Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1414: Unexpected two

The movement of the Demon Realm of the Underworld, even the demon realm outside was aware of it.

Yaoyan Supreme has a majestic face, stepping forward, his eyes are divine flames, burning everything.

"Elder Jian, why come to my demon world to make trouble!"

When Demon Yan Supreme stepped into the Demon Realm of the Underworld Emperor, he said something like this, spreading all over the surrounding area.

He could feel that the power generated in the Underworld Demon Realm belonged to Jianxin Supreme.

This shocked Yaoyan Zhizun's heart, because there has been no news of Jianxin Zhizun since he came out of Domination Road. Even he and Mozu, the supreme tenth heavenly powerhouse, do not know what Jianxin Zhizun is doing. .

As a result, the Demon Flame Supreme suddenly discovered that a terrible power erupted in the Underworld Emperor's Demon Realm, which was exactly the same as Jianxin Supreme's power!

Wherever the Demon Yan Supreme could sit still, he rushed over immediately.

He had some contradictions with his master Nether Emperor Demon, and he hadn't visited Master in the Nether Emperor Demon Realm for many years.

Previously, sending Mu Qing and others to the Demon Realm of Underworld Emperor wanted to use the hands of his master to kill Mu Qing and others.

However, I am afraid that the Demon Flame Supreme never expected that the Underworld Demon, who was a demon clan, was suddenly curious about the outside world. He did not kill Mu Qing in the first place, and finally let Mu Qing crush the sword light.

"Demon Yan?"

"Your strength..."

The Underworld Demon looked at You Yan Zhizun with a stunned mouth. He swallowed after feeling the terrifying aura of the opponent, his face was full of shock.

As the former master of Yaoyan Supreme, he naturally knew it well.

But now, the breath that the Underworld Demon felt from Yaoyan Supreme was very strange.

This kind of power completely surpassed the Supreme Nine Heavens!

"Don't you..."

The Dark Emperor Demon's eyes widened, and some did not dare to say anything.

He suspected that Yaoyan Supreme had reached a realm that did not exist in the legend.

Supreme Ten Heaven!

Yaoyan Supreme snorted coldly, and did not reply, the relationship between the two was not very good.

The Underworld Demon was still in shock.

"You deal with that dragon, I will solve the others."

The scorching gaze of Yaoyan Supreme swept away, and everything was gathered in his eyes, and he probably understood what was going on.

He was indeed negligent.

It was only then that I remembered that when he came out of Domination Road, Jianxin Supreme said that he owed Mu Qing a favor, so he gave Mu Qing a sword of light.

Yaoyan Zhizun didn't care much at the time, but now he finally thinks about it.

It turned out that it was not that Jianxin Supreme suddenly came to the demon world, but that Mu Qing who was teleported to the Nether Emperor Demon World used that sword light.

Don't think this is just a sword light, but he is the sword light of the supreme powerhouse of the Supreme Ten Heaven.

The power erupted from this sword light was not something that the Demon Realm of the Underworld Emperor could resist. If it appeared in the Demon Realm, it would cause even greater impact.

After hearing Yaoyan Supreme's words, the Underworld Demon didn't object.

Within the Yaozu, the strongest is the greatest. Now Yaoyan Supreme is the one in charge of the Yaozu, and the strength is even higher than him, so he has no room for rebuttal.

Moreover, this matter was also caused by him. If he simply killed Mu Qing directly, there would not be so many things.

The Underworld Demon rushed directly to the demon sea dragon, his face was solemn, and he was ready for a battle.

Although his current strength is not very good in the realm of the Supreme Nineth Heaven, and he is not the opponent of the monster sea dragon, but he can still do a fight for a while.

After all, the monster sea dragon does not have much wisdom, and the attack method is also very simple.

If it is really fighting, maybe the Underworld Demon is not necessarily an opponent, but it can still be done after entanglement for a while.

Although he and Yaoyan Supreme had a contradiction, it was impossible for Yaoyan Supreme to watch the Demon Emperor's death.

After all, for the monster race, the Underworld Demon is also a powerful combat unit.

"You open the way to dominate and release me to wait. You should have been kind to me. It's a pity that you shouldn't get too close to the group of demon ancestors."

Yaoyan Zhizun was bathed in flames, and a nine-headed dragon was dormant in the sea of ​​fire burning behind him.

He completely ignored the King of Chaos and the Supreme Slaughter, his eyes fell on Mu Qing with supreme majesty.

The terrifying demon power crushed down, suppressing Mu Qing and others, making them unable to move at all.

Suddenly, Mu Qing's body burned into flames, and his face was a bit ferocious, feeling that he was about to melt halfway.

And this was only caused by Yaoyan Supreme's gaze!

"I don't know what you have to do with the God Emperor, but I won't care about it. The God Emperor is probably dead long ago. You can release me and wait. Even if I hurt the supreme demon clan, I don’t care about you. ."

Yao Yan Zhizun's face became gloomy, and he shouted, "But you happen to be close to the Demon Ancestor. For my monster race, this is the enemy!"

"The enemy's fate... is naturally dead!!"

Yao Yan Zhizun suddenly raised his hand and blasted towards the three of Mu Qing with a palm.

The flames in the sky suddenly appeared, the heat wave was surging, and the huge palm of the raging flame was suppressed!

Demon Emperor Burning Heavenly Palm!

Mu Qing clenched his teeth, golden silver eyes, a steady stream of golden flames erupting on his body, trying to break free from the imprisonment of the supreme demon flame.

At the same time, his heart is also quite bitter, why hasn't the Dark Way Jianxin Supreme come yet?

The sword light given to him by Jianxin Supreme was indeed huge, but the main master was not seen for a long time.

"Demon Yan, why bother doing such a cruel hand to the benefactor?"

At the moment of the moment, a touch of sword light broke through the Demon Emperor of the Underworld, and crossed the boundary. The sword aura was like a vast ocean, covering the sky and the earth, and a sword smashed through the Demon Emperor's Burning Heaven Palm.

In the shattered void, a white-haired old man smiled and came with a sword.

There are thousands of sword shadows around, all in white, like a sword fairy coming!

Jianxin Supreme!

Jianxin Supreme is holding a long sword, which looks like a very common long sword, but anyone present, no matter who it is, can feel the power of this long sword!


The snow-white sword body trembled, and in an instant the sword rang through the entire Underworld Demon Realm.

The dense sword shadows passed, the flames shattered, and the demon light collapsed. Mu Qing and the three were finally relieved, and he was relieved.

Mu Qing used the Undead Realm to restore his body that was almost burnt clean, his face turned pale.

The supreme tenth heavenly powerhouse shot him, this is not a joke.

Although he was stopped by Jianxin Supreme in the middle of the journey, Mu Qing still suffered a relatively serious trauma. The meaning of burning, accompanied by the terrifying demon power, directly entered his mind and attacked the singularity of the starry sky.

Now the singularity of the starry sky in Mu Qing's mind is on the verge of being completely shattered, and it will take a long time to recover.

"Thank you, Master Jian..."

Mu Qinggang wanted to thank him, but he found two figures behind Old Master Jian.

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