Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1347: Yin and Yang are gone!

"Want to know who we are? It's never too late to leave our lives!"

Crimson power erupted from Saint Four, and the speed was even faster than before, even Mu Qing couldn't catch it.

Among the people present, only the Wind King Holy Master, who had the strength to reach the Supreme Fifth Heaven, could barely capture the movement of the Holy Four, and dodge the past dangerously.

Immediately, the Holy Lord of the Wind King stood up with a horse drawn bow and shot five storm arrows at the same time.

However, this time, the strength of the Holy Four broke out in an all-round way, and the crimson power continuously burst out of the body, without even hiding.


The storm exploded, roaring like a ferocious dragon, sweeping everything.

However, after a while, the wind dissipated, and the crimson figure was still standing there!

The Holy Four expression was indifferent, and then sneered, the sharp claws tore the cracks, and swept towards the Wind King Holy Master.

With a bite of the Silver Fang, the Holy Lord of the Wind King could only greet the enemy.

Except for her, no one else is the opponent of the Holy Four!

The strength of the Holy Four has the Supreme Sixth Heaven, and the strength of the Wind King Saint Lord also has the Supreme Sixth Heaven, but after clearing the evil thoughts, her strength has declined, and now only has the Supreme Five Heaven.

Although it is not impossible to deal with it at all, but a little reluctant, after all, the gap lies over there.

"You are Mu Qing, right?"

Among the people brought by the Holy Four, the remaining nine people gradually moved closer.

One of them looked at Mu Qing with a grinning smile on his face.

They are very similar to the Holy Four, and even Mu Qing doubts whether these guys are clones of the Holy Four.

However, from the previous Holy Four's words, Mu Qing learned that these guys were called candidates.

"As long as I kill you, I can be promoted directly from the waiting queue to the ranks of Ten Saints!"

A touch of excitement appeared on the face of the semi-prime candidate in front of him, and a scythe in his hand showed a crimson light.

Mu Qing felt a sense of familiarity from these crimson powers.

This kind of feeling, he has also felt the power of Chaos Origin!

Obviously, all the power used by these candidates, including the guy called the Holy Four, is from the origin of the universe!

It is not the original power of the chaotic universe, but the original power of the Holy Spirit universe!

Obviously, these candidates, including the Holy Four, should have been created by the evil gods relying on the crystallization of the Holy Spirit universe.

"The ranks of the ten saints? Is it possible that there are still nine strong men like the fourth?"

Mu Qing's pupils contracted slightly, very surprised.

If it is true, wouldn't it be that the evil gods have more than ten supreme combat powers?

Even the fourth Holy Four has the strength of the Supreme Sixth Heaven, isn't the first few stronger?

Although a little unbelievable, Mu Qing had to face this fact.

After the evil **** digested the origin of the Holy Spirit universe, the body did not immediately gain incomparable power, but instead obtained the crystallization of the universe.

Mu Qing didn't know the benefits of cosmic crystallization, but from the current perspective, cosmic crystallization had the ability to go against the sky.

Create a supreme-level creature!

The key is that these creatures seem to be very loyal to evil gods!

This is very scary.

"Hey! You guys! Go and kill the other extremely powerful people."

At this moment, the candidate in front of him yelled at the other eight candidates.

In the face of his words, the other eight candidates didn't have any objection, and rushed directly toward Fengchou.

Compared with the candidate in front of Mu Qing's eyes, the other eight candidates seem to have no sapience and seem to be insensitive, like a group of puppets who only know to obey orders.

But even so, the combat power of these eight puppets is still very terrifying, after all, each of them has semi-superior strength!

Although the number of these extremely powerful groups brought by the Wind King Holy Master is large, they are far from being compared with these eight candidates.

The gap in strength cannot be made up by quantity at all!

The most important thing is that among these extreme powerhouses, there are only three extreme peak powerhouses.

If there are more extreme peak powers, it can still compete with the eight semi-supreme.

But the ordinary extreme emperor can't help much in this level of battle.

Just two or three hits, you will be killed in seconds!


Sure enough, the eight semi-superiors started fighting directly like wolves entering a flock.

Logically speaking, these creatures created by evil gods using the cosmic crystallization should also be regarded as holy spirit cosmic creatures.

But they can have semi-superior strength!

Probably because of the power of the origin of Crimson.

"Damn it!"

Fengsai roared, and he rushed up with the storm spear in his hand, but was slapped flying by the two alternates one by one.

The screams keep coming out!

From time to time, the corpse could be seen falling deep into the outside world, completely disappearing.

"Stop! I won't let you run away."

The sickle in the hand of the candidate waved, and a slash stopped Mu Qing who wanted to help.

"I didn't expect to be able to meet you outside the world, but I was really lucky."

The alternate grinned.

His words revealed a message that the two sides unexpectedly met by chance!

Mu Qing also calmed down, and this guy in front of him was not only half-sovereign, but also possessed the power of origin.

The opponent's strength is definitely not comparable to the average semi-supreme.

Even Mu Qing mastered the power of the origin of Chaos through the Hunyuan Realm, but could not use it in battle.

Taking a deep breath, Mu Qing instantly entered the form of destiny, with blue hair and silver eyes, blue arrogance rushing into the sky!

"Black Palace!"

Mu Qing attacked directly, and the black power around him surged like a tide, covering the candidate in front of him, forming a black palace.

The biggest feature of the magical power of Hei Gong is the extremely high hit rate!

As long as the gap is not too big, there is no way to escape!

The black palace trembled lightly, and the violent black hole power, the void power and the dark power strangled.

Finally, with a click, the entire Black Palace collapsed autonomously, and at the same time the power exploded to the extreme.


Several bright crimson slashes swept out, cutting all the power apart.

The candidate snorted coldly and turned into a **** shadow directly, slashing towards Mu Qing!

He didn't suffer any serious injuries, and he recovered in a short period of time.

But Mu Qing had already accumulated strength.

He also didn't expect that the Black Palace could kill this candidate who possessed the power of the Holy Spirit's origin with a single move.

I saw Mu Qing's **** together, pointing to the candidate.


Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The candidate waved a huge sickle and continuously released half-moon slashes. The crimson power traversed the space, and the outside world trembled, but was intercepted by an invisible wall, unable to pass the slightest.

"What kind of trick is this?"

The pupils of the candidate shrank slightly, and the news from the Holy Kingdom had never been mentioned about Mu Qinghui's trick!

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing's speed was very fast, and he had appeared not far behind the candidate.

At this moment, Mu Qing was surrounded by a mysterious and hazy starry sky beyond the blue arrogance.

In order to quickly defeat the opponent, Mu Qing once again used the power of the starry sky demon in the maintenance of the fate form!

Strength soared!

Because Mu Qing's breath was difficult to capture, the candidate only reacted at this time, and it was already too late.

"Yin and Yang turn away!"

Along with Mu Qing's low voice, a dazzling light burst out from outside the world.

In an instant!

Ninety-nine real dragons of yin and yang hovered over the candidates! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1347 Yin and Yang turn off!) reading history, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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