Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1373: Mozu's suspicion

Hunyuan world.

Demon, above the moon.

Xinrui, Tu Lao, Emperor Xingfeng and others gathered together, and everyone was sad.

In front of them, is the King of Chaos, whose size has shrunk to about three meters, and his whole body is wounded.

At the same time, the demon ancestor was also not far away, sitting on the white bone seat of the forest, enjoying himself.

Suddenly, the demon ancestor narrowed his eyes and looked towards the distant sky.

Xinrui and the others also noticed something and looked up quickly.

A starry sky avenue came across, Mu Qing's figure stepped out, and it was just around the corner!

"Finally here, where have you been? We have been unable to contact you."

When Lao Tu saw that it was Mu Qing, he was relieved.

"After opening the road to dominate, I took care of some things along the way."

Mu Qing was vague and didn't tell the specific itinerary, after all, it involved the Chaos Temple.

There is still an outsider like Demon Ancestor present, and Mu Qing doesn't want to expose the Chaos Temple.

"The King Hun has fallen. The King of Chaos is now hit hard and is in a state of fainting."

Xinrui looked serious, walked to Mu Qing's side, and informed of the situation here.

Mu Qing's expression is also a bit ugly.

The second king of chaos and him have a good relationship, especially when the other party is in the Hunyuan realm. There is no contradiction and conflict between the two sides, and they are basically on the same front.

The fall of the King Hun is not good news for Demon Realm.

Chaos King was hit hard and fell into a faint.

"Not only that, the land of chaos is almost destroyed, the chaotic creatures in it, I am afraid there is no life..."

Emperor Xingfeng said solemnly.

The strength of the evil gods was too terrifying, and no one of them could resist it at that time.

Even after the evil **** came out of the land of chaos, he planned to destroy the demon realm.

At the critical moment, the Demon Ancestor took action to resist the evil god, Xin Rui and the others and the entire Demon Realm barely survived.

Mu Qing looked at the Demon Ancestor at this time.

The Demon Ancestor stood up from the Nasen White Bone Seat, waved his hand, and the Bone Seat turned into a hazy devilish energy and spread away.

He looked at Mu Qing, a smile just appeared, he wanted to say something, but his smile soon solidified.

Mozu frowned and looked at Mu Qing meaningfully.

Combining what Mu Qing said before, I am afraid that Mu Qing did not return to the Demon Realm during this period, but went to see the God of Heaven!

The Demon Ancestor and the God of Heaven have fought for many years, and are very familiar with the aura of the God of Heaven.

Now Mu Qing still has the breath of the God of Heaven, and even the Demon Ancestor can feel the power of the Immortal Avenue!

"Sure enough, the emperor is not dead! Mu Qing has an unusual relationship with the emperor, is it the illegitimate child of the emperor?"

Demon ancestor secretly said in his heart.

He was still very jealous of the God of Heaven.

At the very least, the Demon Ancestor believed that even if he reached the Supreme Tenth Heaven, he was still not an opponent of the God of Heaven.

It may be able to resist, but it is still somewhat difficult to defeat the God of Heaven.

For the God of Heaven, everyone is very jealous, including the Demon Ancestor.

The current Mu Qing is nothing in the eyes of the Demon Ancestor, but a supreme fellow who can crush and kill at will.

However, after being aware of the situation in the Hunyuan Realm, the demon ancestor rushed over immediately and stopped the evil god.

All this is based on the face of the Emperor God.

In fact, the Demon Ancestor noticed that Mu Qing had the weak aura of the God of Heaven and the power of the Immortal Dao, and he immediately understood that Mu Qing had definitely seen the deity of the God of Heaven recently.

Now in the entire universe, I am afraid that only Mu Qing knows that the God of Heaven is actually dead.

"Thanks for the shot."

Mu Qing expressed gratitude to the Demon Ancestor, but there was a trace of alertness in his eyes.

The Demon Ancestor first helped him because the Demon Ancestor himself had an enmity with the Emperor.

But this time, the Mozu suddenly shot, which made him feel a little unusual.

Perhaps the Demon Ancestor had other premeditated plans, which Mu Qing had to guard against!

"After all, you opened the way to dominate. Old Jian said that he owes you a favor, and I naturally do too."

"Helping you this time is a return to your favor for opening the way to dominate."

Mozu looked at Mu Qing deeply, without breaking.

When he came to Hunyuan Realm, he himself wanted to find out whether the God Emperor was still alive.

Now, he almost knew it in his heart.

"Although you are kind to me, I hope you will understand that now that the monster race and the magic way return, we won't hide and build up our army."

"Demon Race or Demon Dao, there may be one side that will look at your Hunyuan Realm, and the army will attack and fight for control."

"If it were me, maybe it would keep you alive, but that fellow Yaoyan Supreme is not necessarily so."

Mozu said lightly.

He waved his hand, bid farewell to Mu Qing, and went away. Before leaving, he reached out with his big hand and grabbed a ferocious beast from the void.

The Devouring Demon wailed a few times, and was controlled by the Demon Ancestor, grabbing and leaving the Demon Domain.

Mu Qing thought about the words of the demon ancestor.

What the Mozu said was only a possibility.

The return of the monster race and the magic way, it is naturally impossible to do nothing, at least it must be entrenched in the same world.

Of course, the possibility of staring at him is still relatively low.

In the eyes of Yaoyan Supreme and Demon Ancestor, Mu Qing stood behind the God of Heaven.

Secondly, Jianxin Supreme promised to give Mu Qing a favor. As long as Mu Qing summoned Jianxin Supreme, he would also be a helper of Supreme Ten Heaven.

However, he still needs to be cautious.

"You go to the land of chaos and see if there are any other chaotic creatures alive. Let the king of chaos leave it to me."

Mu Qing turned around and ordered Xinrui and the others to go to the land of chaos.

The Chaos King was seriously injured, and Mu Qing planned to use the resurrection ability of the Starry Sky Demon God to treat him.

It is a pity that through the power of air transport, the supernatural power of the undead after the resurrection ability is advanced can only be used against Mu Qing himself, otherwise, with the undead's ability to recover from the sky, the Chaos King's injury can be healed faster.

One month later, after Mu Qing repeatedly urged his resurrection ability, the King of Primal Chaos finally awakened!

"Evil God!"

As soon as the King of Chaos woke up, he roared, and the violent Chaos Qi rushed into the sky.

"calm down."

Mu Qing shouted in a low voice.

Although the King of Primal Chaos was awakened, he was still in a state of serious injury.

The evil **** controlled the original power of the Holy Spirit, and it took Mu Qing a month to get rid of the original power of the Holy Spirit in the Chaos King.

After a while, King Chaos finally calmed down.

"Thank you."

The King of Primal Chaos first expressed his gratitude to Mu Qing, and then sighed to the sky.

"The land of chaos is completely gone."

The King of Primal Chaos was melancholy. His long-time friend, King King, was killed by evil gods under his eyes.

Mu Qing didn't know what to say in the sidelines.

He had asked Xinrui and others to go to the Chaos Land to check the situation, but now the entire Chaos Land is in a mess, the Chaos Qi is lacking, and it is almost completely destroyed by the evil gods.

Except for the King of Chaos, none of the Chaos creatures survived!

The King of Chaos clenched his fists, holding back his hatred, and said in a deep voice: "The evil **** has not found the origin of the chaos, and the origin is not in the land of chaos. This is the only good news for us."

If the evil **** gains the origin of chaos, his strength will really surpass the Supreme Ten Heavens. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1373 Mozu's Suspicion), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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