Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1417: The emperor is not dead!

The Underworld Demon was dumbfounded, and for the first time he felt that his former apprentice was very strange.

When he shut himself in the Demon Realm of the Underworld Emperor, he concentrated on studying various methods to create a powerful monster race many years ago.

Even he himself had forgotten the specific time. At that time, the three legs of the Monster Race, the Demon Dao, and the Heavenly Court stood together.

And now, the Underworld Demon was horrified to discover that the Yaoyan Supreme had changed from the original Supreme Seventh Heaven to a height that his Supreme Nineth Heaven could hardly reach!

The mighty monster sea dragon was slapped to death by the demon flame supreme, becoming a coke.

"Underworld Demon, how is the situation of the Creation Demon Race?" Yaoyan Supreme glanced at the Underworld Demon without any respect.

In the Yaozu, the strong is respected.

Even if this one was his former master, he is not anymore.

Underworld emperor demon, just a weaker supreme Nine Heavens whose lifespan will be exhausted, that's it!

For Yaoyan Supreme, the life and death of Underworld Demon didn't really care.

If it is a supreme Nineth Heaven in its heyday, the Demon Flame Supreme will naturally care, after all, it is a powerful combat power for the Demon Realm.

But the Underworld Demon?

This former master of him has been dead soon, and he may fall after a few battles.

What makes Yaoyan Supreme care more about is the Creation Demon Clan that the Underworld Demon has been playing around.

This was a plan proposed by the Underworld Demon a long time ago, because the demon race was too slow to multiply. Although there were a large number of them, they were all low-strength demon races.

The powerful demon race has not many descendants, and the high level of the demon race is worried that over time, the demon race with pure bloodline and powerful strength will break down.

So, in order to solve this point, the Underworld Demon began to create a demon clan plan.

The so-called creation monster clan is actually exactly the same as the holy war angel.

It's just that the direction of exploration between the two is different.

The main focus of jihadist angels is control and complete control. Under this premise, the strength of jihadist angels should be improved as much as possible.

The Creation Demon Race was the opposite, because it was the Underworld Demon who started this plan, and he was already the Supreme Nineth Heaven at that time.

This kind of existence naturally has a very high horizon. From the very beginning, I stared at the supreme realm and explored it. The result was indeed a batch of creation demon races above the supreme level, but none of them were willing to listen to the Underworld Demon.

The most powerful monster sea dragon, it almost caused a catastrophe.

"Uncontrollable, the Creation Demon Race needs more effort and energy, but there is still no way to control it, even the Creation Demon Race in the lower emperor's realm!"

The Underworld Demon shook his head.

He did not know how many monster races he created, ranging from the lower emperor to the supreme Nine Heavens, but none of them can be successfully controlled!

The Underworld Demon looked bitter, and he couldn't figure out any clues at all.

Obviously, the Creation Demon Race has been completely created, and the Supreme Nine Heavens can also be born, and there is no problem in all aspects!

But why just not be controlled!

The Underworld Demon was puzzled.

"Then don't worry about these messy things, as long as the monster race has me, it will not decline, and even become more prosperous!"

Yaoyan Supreme shouted in a low voice.

The Underworld Demon looked at Yaoyan Supreme and opened his mouth, but after a closer look, it seemed that it was indeed the case.

The current Yaoyan Supreme is no longer his previous arrogant apprentice.

Yaoyan Supreme's strength is much stronger than him, I don't know how many times!

Perhaps, the Yaozu can only rise under the leadership of such a powerful person!

"By the way, who is the white-haired old man just now? Is he from the heavens?"

The Underworld Demon followed Yaoyan Supreme and couldn't help but ask.

He stayed in the Underworld Demon Realm for too long, so that he didn't understand the outside world at all.

In his impression, the universe is still dominated by the three families of Monster Race, Demon Dao, and Heavenly Court.

Yao Yan Zhizun shook his head.

Although there had been conflicts with the Underworld Demon, the friendship between master and apprentice was still a little bit.

What's more, so many years have passed, and he will not embarrass his master.

Yaoyan Zhizun explained: "The heavenly court has collapsed, and now the universe is dominated by my demon world, the demon world, and the holy world."

"Of course, there is a more mysterious force, and that is the Black World."

"The Black Realm should not be weaker than us at all, and the white-haired old man, named Jianxin Supreme, is a casual person, and like me, he has reached the tenth heaven of the Supreme, and his strength is even stronger than me."

"I suspect that Jianxin Supreme has already joined the so-called black world, otherwise he, who has always been a lone traveler, would not be able to take people together."

Yaoyan Supreme touched his chin and said solemnly.

"The Demon Realm, the Devil Realm, the Holy Realm... the Black Realm?"

The Underworld Demon whispered, it was difficult to digest the information.

The Heavenly Court, which was in its heyday, actually fell down?

"I think it's time to unite with the Demon Realm and them to test the Black Realm."

Yao Yan Zhizun frowned and whispered in a low voice.

Although he and the Demon Realm had just had a conflict, for them, their interests were the most important.

What's more, he didn't let Mu Qing and the others die in the demon world. At any rate, he let them go back alive, and things didn't reach the worst point.

And then, Yao Yan Zhizun also believed that the Demon Ancestor must have the same idea.

The origins of the black world are mysterious. I don't know who are the strong ones!

Before they didn't know the specific situation of the black world, they only dared to make small noises, and did not dare to make some big moves.

Yaoyan Supreme believes that once the demon ancestor knows that Jianxin Supreme is very likely to join the black world, he will definitely join hands with him to explore the black world.

"Since you want to play, let's put it together on the bright side!"

The eyes of Yaoyan Supreme shone with blazing fire.


The outside world.

It was pitch black all around, and a spatial passage appeared.

Mu Qing and others walked out slowly.

Jian Xin Zhizun smiled and looked at Mu Qing, and asked, "How about? Can you think about it?"

"The leader of the black world promised that as long as you join the forces of the black world, the Hunyuan world will be protected, and there is no need to worry about the invasion of the holy kingdom."

"Also, Taishang Laojun is closer to you, but in fact Taishang Laojun is plotting bad luck, and his purpose is to make a big road."

"Presumably you know the idea of ​​the emperor, and the old gentleman is the same, but he did not look at the avenue of stars on you, but the avenue of the emperor once!"

Jian Xin Zhizun smiled and said: "You have not only the Avenue of Stars, but also the Avenue of Immortality. These are two perfect avenues. Even I am moved, not to mention the old man who has mastered some special methods like the Emperor of Heaven. Lord."

"By the way, the leader of the black world asked me to send you a message."

"That means the Emperor of Heaven is not dead yet."


"How can it be!"

Mu Qing's pupils contracted and their bodies shook suddenly.

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