Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1431: Star Book

"Will the Three Realms only send so few people to explore the Black Realm?"

Mu Qing looked at the people who were being slaughtered, lost in thought.

He didn't make a move either. After killing a supreme, he already got 100 luck points.

What's more, looking at the appearance of Zodiac, Lei Yuan and others, Mu Qing didn't want to grab them.

What Mu Qing had some doubts now was that the Three Realms wanted to test the Black Realm, and the number of people sent was too small.

Although these are strong people, will the Three Realms really believe these people?

Even if it is cannon fodder, you still have to send some of your own powerhouses to explore, outsiders may not be credible!

Mu Qing suspected that this group of them was just an advance force, and then there would be real strong men from the Three Realms.

In fact, Mu Qing's guess is not wrong.

In the distance, heads of monsters rushed towards him, grinning with horrible demonic energy.

Afterwards, heads of monster races also rushed towards them, with demonic air and terrifying fierceness.

Followed by a group of human creatures lingering in crimson light, very fast, without emotion in their eyes.

The demon world, the demon world, and the holy world, the cannon fodder army of these three realms, finally appeared!

As Mu Qing thought, for outsiders, the Three Realms would definitely not believe it, so just let those guys try it out.

The three of Mono Supreme had been staring at the space channel, and when Thunder Ape and the others killed the strong people near the space channel, Mono Supreme naturally felt it.

However, the three of Mono Supreme did not help, because for them, the life or death of the most advanced group is not important at all.

Even their goal has been achieved.

Now they don't need to worry about whether the advance troops inside are dead or not, because they already know that there are strong people in the black world!

This is enough!

Especially being able to slaughter extremely powerful people, this is enough to show that there are extremely powerful people in the black world.

And now, they let the cannon fodder from the Three Realms enter the Black Realm.

Those monsters, demons, and holy spirits are basically around the realm of the **** emperor, and the strongest also have the realm of the extreme emperor.

A total of hundreds of thousands!

A swarm rushed into the black world!

"I hope these cannon fodder can bring back some news."

Mono Supreme's face was solemn.

The three of them naturally did not dare to enter, after all, they only had the strength of the Supreme Triple Heaven.

In front of other people, the Supreme is supreme, but only they know that this strength is weak among the Supremes.

And there is a mysterious supreme in the black world, with unknown strength, maybe even stronger than all three of them, and if you venture into it, you will have to get in.

These cannon fodder entered the black world, and the number seemed to be huge, but in fact it didn't work at all.

Accompanied by a scream, all the advance troops died from the hands of astrology, sword demon, and sword demon.

Lei Yuan and Oga each killed two Supremes.

No one survived!

At this time, cannon fodder from a distance swarmed, but in everyone's eyes, they were all ants!

"Cut, how come there are some bits and pieces of the **** emperor realm."

Lei Yuan glanced, his face full of disdain.

Killing enemies in the realm of God Emperor will not increase any luck points!

The ordinary emperor only has 1 point of luck, while the extreme emperor has 5 points.

"One person is responsible for a batch, and they will be destroyed directly." Oga Urn sounded angrily, he took the lead in rushing into the army of monsters, punching down, crushing tens of thousands of monsters.

Lei Yuan grinned and waved the thunder pillar in his hand. Between a sweep, lightning flashed and thundered, and the thunder roared and shattered countless monsters!

Mu Qing also shot this time. Under the fourth-order destiny form, a golden beam of light was condensed, piercing through tens of thousands of holy spirit creatures.

He knew that all these holy spirit creatures were created by evil gods.

The evil gods seem to be unable to create existences like the Ten Saints again, but there are as many as these low-level creatures!

After the strength reaches a high enough level, it seems that they will touch the level of creation!

This made Mu Qing couldn't help thinking of the monster races in the Demon Realm of the Underworld Emperor.

Since the Underworld Demon was unable to create a monster race that could be manipulated with the strength of the Supreme Nineth Heaven, will the Demon Flame Supreme, who has reached the Supreme Tenth Heaven, have completely mastered the ability of the creation demon race?

And create a monster race that can be completely controlled?

As I was thinking, those holy holy relics swarmed directly.

Mu Qing frowned and displayed the Seal of the Emperor of Heaven, the immortal dragon hovered in his palm, directly crushing all the holy spirit creatures!

It was just a group of cannon fodder from the realm of the emperor.

At the same time, Lei Yuan and others also solved the other cannon fodder army.

"It's just such a chance, it's not enough!"

Lei Yuan scratched his head and was very dissatisfied.

Oga smiled on the side, "their space channel should not be closed yet, so why don't we rush out and kill the three guarding the space channel?"

The three supreme lords outside are sweet and delicious, in his eyes they have 300 luck points.

At this time, Mu Qing was playing with Qi Luck Pearl. At this time, the power of Qi Luck lingered, and a list appeared in front of Mu Qing.

The above list is automatically converted into earth characters that Mu Qing can understand.

Mu Qing's pupils shrank slightly, shocked by the items on this list.

The first thing I saw was two words.


I saw the list read: Let any existence under the supreme be resurrected, even if the soul is collapsed.

The requirement is no more than one day, and the person holding the luck bead stands near the deceased.

And the luck points required for this single resurrection is 50!

In fact, 50 points are more expensive. Killing a supreme expert only costs 100 points of luck, which is only enough to resurrect twice.

But this was enough, and what surprised Mu Qing was that the conditions for this resurrection seemed to be exactly the same as Xinrui!

The only difference is that the Qi Luck Pearl can resurrect any existence below the Supreme.

"Who is the leader of the black world? It seems that the cultivator should be the same as me. It is the power of luck. Why can he achieve the same method as Xinrui?"

At this moment, Mu Qing's heart also became active.

What he cultivates is also the power of luck, isn't it possible for him to do the same?

Mu Qing immediately threw away the distracting thoughts and looked down.

The first is all kinds of supernatural powers, the lowest level also reached the supernatural powers of the great emperor level, and they are basically the supernatural powers of the supreme level.

However, Mu Qing had never heard of almost all the supreme supernatural powers, and did not know where the leader of the black world got it.

Mu Qing also saw the top sacred stone vein and asked for 300 points of air luck.

Finally, Mu Qing noticed two special things.

Restore state, 100 points!

Instantly restore your current state to its heyday!

Each member of the black world can only use it three times!

The other one is the supreme supernatural power.

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