Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1370: Immortal Avenue

Mu Qing did not leave the Void Wind Realm for the first time, but went to the location of the Chaos Temple.

According to the information obtained from the order of the Emperor of Heaven, the immortal avenue left by the Emperor of Heaven is in the Temple of Chaos!

In the Order of the Emperor of Heaven, there is also a way to cultivate a powerful supernatural power, that is, the Seal of the Emperor of Heaven.

The power of the Emperor's Seal, the Emperor of Heaven had already used it before, was very terrifying.

What's more, the version that the Emperor of Heaven cultivated was still incomplete, and the true Seal of the Emperor of Heaven needed the power of the Immortal Dao to be truly completed.

After all, the Seal of the Emperor of Heaven was created by the Emperor of Heaven with his immortal avenue as the core.

Mu Qing's time to obtain the Avenue of Stars is still short, unable to create such amazing magical powers.

However, relying on the supernatural power of Qi Luck is strong enough, and then learning the Seal of the Heavenly Emperor, the strength can still be improved.

The Chaos Temple is under the care of the Destroyer Party. Since the end of the battle of the Emperor of Heaven, the Holy Master of the Wind King and Chen Jiusheng have returned with a group of powerful men.

When Mu Qing came near the Chaos Temple, he happened to meet the Holy Master of the Wind King.

"How did you come."

The Lord of the Wind slid his long hair behind his back, and his pale golden eyes looked at Mu Qing somewhat unexpectedly.

She remembered that Mu Qing had already entered the Chaos Temple before.

There are restrictions on the Chaos Temple, and those who have entered will not be able to enter again after a period of time.

Chen Jiusheng had already entered the Chaos Temple before, but the Wind King Holy Master did not.

The Holy Master of the Wind King just came out of the chaos temple after finishing his training, his strength has improved to a certain extent, and his strength is now comparable to that of the Supreme Sixth Heaven.

"I want to re-enter the Temple of Chaos."

Mu Qing said.

The Lord of the Wind King was a little puzzled, "But the limits of the Chaos Temple..."

Mu Qing smiled lightly: "Try it, if it doesn't work, then forget it."

He has indeed entered the Chaos Temple before, and it stands to reason that he can't enter next.

However, Mu Qing still has the Order of the Emperor of Heaven.

This day, the Emperor Ling really only has the function of opening the road to dominate?

Mu Qing didn't believe it.

Chaos Temple was created by the first supreme, Chaos God.

But the God of Heaven is the second generation, and the two are the same person. Even the Great Avenue of Immortality was left in the Temple of Chaos by the Emperor of Chaos, so the Temple of Chaos should also recognize the Order of the Emperor of Heaven.

But everything is speculation, even if it is really impossible to enter, Mu Qing will not die.

The Holy Master of Wind King didn't stop it. This Chaos Temple was originally discovered by Mu Qing and King Hun, but because they happened to be in the Void Wind Realm, they managed it temporarily.

In the vicinity of the Chaos Temple, Mu Qing also saw a few extremely powerful people who killed the Saint Party. This group of people knew Mu Qing and immediately gave way.

In front of the gate of the Chaos Temple, Mu Qing stretched out his hand and was shaken by a force as soon as he touched it.

Of course, with his supreme realm strength, this power has no effect on him.

Mu Qing took out the order of the Emperor of Heaven, this time trying to urge the power of the order of the Emperor of Heaven.


The emperor's order shines with golden light!

Sure enough, as Mu Qing expected, the Order of the Emperor of Heaven is really useful!

The door of the Chaos Temple opened slowly, and the surrounding Chaos Qi surged back, opening the door as if welcoming the owner.

Mu Qing put away the order of the Emperor of Heaven, and once again entered the Temple of Chaos.

Looking at the starry sky and the hazy chaotic energy in front of him, Mu Qing immediately urged the fluctuation of his thinking and will, spreading out, looking for the whereabouts of the temple.

These ancient temples inside the Chaos Temple are all left over from the chaotic creatures of the past.

