Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1425: Test the black world?

"The God Emperor said that I still have a perfect road that belongs to me, but how should I induce it?"

Mu Qing touched his chin, thinking.

As the reincarnation of the old emperor, in fact, he is already in the third life, and he should have a perfect way.

But Mu Qing never found the perfect road.

After Xinrui broke through the supreme situation, Mu Qing discovered that the true path of perfection does not seem to need to go through a great self-destruction.

But there will be special breakthroughs.

"Oh, I can only take one step and look at it one step at a time, but I am now majoring in Qi Luck, supported by the infinite energy of the Avenue of Stars, even if there is no real perfect avenue, it will not be much worse."

Mu Qing sighed, and then stopped paying attention to this matter.

He has never been able to find the perfect road that exists in him.

Simply ignore it.

His Avenue of Stars is not bad, not to mention the Immortal Avenue in his hand as a weapon, and his strength has far surpassed the supreme of the same order.

The real strength of Mu Qing of the Supreme Tier 2 is completely able to contend with the Supreme Four Heavens and even the Five Heavens!

A few months later.

The battle between Tianchen Realm and Demon Realm continued, as if he didn't want to stop.

Mu Qing was practicing, but this day was interrupted by a piece of news.

"The people from the demon world are here again?"

Mu Qing frowned and looked at Luo Daozhong.

Luo Daozhong nodded, but also surprised.

Although his strength is not strong, he is still clear about some things at the top.

Since the last time Demon Realm talked with Mu Qing and others about cooperation, Luo Daozhong knew that Mu Qing seemed to have some contradictions with Demon Realm.

People from the Demon Realm came this time, but didn't know what it meant.

"The coming person is a demon supreme, not a familiar figure, he should have come out of the dominion road with the demon ancestor, and his name is Mono Supreme, but the specific cultivation level is not clear."

Lieutenant Luo Dao informed Mu Qing of the information he could obtain.

After all, he was just a great emperor, able to perceive that the messenger from the demon world was demon cultivation, but he did not know the specific cultivation level of the other party.

Mu Qing nodded, "I will meet him."

He teleported to the meeting hall.

At this time, the demon envoy had been waiting there for a long time, and on the opposite side was Samsara Supreme Xinrui.

Xinrui's face was solemn, staring at the envoy of the demon world.

Mono Supreme was alone and looked at Xinrui with a smile.

When Mu Qing came to the meeting hall, Mono Supreme turned his gaze to Mu Qing again, and a terrible coercion suddenly crushed!

Mu Qing frowned, without even thinking about it, he exploded directly, the golden arrogance burst out, and the avenue of stars appeared behind him.

"Supreme Triple Heaven!"

At the same time, Mu Qing also understood the specific strength of Mono Supreme.

It is the Supreme Triple Heaven!

Although Mu Qing only has the cultivation base of the Supreme Double Heaven, his real strength is more than this, and the Supreme Triple Heaven is not his opponent at all!

Seeing Mu Qing's aura, Mono Supreme's eyes also showed a touch of surprise. It is clear that Mu Qing is only the Supreme Double Heaven, but it gives him the feeling that he is facing a Supreme Five Heavenly powerhouse!

Mono Supreme quickly put away the coercion he released and put on a smiling face.

"The ruler of the Hunyuan Realm, Starry Sky Supreme, is really hidden. No wonder even the Demon Ancestor praises you in our Devil Realm. Only the cultivation base of the Supreme Double Heaven is so powerful."

Mono Supreme said with a smile, full of mouthfuls.

How did he know Mu Qing's true strength, he just guessed it based on his feelings.

In the end, he still believed in his own feelings.

"Your Excellency came to my Demon Realm, what's the point?"

Mu Qing's face was gloomy, quite rude.

The cooperation with the Demon Realm is not too pleasant. If it weren't for Jianxin Supreme to rescue him last time, I am afraid that he and the Primordial Chaos King and Slaughter Supreme would be dead now!

Mono Supreme smiled, he naturally understood the reason for Mu Qing's anger, so he took out a dark crystal and handed it to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing frowned, he took the pitch-black crystal, and a large amount of devil energy suddenly poured out of it, but it was directly shattered by Mu Qing.

Through the crystallization, he suddenly found a golden dragon **** inside.

The little dragon was struggling frantically, but it was a pity that it couldn't break through the dark crystals.

Mu Qing's eyes condensed.

Top **** stone veins!

This pitch-black crystal, like the diamond-shaped crystal in the hands of Saint Nine and Saint Eight of Indestructible Mountain, has the same effect, and is used to seal the veins of the top sacred stone.

"What do you mean?" Mu Qing shouted in a low voice.

Mono Supreme smiled, and quickly said: "Last time our Demon Realm united with you in the decapitation plan, but unfortunately we encountered Demon Flame Supreme in the middle of making trouble, which caused you to fall into trouble and almost fell."

"This top-notch sacred stone vein was brought by Mozu personally instructed me to apologize, and at the same time we want to discuss the next cooperation."

Mono Supreme took out another pitch-black crystal from the space utensils, which also contained a golden dragon.

He handed it to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing perceives carefully, and he can be sure that the golden dragons in the two pitch-black crystals are indeed the top sacred stone veins, there is nothing wrong with it!

Mu Qing was a little surprised, and looked at each other with Xinrui.

Unexpectedly, the Devil Realm is really so rich, so he directly sent two top sacred stone veins over!

Mu Qing took a deep breath, frowned and looked at Mono Supreme.

"The next cooperation?"

"Refers to?"

As far as he knew, the Tianchen Realm and the Demon Realm army were still in a stalemate, and the Demon Realm did not have much advantage.

At the very beginning, if there was no Demon Yan Supreme to make trouble, the so-called beheading action was indeed feasible. As long as the Holy Seven One dies, then the remaining Saint Realm powerhouses in the Tianchen Realm are all chickens and dogs, and they will be defeated at will!

But when this opportunity was missed, Saint Seven could rely on the support of the Saint Realm behind him to compete with the Demon Realm army for a long time.

Now it won't help to find Mu Qing again, and the Holy Realm will definitely send more powerful men over there.

Mono Supreme smiled. He saw through Mu Qing's thoughts and whispered softly: "It's not a matter of the Tianchen Realm. For example, the Chen Realm and my Devil Realm army are in a stalemate today, but it's just an illusion."

"In fact, in the dark, our Demon Realm, Saint Realm, and Demon Realm have united."

"Now we need more powerful people to act together."

Mu Qing frowned deeper.

Sure enough, this group of guys only value interests!

A few days ago, the Demon Realm also planned to attack the Tianchen Realm under the Saint Realm's command, and on the way, the Demon Flame Supreme even made a move to cause the devil's fall.

But now, these three realms are suddenly united again, and the speed of this face change is almost faster than turning a book!

Mu Qing almost guessed their intentions in his heart.

At this time, Mono Supreme lowered his voice and said: "Our goal is to test the black world and obtain a certain level of intelligence!" The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: Starry sky dominates the full text reading address: sky dominates txt download address :Https:// sky dominates mobile reading: https:// the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\ "Record this reading (Chapter 1425: Exploring the Black World?), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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