Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1410: Find the King of Chaos and the Supreme Slaughter

Four silver-white water snakes surrounded Mu Qing, with terrible magical power flowing on his body, and while the tail was waving, a monster wave was set off and pounced towards Mu Qing.

The strength of these four silver-white snakes is probably about the Supreme One, but they are more threatening than the monster race on the sandy desert side, making people shudder.

Mu Qing frowned slightly, and he could indeed clearly feel the strength of these four monster beasts.

But it is a pity that for Mu Qing, who has now reached the fourth-order destiny form, it is not worth mentioning!

"Black Palace!"

When Mu Qing raised his hand, the power of the twisted black hole gathered together, and a huge pitch-black palace trapped the four silver-white snakes, and the power of horror strangulation suddenly burst!


The black palace exploded, and the four silver-white snakes bleed all over, and fell into the monster sea amidst the screams.


Even in this Underworld Emperor Demon Realm, with the current strength of Mu Qing, he could easily kill the Supreme First Heaven Demon Beast in an instant.

In the fourth-order destiny form, Mu Qing's Qi Luck supernatural powers were also greatly improved.

"As soon as I entered the monster sea, I encountered four supreme monster beasts. I don't know if I will encounter terrible enemies after deepening."

Mu Qing frowned slightly. In this monster sea, any small fish possessed the strength of an extremely great emperor.


Suddenly at this moment, a bolt of lightning fell and hit Mu Qing's side.

The Monster Sea suddenly surged, and a big wave hit Mu Qing directly.

This movement frightened Mu Qing, of course, the big wave of the monster sea could not really hurt Mu Qing.

He glanced at it, and the monster fish nearby had turned their white belly, and at least the strength of the Great Emperor's realm was bombarded and killed by this lightning strike.

"Couldn't it be so unlucky?"

The corners of Mu Qing's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at the boundless sea of ​​monsters. In the far high altitude, dark clouds shrouded in the sky, and a series of ferocious thunder and lightning opened the sky.

This look seems to be a sea disaster!

Mu Qing remained motionless, but he was a little uncertain. This scene was indeed similar to the monster sea disaster, but it did not seem to be that big.

He didn't know if it was a demon sea disaster.

After all, he hadn't been in this Underworld Demon Realm for long, and he didn't even understand some things here.

"It seems... it's not the monster sea disaster?"

After Mu Qing hesitated for a while, he strode forward, but did not attract any lightning.

He quickly breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that it was not the monster sea disaster he had encountered before.



Soon, with lightning and thunder, the pouring rain fell, and the environment above the monster sea changed if it changed, and the rainstorm immediately fell.

It was like a black cloud pressed into a general sense of oppression, even making Mu Qing a little bit unable to breathe.


Lightning slammed down, but it was not aimed at Mu Qing.

Mu Qing could even see that there were some dark shadows passing by under the monster sea, exuding a terrible aura, but they were fleeing, seeming to be alarmed by the thunder and lightning.

Moreover, most of the sea beast monster clan was struck by lightning, and the blood immediately flowed out, and the corpse floated on the monster sea.

But soon, Yaohai cannibalized these corpses, and in the blink of an eye, they could not see anything.

As if nothing happened!

Mu Qing squinted his eyes, he looked around, turquoise and hazy. With the appearance of heavy rain, his field of vision became lower and lower.

"This rain..."

Mu Qing quickly noticed something wrong. He has been maintaining the fourth-order destiny form, and under this heavy rain, even the golden arrogance could not resist. The raindrops fell on the broken golden arrogance and fell on the body, directly corroding Out of a blood hole!

Mu Qing immediately used the power of the Starry Sky Demon God, and a layer of starry sky phantom was wrapped in the outer layer of the golden arrogance, which resisted the corrosive power of this torrential rain. At the same time, he used the power of the undead to restore his injuries.

He looked around, and when he didn't pay attention, he felt that he was in an extremely harsh environment. The whole world seemed to be howling ghosts and wolves. A flash of lightning struck down suddenly, which shocked him.

Although the lightning under this heavy rain did not deliberately target Mu Qing, Mu Qing is still very vigilant. If he is accidentally struck, it is not a joke, it is likely to be severely injured!

"Whirring whirring!"

At this time, a violent wind was blowing in. This demon wind was coming strangely. I didn't know where it came from, and it seemed to come from all directions.

The demon wind slammed on Mu Qing's body, painful like a knife cut, blood stains appeared on his body.

"For terrible demon power, this is also derived from invisible demon energy?"

Mu Qing's face was solemn, and he found that even if he didn't encounter the powerful Monster Sea Monster Clan, the harsh weather above the Monster Sea would be enough for him to eat a pot.

Mu Qing immediately urged his power, and at the same time rushed out of the Avenue of Stars behind him, trying to recover his lost energy as much as possible.

Fortunately, Mu Qing was able to reach the fourth-order destiny form before, otherwise he would very likely fall and die under this heavy rain!

In this way, Mu Qing was speeding aimlessly above the monster sea, like a golden light passing by.

However, Mu Qing didn't encounter any monster beasts again. Perhaps under this harsh rainstorm environment, all the monster beasts in the monster sea were hidden or left.

In this way, after about a day or so, the torrential rain finally stopped, and Mu Qing finally let out a long sigh of relief.

It's finally over!

Fortunately, Mu Qing didn't suffer too much injury, it just consumed a lot of energy.

But this is nothing to Mu Qing, relying on the power of the Avenue of Stars, he can recover in a short time.

Moreover, because of the fourth-order destiny form, the Nether Emperor Demon Realm now has no more cannibalization of Mu Qing. At most, it only suppresses Mu Qing's strength and prevents him from exerting 100% power like the outside world.

Mu Qing sat on the demon sea, moving with the waves, quickly recovering the energy in his body.

When he recovered all his energy, he started to set off again. After about half a day, he suddenly saw a silhouette on the endless sea of ​​monsters!

The outline of the island!

Mu Qing touched his chin. The island on the sea of ​​demon didn't know if it was dangerous.

It is very possible that there is a rare beast with intelligence on it, and once it passes, it may not be necessary to encounter a terrible enemy.

When Mu Qing hesitated, he also gradually approached that island, and suddenly discovered that there were a number of dark shadows above the island, two of which were very familiar!

"Supreme Slaughter? King of Chaos?!"

Mu Qing's face was suddenly happy, but he didn't expect to meet them at this time! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this reading record (Find the King of Chaos and the Supreme Slaughter in Chapter 1410), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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