **** once looked for something in the Blue Moon Realm, and Mu Qing could be sure that the other party was looking for the special Blue Moon.

It's just that one of the blue moons has been transformed into a blue moon singularity by Mu Qing.

Now, the evil **** suddenly went to Dongyang Realm, and according to Mu Qing's inference, he was probably looking for the debris of the sun!

By coincidence, one of the three sun fragments fell into Mu Qing's hands! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1341 Day Fragment), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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