Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1398: Perceive the invisible evil spirit


The sand crocodile's speed is quite fast. Although it is cruel and has no intelligence, it has some ability. It dives into the sand, burrows out quickly, and bites on Mu Qing's thigh.

Immediately afterwards, the sand crocodile turned its body, intending to roll with death, directly crushing Mu Qing's thigh!


The dust was everywhere, and Mu Qing exploded directly. Under the third-order destiny form, his strength surged. Holding the dragon knife of the immortal road, while the sand crocodile had not completely rolled up, he severely cut it down, **** light. Splashing, from mouth to tail, cut in half!

The blood of the sand crocodile splashed on Mu Qing's body, but was quickly melted by the pale golden arrogance of Mu Qing's body.

"What a tenacious vitality!"

Mu Qing frowned and looked at the sand crocodile that had been cut in half on the sand, still wriggling over there, even condensing a wave of demons, intending to continue attacking Mu Qing.

It can be said that if Mu Qing hadn't had the Immortal Avenue, it would be really difficult to break through the defenses of these guys.

"As long as the strength of these monster races does not surpass me, I can help weaken them and make their defense power attenuate a lot." The red monster carried a big banner, and as he injected the monster power, it gently shook it, red. The brilliance spread.


It can be seen that the roars of the sand crocodiles have become weak, and their movements have slowed down a lot.

Mu Qing raised his hand with a punch and slammed it on the other supreme sand crocodile, only to see its skin cracked and blood popping out.

He glanced at the Red Demon unexpectedly.

This guy's ability does not seem to be combat type, but auxiliary!

After the red light of the red demon spread, the defense of these sand crocodiles was indeed weakened!

Originally, Mu Qing's own strength was suppressed. Even in the Tier 3 Destiny Form, he could not break the defense of the sand crocodile with his bare hands, only relying on the power of the Immortal Avenue.

But now, he can injure the sand crocodile with a random punch!


After Mu Qing punched the sand crocodile, he was immediately angry and got into the sand. The next moment he suddenly rushed out of the sand behind Mu Qing, opened his blood basin and opened his mouth to bite Mu Qing's head. .

However, Mu Qing reacted in this moment, and the immortal road in his hand had turned from a long knife into a long spear.


The immortal spear pierced through the sand crocodile's body suddenly, and immediately after Mu Qing turned his spear, a terrifying force surged along and directly blasted the sand crocodile's body.

The most powerful of this group of sand crocodiles is the two supreme one that Mu Qing has dealt with just now, and the other strongest are comparable to the extreme emperor.

Looking at the remaining dozen sand crocodiles, Mu Qing's eyes were cold, and he raised his hand to show the yin and yang turn away.

Nearly ten thousand Yin-Yang true dragons suddenly roared out, and the shocking scenes shocked the Red Demon, and couldn't help but step back a few steps.

There were wailing sounds, and dozens of sand crocodiles were all strangled to death.

There was a blood stain on the sand, and even the corpse was not left behind, all was wiped out!

The Red Demon put away the banner and strode to the side of Mu Qing with a distressed expression on his face, saying: "You shouldn't kill those sand crocodiles together with their bodies."

He was extremely painful, if you know that the corpses of the monster beasts, they are all pure monsters!

"Fortunately, the two corpses of the two supreme monster beasts still remain."

Soon the red demon picked up the two demon beast corpses and used the banner to refine them, and soon two groups of pure demon aura appeared.

Because Mu Qing is not a demon clan, the Red Demon is not polite to Mu Qing anymore, and directly swallows the two pure demon qi, and immediately reveals a comfortable look on his face.

"How much can you recover from these evil spirits?"

Mu Qing was a little curious. Judging from the brief battle just now, the Red Demon saved the demon power in his body very much, and at best used some auxiliary methods to help Mu Qing fight.

He didn't believe that the Red Demon really didn't have the slightest fighting power.

A bitter smile appeared on the red demon's face.

"Not much. If I really do one shot, it would take ten Supreme One Heavenly Monster Beast corpses to extract the pure monster energy before I can recover."

"So under normal circumstances, I want to retain as much demon power as possible, because I have seen too many creatures being eaten away by invisible demon energy after their energy is exhausted."

Chi Yao explained.

He wants to live in it, it's too difficult!

Always stare at the energy in your body to keep the demon power in your body enough.

Even every shot is a careful calculation, not dare to expend some demon power.

The Red Demon is good at supporting methods, and because of this, cooperating with Mu Qing can not only save demon power, but also easily defeat the group of sand crocodile monsters.

Mu Qing nodded and glanced at the red flag beside the Scarlet Demon.

It seemed that the opponent's supreme device was not as powerful as he had imagined.

The energy required for one shot can be replenished with the corpses of ten supreme monster beasts.

This scarlet demon usually slaughtered a large number of monster beasts of extreme realm to supplement the demon power in the body.

After the question, Mu Qing communicated with the Avenue of Stars and absorbed the energy of the universe.

The characteristics of Perfect Dao, even the Underworld Demon Realm could not stop it. Although it was not so exaggerated in the outside world, within a few minutes, Mu Qing recovered all the lost energy to ensure that his state was in full bloom.

The Red Demon sensed some situations on the side, and cast his envious eyes on Mu Qing.

Waiting for the time for the red demon to refine the two groups of pure demon qi, Mu Qing also tried to adapt to the environment here.

From the very beginning, he couldn't perceive anything at all. So far, Mu Qing has vaguely perceives the existence of invisible monster energy.

this is a good news!

The most terrifying thing about the invisible demon is that it cannot be detected.

At this time, the invisible demon energy is the most terrifying. It will eat away the energy and flesh in the body silently, and eventually the spirits will be eaten away completely, and everything becomes nourishment, which can nourish more invisible demon energy.

And once you can detect the invisible demon energy, you can try to resist, so that the suppression and encroachment of the invisible demon energy will not be so serious.

Mu Qing stood up and felt the state again.

After being able to detect the invisible demon energy, his suppressed strength has indeed recovered a lot, including the speed at which the energy in his body is eroded.

However, suppression still exists.

If Mu Qing's strength broke out in the outside world, he might be able to fight against the powerhouse of the Supreme Four Heavens!

But now, it can only be comparable to the Supreme Double Heaven.

This suppression is already very serious.

"It seems that in this Underworld Demon Realm, only the form of destiny can be used to fight."

Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

Only in the form of destiny, the suppression is not that serious, and the next battle will mainly rely on the form of destiny.

"This Underworld Demon Realm is full of invisible monster energy..."

Mu Qing looked around, and through limited perception, all the surroundings were invisible monsters! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1398 Perception of Invisible Demons), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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