Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1447: The fall of the demon dragon supreme

Saint Six was startled by this sudden attack, but he was so fast that he quickly dodged.

The stars exploded one by one, and the terrifying energy instantly enveloped everything.

The speed of Holy Six came in handy at this time, avoiding all attacks as much as possible.

"Huh! The speed is too slow!"

Saint Six sneered, he squatted, and sprinted out with the speed to the extreme. In the end, even Mu Qing's starlight shock wave was avoided, and the bone claw swept across, cutting Mu Qing's back.

"Your speed is still a bit worse than mine."

Sheng Liu grinned, the crimson light on his body flickered continuously, and then a **** color gradually appeared in his pupils.

His breath soared again, and then the crimson claws protruded, tearing towards Mu Qing.

"Using so many moves at once, I'm exhausted!"

The Holy Six shouted, killing intent flashing in his eyes.

He could see that Mu Qing's speed had dropped significantly, and he couldn't even reflect his speed.

Obviously, Mu Qing had exerted too much power at once, but his body was sluggish.

From the perspective of Saint Six, this is a very stupid way of fighting, because the pouring power is too much, there will be obvious stiffness, so it is easy for opponents to find opportunities.

And Mu Qing is like this now.

However, the claw of Saint Six was out.


Shengliu stunned, and found that Mu Qing, who was in front of him, had disappeared.

"You don't really think that I have consumed too much energy, do you?"

Mu Qing's voice suddenly came from the side of Saint Six.

Holy Six was horrified, and was shocked to find that Mu Qing had no aura, and came to his back in an instant!

"how can that be!"

Holy Six didn't understand, you must know that he is equivalent to the Supreme Four Heavenly Powerhouse, and Mu Qing is only the Supreme Three Heavenly Heaven.

Even if Mu Qing's strength has exceeded his imagination, he has been able to capture Mu Qing's breath before!

Why is Mu Qing suddenly unable to capture his breath?

Holy Six also reacted quickly and quickly dodged.

However, whenever he blinked for a certain distance, Mu Qing would appear behind him in an instant.

At the same time, Mu Qing condensed the starlight with both hands, maintaining the posture of compressing the starlight energy and making extremely rapid displacements. For this alone, he is much better than the Holy Six!

Earlier, the reason why Holy Six could feel Mu Qing's breath was entirely because Mu Qing had deliberately exposed it.

Including the posture of exhaustion after casting multiple stars, the same is true, all of which deceive the Holy Six.

In fact, after Mu Qing entered the form of destiny, no one would feel the breath, even the Supreme Nine Heavens!

As for whether the Supreme Tenth Heaven could feel the breath of Mu Qing at close range, Mu Qing hadn't tried this.


Holy Six's pupils shrank like needles, and he couldn't believe that his speed would not be as fast as Mu Qing.

The next moment, Mu Qing teleported to his back again, the starlight condensed in his hands burst out directly, and a terrifying starlight shock wave pierced through the body of Saint Six!

Just this time, Saint Six was ruined and most of his body was destroyed.

Holy Six used his strength to reconsolidate his body, and then his eyes were fierce, staring at Mu Qing.

"If this is the case, then I will no longer hide my power. I want you to know what despair is!"

Saint Six grinned, he squatted down, and then his body started to swell.

He suddenly swelled to the size of ten meters, and then the bone spurs all over his body, his face turned hideous, and the bones covered his whole body.

In the blink of an eye, Saint Six turned into a skull-headed giant wolf with crimson eyes, grinning teeth, and roaring at Mu Qing fiercely, the fishy wind swept out of the mouth of the blood basin.

Mu Qing frowned at this time. He looked at the giant wolf wolf in front of him and felt a certain threat.

Originally, he was still curious as to why the strength of Saint Six was weaker than he had imagined.

The current Saint Six's strength should be almost equal to him.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, and the starry sky avenue appeared behind him, and the energy that was far and continuously poured into his body again.

He rushed towards the giant wolf wolf.


The collision of fists and claws spread the terrifying force, causing the entire dimensional space to tremble.

Mu Qing did not display other magical powers.

Because at this level, the power of supernatural power seems to be a bit weak.

Unless Mu Qing's strength reaches the Supreme Nine Heavens, then he can kill this Holy Six by simply displaying a magical power.

Otherwise, even if Mu Qing displayed more supernatural powers, it would be useless.

After all, Mu Qing only has the Supreme Triple Heaven, and the Holy Six has reached the Supreme Four Heaven.

The reason why he was able to fight at a higher level was completely dependent on the fourth-order destiny form and the blessing of the star **** body.

All other supernatural powers, after being displayed, were torn apart by the bone claws of Holy Six, fragile.

However, the Star God Body that Mu Qing initially cultivated had already demonstrated a sufficiently powerful demeanor in the battle.

I saw the Milky Way blooming on him, and he smashed Saint Six's tail abruptly with a punch.

Holy Six wailed, and the same claw tore Mu Qing's thigh.

But soon, Mu Qing used the immortal realm, and the broken thigh immediately regenerated!

For Mu Qing now, there are only a few useful magical powers.

Undead Realm and Destruction Dragon Fist can be considered useful.

Both of these are supernatural powers formed by the special power in Mu Qing's body.

A power of rebirth!

A force of destruction!

There is another one, perhaps the world is in chaos, but that is the magical power that Mu Qing will display at the last moment, it is considered to be the bottom of the box, after all, he has to sacrifice his body.

And now, when Mu Qing had cultivated the Star God Body, his body and God Soul had merged.

Even more can't easily display the chaos of heaven and earth.

"Damn it!"

Holy Six roared.

He was itchy with hate, every time he caused a considerable injury to Mu Qing, but Mu Qing would recover very quickly.

You know, the crimson power displayed by the Holy Six, but the power from the crystallization of the universe, can suppress the indestructible power.

In other words, Mu Qing has a means other than the power of immortality to restore his physical body.

Two supreme, fought in the dimensional space for more than ten days!


At this time, the most western part of the starry sky.

The battle between Xinrui and Yaolong Zhizun finally came to an end.

The injuries of both of them were very serious, and Xin Rui was even more bloody, and his breath was extremely weak.

On Xinrui's Supreme Avenue, cracks appeared.

It is conceivable that their battle was extremely fierce.

He lay down on a meteorite, gasping for breath, a little hard to move.

The Monster Dragon Supreme staggered and walked over.

"It seems that I was better in the end."

Yaolong Zhizun grinned, the Supreme Avenue behind him was mostly destroyed, his right hand was broken, and most of his head was cut off by Xinrui.

Divine Soul is hit harder!

However, Demon Dragon Supreme can still act. He reached out his hand, a wave of demon energy gathered, and he wanted to kill Xin Rui.

However, at this time, Xinrui struggled to stand up, and the phantom of the reincarnation appeared behind him.

Yaolong Zhizun froze for a moment, and he suddenly had a bad feeling.

The next moment, Xinrui's breath recovered at an astonishing speed, and all his injuries disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, except for Xinrui's face slightly pale, all injuries recovered!

"It seems that the dead person will be you."

Xinrui chuckled, raising his hand to kill the Demon Dragon Supreme who was already a candle in the wind! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1447 The Fall of the Demon Dragon Supreme), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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