Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1362: Fall of the Emperor

The Demon Ancestor's killing intent to the Emperor is definitely stronger than anyone present!

In the past, the Demon Ancestor was a figure comparable to the God of Heaven, the leader of the Demon Dao, the supreme powerhouse of the Supreme Nine Heavens!

When entering the dominion road, the devil ancestor did not expect that he would eventually be unable to return.

"You are probably not my opponent yet."

The emperor said solemnly.

He could see that the Demon Ancestor in front of him was just a phantom, not the main body descending at all.

What's more, the Demon Ancestor was the Supreme Nine Heavens back then, and now the Emperor is also the Supreme Nine Heavens.

Coupled with the attack energy that swallowed the Supreme Sage, the Supreme Laojun and others before, he now surpassed the ordinary Supreme Nine Heavens.

Even if the Demon Ancestor's body descends, he will be confident to deal with it!

"is it?"

The Demon Ancestor sneered, and at the same time, the Demon Sword trembled lightly and came to Mu Qing.

"Boy! Borrow your body for a use!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Demon Ancestor Xuying got into Mu Qing's body.

In an instant, Mu Qing felt a powerful force spread rapidly from his body.

Subconsciously, Mu Qing wanted to resist, but quickly reacted and gave up control of the body.


A terrifying demonic energy burst out from Mu Qing's body!

Mozu temporarily took over Mu Qing's body, and after a little movement, he grabbed the magic knife.

Suddenly, he lifted the magic knife and slashed it away!

The emperor naturally used the sword to resist. Although the demon ancestor came from the road of the master, he was also a powerhouse of the Supreme Nine Heavens. It was not so easy to swallow the opponent's attack!


However, the emperor's arm suffered severe pain, and a long and narrow wound appeared.

He quickly retreated, a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

"Your strength..."

The emperor's face was solemn.

After a short fight, he suddenly discovered that the strength of the Demon Ancestor was far beyond his imagination!

Even more powerful than his supreme Nine Heavens!

"how can that be?!"

The emperor was shocked, he was obviously only borrowing Mu Qing's body, but why is the strength of the Demon Ancestor so powerful?

According to the prediction of the Emperor of Heaven, the power of the demon ancestor of the Supreme Nineth Heaven, projected from the Domination Road, is at best better than the Supreme Eighth Heaven.

But this is clearly not the case now!

At the very least, it also has the strength of the Supreme Nine Heavens.

"You don't really think that it is just a projection, there is no power?"

The Demon Ancestor sneered, and then said: "As long as there is a medium, the power of the body can be brought down to the greatest extent. Although some power is still lost, it has not reached the Supreme Tenth Heaven, but it is enough to kill you."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked!

Supreme Ten Heaven? !

Could it be that the strength of the Demon Ancestor has surpassed the Supreme Nine Heavens and reached that illusory realm?

"Although there is no such realm in reality, but according to our ruling road, many supreme inferred that as long as it exceeds the supreme Nineth Heaven by more than ten times, it can be called the Supreme Tenth Heaven!"

Mozu said lightly.

Everyone was taken aback, and the strength was ten times that of the Supreme Nine Heavens!

This standard is considered the supreme tenth heaven!

The Demon Ancestor was holding a magic knife, and with an overwhelming aura, he slashed towards the Emperor of Heaven.

The Emperor of Heaven also exploded in strength, but it was an attempt to evade.

His strength is indeed strong, but in the previous battle, the old gentleman used the method of injury for injury, and at the same time he suffered heavy losses, it brought a lot of injuries to the Emperor of Heaven.

As a result, the emperor is not the opponent of the devil ancestor now!

"The devil laughs."

"Devil chaos."

"Devil crying in his heart."

The Demon Ancestor whispered in a low voice, the Senbai Devil Qi around him was extremely turbulent, and a terrifying demon shadow appeared behind him, letting out a howl of horror.

That demon shadow is infinitely magnified, and in the phantom is a skeleton, with countless demon air rushing up.

"Devil Bone Heavenly Lord!"


The Demon Ancestor roared.

The Demon Bone Heavenly Sovereign he summoned is huge, just holding a huge bone knife, it is much larger than a planet!

Surrounded by magic light, this bone knife is somewhat similar to the magic knife in the hands of the demon ancestor.

At the moment when the demon ancestor cut it down, a blade of light disappeared.

The emperor's eyelids jumped wildly, and the sword in his hand resisted the sword light, but then the devil bone Tianzun cut it down with a bone knife.

The real attack is coming now!

This bone knife can even pierce a planet. One can imagine how terrifying the power contained in such a huge bone knife!

The Hunyuan world was cut to pieces, and a huge gap stretched out, leading to the outside of the world.

The Emperor of Heaven could not escape, he could only use all his strength, the blazing light burst from his body, and he cut it away with a single sword!


Unimaginable huge power was transmitted, and the sword shattered in the moment of touching.

After the sword was broken, the Emperor of Heaven was hit back and coughed up a large amount of blood.

The Emperor of Heaven nowadays, where is the calm and breezy before.

As powerful as him, he was dishevelled at the moment, his clothes were shattered, half of his body was scorched, and even the old gentleman's purple fire was burning.

They are all the Supreme Nine Heavens, and Lao Jun is not so easy to deal with. No matter how powerful the Devouring Dao of the Emperor is, it will not be able to completely swallow the purple fire in such a short period of time.

What's more, it's still in battle!

"Swallow me!"

The expression of the emperor was a bit hideous and distorted. He swallowed the avenue directly behind him for nine days, condensing a huge swallowing mouth with both hands, desperately trying to swallow the bone knife.

The violent demon energy was swallowed, but this bone knife was extraordinary, even if the Emperor of Heaven tried his best, the progress of the swallowing was very slow.

In the distance, the demon ancestor showed a look of surprise.

He couldn't stay in the Chaos Universe for too long, so he tried his best when he came up, and even the body on the other side of the ruling road burned a lot of life to make this blow.

In the past years when fighting against the Emperor of Heaven, the Demon Ancestor had hidden this trick and did not perform it, but today, against the Emperor of Heaven, the Demon Ancestor directly used his own hole cards in one go.

Everything is to slay the Heavenly Emperor during the period of being rejected and rushing back to the dominion road!

The Demon Ancestor was a little surprised that the strength of the Heavenly Emperor was much more powerful than he had imagined.

The Emperor of Heaven had been injured by the old gentleman. It was not a serious injury, but it was definitely not a minor injury. Half of his body was completely blackened.

In this state, the Emperor of Heaven was still able to swallow the power of Demon Bone Heavenly Sovereign's move. Although it swallowed slowly, it was indeed very powerful.

"Puff puff!"

The emperor's cheeks shattered, and blood rushed out wildly.

On the body, there were wounds torn by devilish energy.

Even endangering his soul!

But the Emperor of Heaven roared, still trying his best to swallow the power on the bone knife.

Otherwise, you will definitely be split in half!

Unfortunately, the power of the Demon Ancestor surpassed him too much.

The emperor's body was full of cracks, and through these cracks, dazzling magic lights burst out of his body.

He reached the second limit!

When the first limit comes, the emperor can not only endure it, but can even take advantage of its power to take his strength to the next level.

But the second limit is not something he can bear now.

In an instant, the body of the Emperor of Heaven swelled violently.

The huge swallowing giant mouth disappeared at this moment.

Devour Avenue is out of control!

The bone knife severely slashed, and the monstrous demon energy spread across the Hunyuan realm in an instant.


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