Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1384: Suppress the top sacred stone veins

"Two supreme?"

After Mu Qing heard what Chen Jiusheng said, he felt a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the Supreme was born again in the universe.

To know the appearance of the Supreme, the movement is still very big.

The Great Emperor Gufeng in the Heavenly Court broke through to the Supreme, and is now called the Immeasurable Supreme.

Mu Qing thought carefully, it was not surprising that Emperor Gufeng broke through to the Supreme.

The opponent's own strength is quite strong, and among the extreme peaks, it is considered the top one.

After this period of time, Gu Feng reached half the supreme, and broke through the supreme, it is not shocking news.

However, the identity of the other Supreme is unknown, which makes Mu Qing feel a little curious.

Now the forms of various circles in the universe seem to be getting more and more complicated, and even the supreme of unknown identity has appeared.

If it is a demon world or a person in the demon world, it is reasonable to say that they will not deliberately hide their identity.

"Perhaps, there is still a mysterious hidden force. Could it be that the unknown supreme comes from the black world?"

Mu Qing couldn't help but speculate.

On the Qi Luck List, the Black World ranks very high, and it is completely unknown that a powerful force is suspected to exist in it.

And the supreme, whose identity is unknown, might come from the black world.

"Emperor, how are the whereabouts of Wuliangzhizun and others?"

Mu Qing habitually called him Gufeng the Great, but after another thought, the other party had already broken through to the supreme, and the previous name no longer applied.

Just like the Slaughter Emperor, after breaking through the Supreme, everyone called him Slaughter Supreme.

Mu Qing wanted to learn from Chen Jiusheng the whereabouts of the guys in the original Heavenly Court.

After the Emperor of Heaven fell, the Heavenly Court was already falling apart.

Just like the Starry Empire back then, Heavenly Court suffered similarly, being invaded by various forces and sharing the benefits.

Especially the Demon Ancestor, who originally had an enmity with the Emperor of Heaven, naturally would not be merciful!

However, Mu Qing knew that those strong men in Heavenly Court had not died yet, for some reason, the Demon Ancestor let them go.

What he wanted to know now was whether Gu Feng, the group of strong men from the Heavenly Court, would resurrect or disperse separately.

Of course, even Mu Qing felt that the possibility of a resurgence was very small.

Because the Emperor of Heaven is a self-conscious guy, he never manages the Heavenly Court very much, only giving his own orders.

As a result, few powerhouses in the Heavenly Court really surrendered to the Emperor of Heaven.

Perhaps, the fall of the Emperor of Heaven is a relief for Gu Feng and others!

Hearing Mu Qing’s question, Chen Jiusheng smiled and said: "After the heavens collapsed, a group of strong men gathered together, including the lord of the fairy palace, the lord of the thunder palace, etc., and Gu Feng, the immeasurable supreme. The leader is temporarily active in all sectors of the universe."

"I heard that both the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm have visited them some time ago, and even gave them extremely high rewards, wanting to draw them into their camp."

Mu Qing was taken aback for a moment, but never expected that Gu Feng and others seemed to have turned into sweet and sour pork?

"What do the Demon Realm and Demon Realm want to do? Not only to win over the ancient immortal realm, but also Gu Feng and the others!"

Mu Qing frowned, not understanding.

Chen Jiusheng smiled lightly: "I'm afraid you have felt some oppression, right?"

"They all regard each as their enemies, and it is undeniable that the overall power of the Holy Kingdom is also very powerful. In addition, the Demon Flame Supreme and the Demon Ancestor have seen the Qi Luck List and discovered that the black world is special, and they feel that the universe There is a potential enemy in it."

"Furthermore, both the ancient immortal world and the ancient peak have supreme powerhouses."

"No matter which force is concerned, supreme is the most important combat force!"

After thinking about it, Chen Jiusheng looked at Mu Qing with a smile, and said, "I think, soon, the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm will even find you. Fortunately, our Sacred Party has no reputation outside, so we won’t be disturbed. To."

Chen Jiusheng told Mu Qing's remarks, which actually gave Mu Qing a preparation.

At that time, if you want to refuse, your attitude should not be too blunt, otherwise you will offend the Demon Realm or the Demon Realm, and the trouble will be great.


Mu Qing nodded, and then bid farewell to Chen Jiusheng.

He opened the way with the Avenue of Stars, the speed was extremely fast, and he soon returned to the Hunyuan realm.

Coming to the sky over the Demon Realm, Mu Qing took out the diamond-shaped crystal, and the crimson light burst out through the palm of his hand.


Mu Qing directly smashed the diamond-shaped crystal in his hand, and then a golden dragon hovered out, making a shaking sound.

This movement immediately attracted many creatures in the Demon Realm.

On the moon, Tu Lao, Xinrui, Xingfeng Great Emperor and others also raised their heads and looked at Mu Qing in surprise.

"It's Mu Qing, strange? What is he doing with such a big movement?" Xin Rui was a little surprised.

Old Tu seemed to have noticed something, his body trembled and he said a little excitedly: "That's not right! This pure energy fluctuation!"

"It's the top sacred stone vein!"

"Mu Qing has succeeded! He has captured a top sacred stone vein from the Indestructible Mountain so quickly!"


Xinrui and the Great Emperor Xingfeng were taken aback, and then, under careful induction, they did discover that it was the aura of the top sacred stone vein.

Suddenly, joyful expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

Their Demon Territory was still a bit far from the supreme power.

But now, Mu Qing broke through the Supreme, and got another top sacred stone vein!

The conditions of the supreme forces are all met!

This also means that their Demon Realm has officially crossed into the ranks of the supreme forces at this moment!

"Everyone of the Demon Realm, don't panic, the domain owner is arranging the top sacred stone veins. After today, my Demon Realm will be promoted to the supreme power!

Elder Tu shouted, his voice spread throughout the entire Demon Realm.

Suddenly, the creatures in the entire Demon Realm boiled.


The top sacred stone vein turned into a golden dragon, roaring, and fleeing away.

It has instinctive consciousness and knows that it is not Mu Qing's opponent.

But at this time, Mu Qing naturally wouldn't let the top sacred stone veins just run away, raising his hand to condense the power of the endless starry sky.

Suddenly, he stretched out his palm, his body was golden and majestic, and the immortal dragon hovered in his palm.

The avenue of stars penetrated the sky and the sky was blessed by the power of the stars, and the palm of the hand became bigger and bigger.

Mu Qing displayed the second form of the Heavenly Seal, with a huge palm covering the top sacred stone veins.

A golden dragon and an immortal dragon are fighting in the palm of the hand, but it is clear that the golden dragon transformed from the top sacred stone vein is not an opponent.

Accompanied by a wailing, the top sacred stone veins dimmed, and they were directly suppressed by Mu Qing's palm and plunged into the depths of the moon.


All the creatures in the Demon Realm saw this scene, their hearts trembled, and they felt how terrifying the power of the supreme powerhouse was!

Immediately afterwards, when the top sacred stone ore vein was suppressed by Mu Qing into the depths of the moon, a terrifying energy tide swept away.

In the entire Demon Realm, the energy level between heaven and earth has risen dozens of times! Starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1384 Suppression of Top Divine Stone Veins), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support ! (

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