Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1344: Heaven visits

"Ahem, I'm here to take refuge in you, the old Jiu Youtian is gone, there is a lonely family, if you don't look for an organization..."

Ghost Supreme's face stiffened slightly, and then a trace of terror appeared in his eyes.

"I'm afraid of being killed by evil gods."

The other people present frowned. This old guy is also a supreme at any rate, so he should feel scared?

"Didn't you already take refuge in the Emperor of Heaven? Why not go to the Heavenly Court?"

Chen Jiusheng shouted in a low voice.

They didn't expect that they were still talking about Jiu Youtian just now, but they didn't expect that the ghost supreme would come to the door.

As soon as he mentioned the Emperor of Heaven, Ghost Supreme suddenly became annoyed.

"It seems that you also know that the Heavenly Dao of the Temple of Ruthlessness is actually the Emperor of Heaven. In fact, I just wanted to find a strong and powerful ally, but I didn't expect that the Emperor of Heaven would use my Jiuyoutian as cannon fodder and let us die!"

Ghost Supreme gritted his teeth, he had never had such contact with his Heavenly Emperor before, so he didn't know much about it.

Only now did I know that the Emperor of Heaven had never regarded Jiu Youtian as an ally.

Even finally caused the evil **** to stare at Jiu Youtian.

No matter where the ghost is the opponent of the evil god, it is very difficult to save his life, and in the end he can only watch the evil **** destroy Jiu Youtian.

"Then you are sure that we will not use you as cannon fodder?"

Chen Jiusheng looked at him with a smile.

"Now that the old Jiu Youtian is gone, my sleeves are breeze, and if I see something wrong, I have a big deal to leave."

Ghost Supreme shrugged, rather indifferent.

"This senior, you have fought with the evil god, do you know how the evil god's strength has been improved? The emperor was really defeated?"

Mu Qing couldn't help asking.

Right now, the one who knows the inside story is the one in front of him.

Ghost Supreme's face became solemn and nodded.

"Yes, the Emperor of Heaven was indeed defeated. I was there at the time, but it was just a cover. It was the Emperor of Heaven who really fought against the evil gods."

"The evil **** was originally not the opponent of the emperor, because he disregarded the emperor's attack and desperately captured two sun fragments."

"Although the evil **** was not able to obtain the third sunday fragment, just two sunday fragments seemed to be enough for him, helping him to completely digest the origin of the Holy Spirit universe."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was shocked.

Mu Qing was also shocked in his heart. He had previously guessed that the target of the evil **** should be the debris of the sun, but he did not expect that the effect of the debris of the sun on the evil **** was to help digest the origin of the Holy Spirit universe!

"It turns out that, so to speak, I am afraid that the special blue moon of the Blue Moon Realm also has the same effect, but one of the special blue moons was taken away by me, and all the evil gods are eyeing the Sun Shard at this time."

Mu Qing suddenly realized.

No wonder the evil **** did not come to Hunyuan Realm, but went to Dongyang Realm.

The origin of chaos is important, but after all, the current news about the origin of chaos is still very vague, so the evil **** has focused on the origin of the Holy Spirit.

The origin of the Holy Spirit is also the origin of the universe. Once it is completely digested, even the evil gods themselves don't know how strong they will be!

"Evil gods used to control the power of negative emotions, but now they have been abandoned."

"He now has the crystallization of the universe, the crystallization of the Holy Spirit universe!"

"With this Holy Spirit universe crystal in hand, his strength soared, and I even saw him create a creature comparable to the Supreme Six Heaven!"

Ghost Supreme didn't conceal it, and told everyone all the news he knew.

"How can it be?!"

"Create a supreme?"

Chen Jiusheng couldn't help standing up, unbelievable.

Ghost Supreme nodded, "There can be nothing wrong, I have seen with my own eyes, he created a creature with supreme combat power, and that creature is obedient to him!"

"I'm afraid, the current level of the evil **** is far beyond ours."

The Supreme Sage took a deep breath, his eyes changed.

From the mouth of Ghost Supreme, they did know a lot of news, and the cosmic crystallization was the first time they had heard of it.

After all, where the origin of the chaotic universe is, no one knows now, what will happen after digesting the origin of the universe, it is estimated that even the previous evil gods don't know.

"The cosmic crystal is a treasure, obtained by the evil **** after digesting the origin of the universe, but it is not completely owned by the evil god."

"In other words, as long as the universe crystal is captured from the evil gods, you can also gain the same power as the evil gods!"

Ghost Supreme said solemnly.

The power of evil gods is all based on the origin of the universe.

The Holy Spirit universe is far inferior to the Chaos universe, and the creatures in the Holy Spirit universe are also inferior in strength to the Chaos universe.

Only the evil gods took a different path and swallowed the origin of the Holy Spirit's universe. Since then, their strength has soared, and even now they want to completely digest the origin and obtain the crystallization of the universe.

"How easy is it to seize the crystals of the universe from the evil gods?"

Lei Cai shook his head.

The more you know, the more powerful you will discover the evil god.

Especially the cosmic crystallization, these terrifying existences have been acquired by evil gods.

If the evil **** is allowed to obtain the origin of the chaotic universe, I am afraid that no one in the entire universe will be an opponent of the evil god.

"If you really can't deal with the evil gods, then you can only try to join forces with Heavenly Court."

The Supreme Sage sighed. Compared with the heyday, there are not many strong people in the Chaos Universe now!

In the past years, there were not many strong people in the universe. At that time, although the Supreme Saint had the strength of the Supreme Seventh Heaven, it was really not a powerful person.

The leaders of all parties are all the existence of the Supreme Nine Heavens!

Today, even a powerful figure can't stand up!

"There should be no problem with the ancient immortal world, knowing that the strength of the evil **** has increased again, Lao Jun will definitely make a move."

Lei Chai said softly, although there are some conflicts with Lao Jun now, in the face of the overall situation, this is nothing.

At this moment, a figure walked out of the distorted space and came in front of everyone.

Subconsciously, a terrifying supreme aura enveloped, and everyone looked at this figure.

This is a gray-haired old man, but with multiple injuries on his body.


The ghost of the supreme exclaimed, the person who came was the supreme of the ruthless palace, the way of heaven!

"No, it should be called the Emperor of Heaven."

Lei Ping snorted coldly.

Although he was seriously injured, Tiandao remained expressionless and his eyes were cold.

"It seems that you already know my identity, yes, I am the Emperor of Heaven!"

His eyes were cold, and he swept across Ghost Supreme.

"What are you doing here!"

Chen Jiusheng scolded, the dragon sword in his hand appeared, and he was ready to fight.

This avatar of the heavenly emperor did not have a strong aura, perhaps it was hit hard while fighting against the evil god.

His expression was indifferent, and he said indifferently: "I think you should all know the strength of the evil god, he is stronger than my body, and defeated me."

"If we don't join forces, not only me, but everyone here will fall one by one."

"Trust me, the evil **** with the crystallization of the universe is definitely not something you can resist!"

"But I have a way to deal with evil gods."

"That is to let Mu Qing break through the supreme, and then I will deprive Mu Qing of the Avenue of Stars, so as to complete my dual avenues, which is enough to counter the evil gods!" The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: starry sky dominates the txt download address: starry sky dominates the mobile phone Read: the convenience of reading next time, you can click The \"Collection\" below records the reading record of this (Chapter 1344 Heavenly Dao's visit), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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