Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1406: Thunderstorm

"He doesn't want his life!" The Red Demon exclaimed when he saw King Sand Scorpion's actions.

Mu Qing also looked over there.

The desert scorpions in the sand island are entrenched, and in this sandy desert, they are the only special ethnic group.

Under the management of the wise demon clan, Sand Scorpion King, the desert scorpions in these sand islands will not wander around in the sandy desert like other irrational demon races.

But it was precisely because the king sand scorpion possessed wisdom, it also harmed himself.

Where did the sand scorpion king who have been living in the sandy desert know about the monster sea disaster, and the sand scorpion king who has never seen such a vision in the sandy desert, naturally sent the monsters under his hands to investigate.

As a result, the monsters sent there moved, and the Monster Sea Disaster Elima released thunder and lightning, blasting these monsters to death.

When the king of sand scorpion saw that all of his men had died, he was furious, and immediately rushed out of the sand island, and even more expansively rushed to the cloud-covered thunder and lightning in the sky!

Seeing this scene, Mu Qing and the Red Demon both silently mourned for it.

This is just looking for death!

As an aboriginal of the Demon Realm of the Underworld, King Sand Scorpion wouldn't attract sandstorms even if it was high in the sky, and had no effect at all.

Mu Qing and the Red Demon both watched the actions of King Sand Scorpion.

The strength of King Sand Scorpion has reached the Supreme Fifth Heaven, and the power of Demon Sea Calamity is also at this level.

So is the sand scorpion king turning the tide and smashing the monster sea disaster, or the monster sea disaster killing the sand scorpion king?

Not only Mu Qing, but even the Red Demon was curious.

However, the ending was crueler than they thought.

As soon as the sand scorpion king rushed into the sky, dark clouds rolled, lightning was dense, countless thunder and lightning intertwined, making a scoffing sound, the power of terror shattered the surrounding space, and the dark space cracks one after another, traversing the sky and the earth.

An astonishing demon gas erupted from Sand Scorpion King's body, and the dark green demon light rendered most of the sky green.

Mu Qing looked up, and the sky was golden on one side and green on the other.

But soon, countless golden thunder and lightning intertwined in the dark clouds, condensing into a huge ferocious electric dragon.


The electric dragon pierced the sky, and flashes of lightning pierced the space, and black cracks appeared.

King Sand Scorpion stepped forward, but after being close, he suddenly noticed a fatal threat!

Immediately afterwards, the pair of demon pupils of King Sand Scorpion were full of fear, and the majestic aura that was originally created stagnated, and immediately turned around.

But that ferocious electric dragon would not let it go, and rushed directly behind it with a bang!

Hit instantly!

The golden electric light dazzled the eyes and exploded in mid-air.

Mu Qing and the Red Demon couldn't help closing their eyes. After a while, they opened them vaguely. The sand scorpion king in the sky was scorched and screamed, falling to the ground with a bang!


Another thunder and lightning fell, like an electric python, although it was not as powerful as the previous electric dragon, but at any rate it was comparable to the power of the Supreme Five Heaven, and landed on the body of the sand scorpion king.


The King Sand Scorpion itself was severely injured, and it directly penetrated its hard shell, and a blood hole appeared.

Mu Qing and the Red Demon looked terrified, but they also admired the courage of King Sand Scorpion.

"It's not dead yet?"

Mu Qing looked at the coke-like sand scorpion king on the ground, a little surprised.

The ordinary thunder and lightning of the monster sea disaster is comparable to the Supreme Five Heavens, but just now, at least there can be the Supreme Six Heavens or even the Supreme Seven Heavens!

This dark cloud has been accumulating lightning power and intends to release thunderstorms at the last minute, but it does not mean that more powerful attacks will not be carried out.

"There is still a breath, but not far from death."

The Crimson Demon spoke.

The King Sand Scorpion still had a trace of life now, but it was because he was lying on the ground and unable to move, and he couldn't even make a scream, so the Monster Sea Calamity didn't pay any attention to it anymore.

Mu Qing looked jealous.

Because he discovered that after he entered this Underworld Demon Realm, he could also obtain the power of luck by killing some demon races, not to mention the refining and violent invisible demon energy.

However, the power of luck to kill Yaozu is relatively small, which can only be said to be a drop in the bucket for Mu Qing.

But as long as it is a monster of the supreme realm, the power of luck that Mu Qing can obtain is still considerable.

Especially the strength of the Sand Scorpion King in front of him, the Supreme Five Heavens, if Mu Qing can kill, the power of plundering luck must be very huge.

"Speaking of which, can the power of the Qi Luck List radiate even this Underworld Demon Realm?"

Mu Qing suddenly thought of a question and touched his chin.

He can still plunder Qi Luck in this Underworld Demon Realm, but can the ability of the Qi Luck List really affect this?

Mu Qing remained skeptical.

He even felt that his ability to continue plundering Qi Luck was not the influence of the Qi Luck List, but the special secret of thinking!

Just as he could refine the violent invisible demon energy to obtain luck before, it was because of the special secret method of thinking that he gained the ability to plunder his luck.

"If this is the case, will the master of the Qi Luck List also be someone with a secret method of thinking?"

Such an idea suddenly popped out of Mu Qing's mind.

But he was quickly dismissed.

Not too possible!

The secret method of thinking was perfected by his ninth-generation Star Sky Supreme, and no one else should have it.


In the distance, the lightning in the dark clouds accumulated more and more.

The Red Demon took a deep breath and said, "The thunderstorm is about to start!"

Mu Qing was also very nervous, looking at the dark clouds in the distance.

The lightning is intertwined above, condensed into an electric ball.

This electric ball is expanding at a very alarming rate.

"Get ready, when the time comes, there will be one and two breath opportunities, as long as you grasp it in place, there is such a possibility of survival!"

"At that time, I won't take care of you. If the disaster is about to fly, maybe you will die or I will die.

The Red Demon took a deep breath, "Of course, the greatest possibility is that the two of us will die together!"

He informed Mu Qing in advance that he would not help Mu Qing even if he had spare capacity.

At this kind of life and death, you can only look at your own abilities!

Mu Qing nodded, this is also his thought.

At this moment, the electric ball has expanded to the size of 10,000 meters, and there are still dashes of thunder and lightning galloping far away on the dark clouds.

At this time, the monster sea calamity was still attacking those moving monster races.

This time the monster sea is in disaster, I don't know how many monsters will fall in the sandy desert!

"It's going to start!"


The red demon's face was extremely solemn, he gathered his demon power and carried the red banner.

Mu Qing also stared at the huge electric ball.


All the dark clouds were sucked into the electric ball, and the whole electric ball expanded dozens of times again!

But the next moment, the electric ball shrank suddenly and became a fist-sized electric ball, but the light that burst out was extremely shining!

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