Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1435: Activate Star Book

Holy Seven wanted to rely on his own strength to crush Mu Qing.

But he didn't know that Mu Qing had already broken through to the fourth-order destiny form when he was in the Underworld Demon Realm, and his strength was completely above him.

Holy Seven is too careless, his full strength has not been displayed yet.

Even if he could react this time, it was too late, and the knife that Mu Qing had turned into an immortal avenue had already been severely slashed.

However, Sheng Qi was dumbfounded and found that he was not harmed.

On the other side, Mu Qing was also sluggish.

He was cut out with this one!

In other words, the immortal avenue in his hand disappeared!

Mu Qing and Sheng Qi looked at each other.

The two of them stared wide-eyed.

The next moment, Saint Seven suddenly reacted, and the dense vertical pupils on his body suddenly released golden light, and countless crimson light beams pierced towards Mu Qingdong.

At such a close distance, even if Mu Qing reacted extremely quickly, he immediately displayed an empty invisible barrier in front of him, but it was still penetrated, and the crimson light beams left holes in Mu Qing's body.

Mu Qing opened the distance instantly, relying on the power of the undead world to recover his body, his face gradually becoming gloomy.

Why did the Immortal Avenue disappear?

You must know that the weapons derived from the Immortal Avenue are more powerful than the supreme weapon. If it hits that moment, the Holy Seven will lose half of its life.

But now, Mu Qing really wants to know, where is his immortal avenue?

Suddenly, Mu Qing's eyebrows moved, and the stars were shining in an instant, and a vast sea of ​​stars emerged.

Suddenly, the attention of other people was attracted to the past.

The outside world was completely dark, and even if the few Supremes were fighting, the light produced was slightly dim.

But Mu Qing's vision was too amazing, the extremely brilliant light suddenly made the outside world shine.

"Star Book?!"

In the distance, the horoscope who had been watching the battle broke out first, his eyes widened and he looked at the starry sky book that gradually emerged from Mu Qing's eyebrows.

Glancing with Mu Qing, the horoscope also used 100 points of luck to purchase the Starry Sky Book, but he has never found out why. In the end, the Starry Sky Book can only be used as a brick to hit people in his hands.

After he saw that Mu Qing exchanged the Starry Sky Book, he was gloating, at least Mu Qing suffered this loss just like him.

As a result, I didn't expect that at this time, the starry sky book in Mu Qing's body had a vision!

Next to them, Sword Demon, Sword Demon, Thunder Monkey and Oga all showed surprised expressions.

They have stayed in the black world for a while, and it is clear that this starry sky book is regarded as an abolished supreme magical power. The attack power is low compared with the same-level magical powers, and other abilities are unknown.

Many experts who cultivated the power of stars suffered a dark loss after redeeming this starry sky book.

Who knows, at this time in Mu Qing's body, the Starry Sky Book seems to have undergone a different change!

"Damn it."

Mu Qing was also very surprised, looking at the starry sky book in front of him.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, countless stars appeared, and a starry sky shrouded all around.

On the Starry Sky Book, a real dragon circling, it is the immortal avenue derived from it!

"What exactly is going on?"

Mu Qing swallowed. He found that his control of the Immortal Avenue had disappeared. At this time, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, this bad premonition soon came true.

The real dragon turned into the Immortal Avenue followed the deep starlight on the cover of the starry sky book and was involved in it.

Gradually, the starlight vortex on the cover of the starry sky book showed a hint of gold.

The azure blue light bloomed like an overwhelming sky.

The Starry Sky Book slowly opened the first page. Before Mu Qing could see what was on it, he noticed that the Starry Sky Book was snapped closed, then turned into a light and penetrated directly into the center of Mu Qing's forehead.

A sharp pain swept through Mu Qing's body, and then Mu Qing's fourth-order destiny form changed, as if being stimulated, his muscles bulged, and blue lightning surrounded the golden arrogance.

The power of the starry sky demon **** receded, but Mu Qing felt that he was still able to use the two magical powers derived from the power of destruction and the power of resurrection.

Even more powerful!

The strange thing produced by the starry sky book seems to be that his starry sky devil state has been abruptly integrated into the form of destiny.

In the future, you only need to directly enter the form of destiny, and you can display supernatural powers such as Starfall, Destroying Dragon Fist, and Immortal Realm.

This is a good thing for Mu Qing.

But Mu Qing couldn't be happy.

Because the immortal avenue he obtained from the old emperor or the previous life is gone!

I can't perceive it at all!

Really eaten by Star Book!

"I understand!"

"That's the top sacred stone vein!"

The horoscope watched carefully from the side, suddenly slapped his forehead and yelled.

He couldn't help but a touch of surprise appeared on his face, and said: "So that's it, I know how to activate the Starry Sky Book, use the top **** stone mineral vein!"

After Mu Qing's immortal avenue derives a real dragon, it is very similar to the top **** stone vein, so that the astrology is misled, thinking that the way to unlock the secrets of the star book is to use a top **** stone vein!

At the same time, Oga, Thunder Ape, Sword Demon, and Dao Demon also heard the words of astrology, and there was a suddenly realized expression on their faces.

That's it!

Xingkong Book actually needs a top **** stone vein to inspire!

"Yes, the Three Realms invited our supreme powerhouses to make a generous move and directly gave a top-level sacred stone ore vein. I think Mu Qing should be slapped upright, just to activate the star book with that top sacred stone ore vein!

Oga was also misled.

He has a top-level sacred stone vein on his body, which was given by the Three Realms.

Oga subconsciously thought that Mu Qing also had one on him, which happened to activate the Starry Sky Book!

"The supreme magical power that can be activated with a top-level sacred stone vein, I want to see, how powerful is this starry sky book?"

While Lei Yuan was fighting Mono Supreme, he was paying attention to Mu Qing's situation.

Everyone from the black world is very curious about what changes will happen after the secrets of the starry sky book are unlocked!

Astrology is even more excited. He has a starry sky book, and he is just short of a top-level sacred stone vein to activate!

He stared at Mu Qing closely at the moment, caring more than anyone, and wanted to know the power of this supernatural power.

And Mu Qing did not let them down either.

The golden arrogance of azure blue lightning soared to the sky, and at the same time, a avenue of stars emerged behind it, absorbing a steady stream of energy.

The starlight condensed between Mu Qing's hands, and an energy sphere soon appeared.

Similar to the previous Xingyun.

But Mu Qing compressed it to the extreme.

The pupils of Holy Seven shrank violently, and he sensed the strong breath of death, and quickly used his killer's mace, all the vertical pupils on his body burst into pieces, and blood spattered.

Then, under the condensing of the crimson light, a huge pupil was formed, full of painful emotions, and a beam of light burst towards Mu Qing.

This crimson light has completely reached the level of the Supreme Four Heavens!

However, Mu Qing also pushed out the energy sphere that had been compressed to the extreme with his hands, but instead of crushing it like a star, it suddenly exploded, and a huge beam of light also rushed away!

next moment.

The starlight wave and the crimson beam collided fiercely, but with a destructive aura, they rolled all the way, and the crimson beam collapsed every inch.


Starlight wave hit the body of Saint Seven directly against the crimson beam. Under the power of horror, Saint Seven's phantom core was too late to escape and was blasted into nothingness! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1435 Activate Star Book), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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