Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1420: Reincarnation Light

"It doesn't matter Xinrui?"

Mu Qing frowned, full of worries.

The monster dragon supreme of the previous monsters did bring huge pressure to Xinrui, and during this time Xinrui was also practicing desperately.

But now he chose to break through to the supreme, Mu Qing felt that Xinrui was still too anxious.

Breaking through the Supreme is not that simple. At first, the Killing Supreme was completely prepared, but still encountered trouble when breaking through. If it weren’t for Thunder Punishment and Chen Jiusheng's use of Heaven-Stealing and Sun-changing supernatural powers to pass energy to the Killing Supreme, I’m afraid he would have done it at that time. Has fallen under the great collapse of self.

"He was in a hurry!"

The spark burned, and a figure appeared next to Mu Qing, the Great Emperor Xingfeng.

The Great Emperor Xingfeng frowned. Like Mu Qing, he thought Xinrui was too anxious and seemed to plan to break through without any preparation.

Mu Qing waved his hand to create a dimensional space, enveloping the planet, ensuring that outsiders would not be able to perceive anything here.

Regardless of other forces occupying all circles, their ruling power is stronger, but people such as Demon Flame Supreme, Demon Ancestor, and Evil God cannot be like Mu Qing.

Because Mu Qing is in complete control of the Hunyuan Realm.

The ten realms of the universe, the nine realms belong to the universe, but the Hunyuan realm belongs to Mu Qing.

Now Mu Qing suspected that the instinctive consciousness of the universe had discovered that the Primordial Realm had been taken away by him, so he cut off the supply of Chaos Origin in time.

The trauma of the Hunyuan Realm had long since recovered, but Mu Qing was no longer able to use the Hunyuan Realm to obtain a small amount of Chaos Origin Power.

Mu Qing thought about it, it should be the universe's instinctive consciousness that had sensed something and recovered the part of the original power supplied to the Hunyuan Realm.

Although he didn't have the power of the Primal Chaos, Mu Qing didn't feel too regretful. After all, the power of the Primal he could obtain through the Hunyuan Realm was too little to be of much use.

"Can you help Xinrui like Lei punished them before?"

The Great Emperor Star Phoenix quickly looked at Mu Qing. If Mu Qing's help, Xinrui's chance of breaking through the Supreme would be much higher.

Mu Qing nodded, "In terms of pure energy, I can guarantee that almost unlimited energy is provided to him. Although it can improve the chance of success to a certain extent, it depends on him whether he can break through and succeed."

He shook his head slightly, Xinrui's road of reincarnation was not easy at first glance, and the difficulty of breaking through the Supreme was definitely higher than that of the Killing Supreme.

However, Mu Qing can really help a lot!

I saw the avenue of stars stretched behind Mu Qing, and the majestic energy was instantly poured into him.

This made Mu Qing had to sigh, and it was indeed better for the outside world. At the time in the Underworld Demon Realm, the energy he obtained through the Avenue of Stars was too little.

Now the energy that is continuously drawn from all parts of the universe is the real power of the Avenue of Stars!

Afterwards, the sun and moon imprints appeared on Mu Qing's hands, and he instilled a galaxy-like energy into Xinrui with the characteristics of stealing the sky and changing the sun.

Xinrui's body shook, and he immediately understood that it was Mu Qing helping him, and immediately tensed his mind, using the power of these stars from Mu Qing to resist the self-destruction.

However, even with so much energy, the self-destruction when breaking through the supreme is no joke.

Even the phantom of the reincarnation disk above the sky turned, and the magical power of reincarnation fell on Xin Rui.

"what happened?!"

Mu Qing and the Great Emperor Xingfeng on the side were shocked. They thought that those reincarnation powers were helping Xinrui.

As a result, these reincarnation powers fell on Xinrui, and Xinrui was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, with a straight body, white hair, wrinkles everywhere, muddy eyes and yellow teeth.

At the same time, cracks appeared on his body, and the energy that Mu Qing transmitted to him also escaped from every corner of his body.

Mu Qing and Emperor Xingfeng looked at each other, and for a while, they didn't know what to do.

They could clearly feel that Xinrui's breath was getting weaker and weaker.

It has even reached the point where they are almost imperceptible!

"This...Why does Xinrui's own power make trouble when breaking through the Supreme?"

Emperor Xingfeng was anxious, and he didn't understand why.

Mu Qing frowned, still maintaining the energy transmission.

Although he is also very worried about Xinrui's safety, after all, this is Xinrui's own choice. The greatest help he can do is to continuously provide Xinrui with energy.

The rest depends on Xinrui himself!

The old Xinrui's body began to tremble, and a lot of blood splashed out, and his lifespan seemed to continue to burn, white hair fell off, and a bald head.

After a few breaths, Xinrui's body began to grow some dark spots, his teeth began to fall off, his skin was loose, and there were more and more wrinkles.


The energy in Xinrui's body suddenly exploded, and a large swath of reincarnation light fell from the high-altitude reincarnation disc and enveloped Xinrui.

Mu Qing's eyelids twitched, and his face changed slightly.

In his perception, Xinrui's breath was completely gone!

Xin Rui has fallen?

This was just the beginning, Xinrui died directly on the way to break through the supreme?

Mu Qing couldn't believe it.

"Damn! He shouldn't be so anxious!"

The relationship between Emperor Xingfeng and Xinrui is naturally very good. At this time, after not aware of Xinrui's breath, his eyes reddened slightly, his fists were clenched, the energy in his body was fuzzed, and the sparks burned.

"Wait! Don't worry!"

"Xin Rui is still alive!"

Mu Qing suddenly spoke in a low voice.

He stared at the phantom of the reincarnation disc.

That was derived from Xinrui's road of reincarnation. If Xinrui is really dead, it stands to reason that the reincarnation disk should also disappear.

At this moment, there is no more figure of Xinrui on the planet, but the phantom of Samsara Disk is still there!

Mu Qing stared closely, and Emperor Xingfeng also realized some weirdness and looked over there.

I saw the wheel of reincarnation spinning without flickering, and a black and white light flickered in the center area, followed by a light particle the size of a thumb falling down.

An embryo appeared, followed by rapid growth, becoming a baby, wrapped in the light of reincarnation, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The baby quickly grew into a child, crying or smiling, and his face was calm, with countless divine lights flashing in his eyes, and then burst out!

Two divine lights rushed out of the child's eyes, and the reincarnation disc once again lowered the reincarnation divine light, enveloping the child.

Mu Qing and the Great Emperor Xingfeng glanced at each other, they couldn't understand the current situation of Xinrui at all.

It seems to be different from the normal breakthrough supreme!

Mu Qing also stopped the energy delivery, because he discovered that there was a force that isolated his starry sky power, and it seemed that he didn't need any energy supply.

Mu Qing waited quietly for a while.

For five full days, there was not much change.

It's just that young child, who has grown up to his teenage years. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1420: Reincarnation Shenguang), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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