Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1444: Little trouble appears

With Mu Qing breaking through the Supreme Triple Heaven, Hunyuan Realm also ushered in tremendous changes.

Although the Demon Realm originally controlled the entire Hunyuan Realm, it was actually not serious about the large and small forces in the Hunyuan Realm.

At most, some small forces in the Hunyuan Realm handed over some resources to the Demon Realm, and they survived quite comfortably, and they would not even be invaded by foreign enemies.

But now it's different.

Mu Qing intends to cancel the Demon Realm. After all, this name has something to do with the Demon Realm, and now they are not hostile to the Demon Realm, but they are definitely not seen much.

What's more, the three realms have jointly launched an arrest warrant for Mu Qing.

Mu Qing canceled the Demon Realm, but also wanted to take charge of the entire Hunyuan Realm.

Just like the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm, the Hunyuan Realm was changed into the Starry Sky Realm.

And this is undoubtedly a move to provoke the Three Realms, and even in the eyes of outsiders, Mu Qing intends to be an independent realm outside the Three Realms and the Black Realm.

However, Mu Qing was not afraid of the Three Realms dealing with his starry sky realm, after all, he could be said to be a member of the Black Realm now.

How do you say Star World is affiliated to the Black World, right?

Don't be afraid of big troubles, the black world will not take care of small troubles, but Mu Qing believes that he can still solve them.

After all, the starry sky world is really not weak now, in addition to Mu Qing, who can contend with the strong of the Supreme Five Heavens, there are three Supremes sitting on the ground.

The Chaos King's strength has the Supreme Sixth Heaven, and the Killing Supreme is the Supreme Second Heaven.

Xinrui has just made a breakthrough. Although there is only the Supreme One Heaven, its 90% increase in the Supreme Dao and the mysterious and strange reincarnation divine power are no worse than the ordinary Supreme Two Heaven.

The current starry sky world is quite strong!

Not afraid of foreign enemies!

"Holy war angels, the **** emperor has a total of three million, the emperor has one hundred thousand, and the extremely strong one thousand."

"This is the current number of jihadist angels. Since there are three top sacred stone veins, the chance of producing holy war angels in the extreme realm has greatly increased."

The Great Emperor Anwu said solemnly in front of Mu Qing.

He is now an extremely great emperor.

Although it is not the peak, but the strength is not weak, and it all depends on Mu Qing's resources.

However, even if he had reached the realm of the ultimate great emperor, when facing Mu Qing, he became more and more afraid. He could feel the overwhelming spirit from Mu Qing and almost couldn't breathe.

"Now, the holy war angels in the realm of the emperor and the great emperor have dispersed and are in charge of the large and small forces in the entire starry sky. At the same time, law enforcers are also going to manage. It is expected that within a month, all the forces in the starry sky will be completely unified. "

Luo Daozhong said to the side, and informed Mu Qing of the estimated time.

Mu Qing nodded, then left the conference hall and returned to his practice place again.

He started the Star God Body again.

This supreme magical power created by the Star Book, the more he cultivates, the more he feels unfathomable.

On the moon, the power of the galaxy is always blooming, slowly rotating.

In the middle of the Milky Way, there is Mu Qing, with starlight lingering in his body, and wisps of terrifying aura permeates.

This practice lasted for about half a month.

Xin Rui hurried over and interrupted Mu Qing's practice.

"what happened?"

Mu Qing converged on the stars of the Milky Way and looked at Xinrui.

Immediately, he frowned and found that Xinrui had injuries on his body, and the injuries were not minor.

"It's just a slight injury." Xinrui waved his hand, then his face was solemn, and then said: "There is a problem with the unity of the starry sky world."

"A strong one blocked it?"

Mu Qing's face suddenly sank, and he immediately searched for the aura in the starry sky.

Sure enough, he found two auras, very powerful, both powerful in the supreme realm!

One is in the Supreme Double Heaven, and the other is in the Supreme Four Heaven!

Mu Qing's expression was gloomy, and he asked in a low voice: "How did the two supreme come from?"

You know, in their starry sky realm, there are only a few of the supreme powerhouses, and the two supreme ones that suddenly appeared must be outsiders.

"It's from the Yaozu and the Holy Realm."

Xinrui took a deep breath, with a hint of killing intent in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "One is the Monster Dragon Supreme of the Monster Race, and the other is one of the Ten Saints of the Holy Realm."

"It should be Holy Six!"

Mu Qing frowned slightly. He knew that the Three Realms would come to trouble him, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

He glanced at Xinrui. At this moment, Xinrui was suppressing the power in his body, and the power of reincarnation in his body was agitated, as if it was about to explode at any time.

At the beginning, Yaolong Zhizun injured Xinrui and others with a crushing attitude, and almost killed Tu Lao.

In the end, if it hadn't been for Xin Rui to stop him, Mu Qing himself would have already killed the Demon Dragon Supreme.

Obviously, Xinrui had already fought the Demon Dragon Supreme, but it seemed that he did not get any benefits, and he might even be ridiculed again!

Even if Xinrui breaks through to the Supreme Realm now, his strength is only the Supreme One Heaven, and the strength of the Demon Dragon Supreme has the Supreme Two Heaven.

However, Mu Qing believes that the gap between Xinrui and Yaolong Supreme should not be large.

At the beginning, Mu Qing directly destroyed the foundation of the monster dragon supreme, and the current monster dragon supreme is at best a half-waste supreme double heaven!

"Where is King Chaos? Where is he?"

Mu Qing asked suddenly.

A supreme quadruple heaven and a supreme double heaven, although they are two supreme powerhouses, they are not opponents at all for a supreme 6th heaven powerhouse like the King of Chaos.

It stands to reason that King of Chaos can solve it by himself.

"The other party is here prepared, the King of Primal Chaos and Supreme Slaughter have been led away by other strong men."

"According to Luo Daozhong's intelligence, there are about seven or eight ethnic forces united. One of the top forces, the others are high and medium forces."

"It is this group of guys who colluded with the powerhouses of the Three Realms, allowing them to enter the starry sky realm, and also damaged a dozen holy war angels in the realm of the Great Emperor."

Xin Rui gritted his teeth.

Mu Qing's brow furrowed deeper.

When he was deeply cultivating the Star God Body, he did not pay too much attention to the external situation, so even if he controls the current starry sky realm, he has not been able to discover the Supreme Invasion.

What's more, those supreme beings came prepared, attracted the Primordial Chaos King and Slaughter Supreme, and concealed their breath.

If it weren't for Mu Qing as the master of the starry sky world, he might not have been able to spot them.

As for the forces that unite to collude with the Three Realms, Mu Qing has already made killing intent in his heart.

He has never exploited these forces in the past, and even if these forces have conflicts, they will send law enforcement officers to mediate.

Now it seems that these guys are not satisfied, perhaps because they are looking at the rewards of the Three Realms, or they want to take refuge in the Three Realms.

"I'll go first, and leave the Demon Dragon Supreme to you."

Mu Qing left a word, and disappeared in no time.

Xinrui also had a serious face, breaking through the space and quickly following Mu Qing. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1444 Little Trouble Appears), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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