Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1422: Cosmic instinct shot


"Break through the supreme, it should be experiencing a great self-destruction, how can there be thunder tribulation?!"

Mu Qing and others were shocked, this is not in line with common sense!

Thunder Tribulation comes from the cosmic instinct, and it can be regarded as a means by which the cosmic instinct prevents the strong from being promoted.

But Lei Tribulation is at best dealing with the Great Emperor. When you get to the back, you don't need to go through the Thunder Tribulation, and you can shake it with a wave of your hand!

It can even deny the existence of Thunder Tribulation and directly break through the realm, without having to go through the Thunder Tribulation.

The cosmic instinct also knew that the power of Thunder Tribulation had an upper limit, which could not be effective for the extreme emperor, semi-superior and other strong people, so after that, the nine chains were created specifically for the strong.

But now, Xinrui's breakthrough to the Supreme is extraordinary, a dignified semi-senior, even suffered thunder when breaking through the Supreme!

And the power of this thunder tribulation is also quite terrifying, at least it has reached the supreme level!

Mu Qing hesitated, he wanted to make a move, but he didn't dare!

The Thunder Tribulation above Xinrui's head is still accumulating power, and the next attack must be a Thunder Tribulation attack that reaches the supreme level.

Xinrui is now in the age of aging, and the phantom of the reincarnation disk above his head has already helped him withstand the next attack and is broken.

The next attack, Xin Rui, whose breath was extremely weak, could not be resisted at all!

"Do you want to shoot?"

The Great Emperor Xingfeng's face was solemn, and he could also see that Xinrui seemed a little unable to support it.

However, the process of breaking through the supreme is not allowed to interfere, so I am afraid that he will be harmed by helping Xinrui.

Mu Qing frowned, he was also weighing in his heart, do you want to make a move?


At this moment, the thunder and lightning in the dark clouds gathered, lightning and thunder, an invisible and strange force penetrated the dimensional space and came into the dark clouds.

Mu Qing's pupils shrank suddenly, it was a special force, and at the same time it was very familiar, containing a large amount of chaotic origin power!

It is the instinctive consciousness of the universe!

The instinct of the universe shot Xinrui personally!

In the next moment, countless thunder and lightning condensed into a single eye, indifferent and ruthless, with blood-red thunder and lightning in the pupil, which locked Xin Rui.


A huge blood-red lightning beam penetrated towards Xinrui, and the escaping power directly tore Mu Qing's dimensional space!

Xin Rui could only look up, his body trembling, this terrifying pressure made it difficult for him to move.

He is in very bad condition now, no different from the old man who is dying, let alone resisting.

And this time, there was no phantom of the reincarnation disk to help him. If he was hit by this blood-red thunder and lightning, there would be no next reincarnation, and he would definitely die in the end!

"I can't control so much!"

Mu Qing gritted his teeth, he couldn't watch Xinrui's accident, not to mention that Xinrui's process of breaking through the Supreme was very strange. Now it is obvious that a third party has stepped in, which is completely different from the normal process of breaking through the Supreme.

He exploded directly, with blond hair and silver eyes, golden arrogance enveloped all over his body, and he rushed directly to Xinrui.

The Great Emperor Xingfeng was in a hurry, he also wanted to help, but he knew that he would not be able to help much if he went, and he would even drag him back.

Mu Qing came to the top of Xinrui's head in the blink of an eye, his silver eyes looked at the blood-red lightning beam, his face was solemn.

Even he felt a sense of oppression!

"Mu..." Xin Rui opened her mouth, her voice very hoarse, almost speechless.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, and the next moment the starry sky phantom was shrouded in golden arrogance, and the fourth-order destiny form and the power of the starry sky demon **** were blessed at the same time!

The Avenue of Stars rose from the void behind him, swelling frantically, continuously drawing energy from the universe.

Mu Qing's hands condensed the power of the starry sky, and in an instant, an energy sphere the size of a planet was condensed, and the next moment under his compression, it reached a diameter of 10,000 meters, and blasted toward the blood-red lightning beam!


The two collided together, and a wave of energy rolled out, shattering the entire dimensional space.

At this moment, all the creatures in the Demon Realm also saw this scene, very shocked.

Two figures appeared next to Mu Qing, the King of Primal Chaos and Supreme Slaughter were shocked during the cultivation, their faces were shocked.

Mu Qing withstood the blood-red thunder and lightning beam with the stars, and gritted his teeth, continuing to deliver power!

His advantage is that with the existence of the Avenue of Stars, he can continuously obtain energy, otherwise, facing this blood-red lightning beam, the stars will be broken down at once.


Chaos King and Slaughter Supreme looked at each other, and immediately had a choice.

Although they didn't know what was going on, it was obvious that now Mu Qing needs help!

The King of Chaos and the Supreme Slaughter teleported behind Mu Qing and used their supernatural powers to assist.

The Slaughter Supreme is already the Supreme Double Heaven, and the killing sword in his hand is even more terrifying. The scarlet sword light is cut off, and there is rich murderous intent everywhere.

The King of Chaos was even more powerful. His body shook, and the power of Chaos spread, breaking the sky with a punch!

With the help of the two, Mu Qing roared and waved his hands, Xingyu crushed the terrible blood-red lightning beam, and rushed to the spot where the dark clouds converged.


The star meteor suddenly exploded, and the air wave swept the entire universe. All the planets in the Hunyuan realm shook for a while, and then a brilliant light burst out, extremely dazzling!

The space of the Hunyuan Realm was blasted out of a big pit, and the violent void storm rushed out.

Of course, this Void Storm poses no threat to the people present.

With a sword in his hand, the Slaughter Supreme smashed away from the vast sea of ​​blood, crushing all the void storms.

"not good!"


Mu Qing's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly felt a terrifying threat.

Suddenly, the space is shattered!

But after the space was broken, what was revealed was not the void, but the light of various colors, which seemed to be a colorful plane!

Mu Qing's pupils dilated, he was certain that it was definitely not any of the ten realms of the universe, it was a place that had never been seen before!

Immediately afterwards, a huge arm covering the sky and the sun came out, and it turned out to be condensed with the power of pure chaotic origin!

And its goal is Xinrui!

Mu Qing once again condensed his strength, the power of the starry sky converged, and once again compressed a star with a diameter of 10,000 meters, and smashed it toward the huge palm.

As a result, the hand of Chaos slapped it easily and easily smashed Mu Qing's star.

The palm of Chaos's palm paused, it seemed that he had discovered the Avenue of Stars behind Mu Qing, and then suddenly changed his goal and grabbed it towards Mu Qing.

A chill rose on Mu Qing's back, shrouded by a strange force, unable to move, even the fourth-order destiny form automatically withdrew, returning to the normal state of black hair and black eyes.


At this moment, an overbearing shadow suddenly crossed the boundary, and behind the bones, a demon shadow appeared.

Devil bone Tianzun.

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