According to the information on the emperor's order, there is an ancient building in the nave of these temples, which was left by the emperor.

The Avenue of Immortality is hidden in it!

Mu Qing was fast, passing quickly in the chaos temple, looking for that special temple.

"Just ahead!"

It didn't take long for Mu Qing to find the target. It was a building with immortal energy. It was very different from other ancient temples in style. It was surrounded by golden light, but it was hidden in the chaotic energy, and it was impossible to observe from a distance. different.

The last time King Hun and Chen Jiusheng hadn't thoroughly explored the entire Chaos Temple, otherwise they would have discovered this special building at that time.

Mu Qing flashed away and appeared in front of the golden palace lingering in immortality.

The heaven and the earth in his hand trembles lightly, resonating, and he walks out, floating in front of the gate of the golden palace.

Immediately afterwards, the Emperor of Heaven burst out a beam of light and hit the palace gate directly.

The door, slowly open!

In the next moment, a golden beam of light blasted through the sky, running through the entire interior space of the Chaos Temple!

Mu Qing looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, an astonishing breath spread.

In the golden palace, a golden avenue that opens up to the sky appeared, and the five-clawed golden dragon hovered, making the sound of the dragon's roar that resounded throughout the world.

"This is... the Avenue of Immortality!"

Mu Qing's eyes flickered. So far, it was the second perfect road he had seen.

The immortal dragon hovered for a while, then fell into the main road.

In the entire golden palace, there is nothing but an immortal avenue!

Mu Qing looked at it, but didn't know how this immortal avenue was preserved.

Perhaps, as long as it is a perfect avenue, it can really be separated from the supreme itself and left behind for preservation.

Mu Qing hesitated, put away the order of the Emperor of Heaven, and strode into the golden palace.

In the main hall, Mu Qing looked at the immortal avenue in front of him, and couldn't help thinking.

"Can I... have double avenues like the Emperor of Heaven?"

In front of Perfect Avenue, Mu Qing was moved.

This is the Supreme Avenue of the God of Heaven!

Just a avenue of stars, in order to make it perfect, let the Emperor of Heaven pursue it for many years.

Now that the Avenue of Immortality is in front of him, Mu Qing can't help it.

The emperor's premeditated plan is no longer a secret.

The other party wanted to gather the power of the double avenues, an engulfing avenue with an increase of 90% close to perfection, and a avenue of stars that had an increase of 10% and was completely perfect.

Armed with double avenues, trying to break through to the dominance in one fell swoop!

Now Mu Qing also has this idea!

But soon, Mu Qing shook his head, dispelling this unrealistic idea.

The Emperor of Heaven is undoubtedly a genius!

Although Mu Qing's cultivation speed is top-notch, he still thinks he can't match the Emperor of Heaven.

Shuang Dadao is not so easy to have, without special means, the end will definitely be dead!

"Perhaps, even the Emperor of Heaven himself has a certain element of gambling."

Mu Qing guessed in a low voice.

He came to the front of Immortal Avenue, sat down cross-legged, intending to cultivate the Seal of the Emperor of Heaven.

According to the information passed to him by the Order of the Emperor of Heaven, the Seal of the Emperor of Heaven is a special magical power with three tricks.

Fist out, everything will fall!

Take it out and suppress all beings!

Point out, kill everything!

The reason why the Heavenly Emperor's Seal is incomplete is because there is no power of the Immortal Dao, so the power of ten is not one.

Now, with the help of the power of the Immortal Avenue, Mu Qing can cultivate a complete seal of the Emperor of Heaven!

Just when Mu Qing was about to cultivate the Seal of the Emperor of Heaven, the Immortal Avenue in front of him suddenly trembled, and a figure slowly walked out.

He was a middle-aged man, without the imperial majesty he imagined, but instead revealed an elegant atmosphere.

Mu Qing's body really trembled, and the figure in front of him was the God of Heaven!

The God of Heaven put his hands behind his back and said with a chuckle.

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