Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1461: Tenjo Universe

Mu Qing was puzzled, and the picture he saw from the silver-white stele surprised him.

He explored again, looking for more clues.

And just as he imagined, from the ruins, many fragments of the scene were found.

Chaos universe, its cosmic instinct has swallowed multiple universes!

This is the news that Mu Qing learned from the leader of the black world.

Mu Qing made a guess at this time. Could it be that the creatures he saw just now were not from the Chaos Universe? The catastrophe he was talking about actually came from the devouring of the Chaos Universe?

From the surroundings, Mu Qing finally realized that the creature just now seemed to come from a universe called Tianqing.

But now, the Tianqing universe has been destroyed, and I don't know what disaster was because of it.

"It's not right. If the catastrophe in the mouth of the creature really refers to the devouring of the chaotic instinct, then the strength of the chaotic instinct should be very terrifying."

Mu Qing frowned. The creature said that even the ruler could not undo the catastrophe. If it really refers to the chaos instinct, then the strength of the chaos instinct is likely to reach the realm of dominance, even more powerful than the dominator.

However, the strength of the chaos instinct should not have reached the realm of dominance, otherwise the devil ancestor would not be able to grab food last time.

"The catastrophe of Tianqing universe should not refer to the chaotic instinct."

Mu Qing touched his chin, thinking.


Suddenly, Mu Qing dug out a skeleton in the ruins.

This skeleton is a bit broken, golden yellow, with traces of blood on it, and only a broken arm remains.

"The strength of this guy is definitely above me. Is it possible that he is the strongest of the Supreme Nine Heavens?!"

After Mu Qing turned out the bones, his face changed slightly.

Only through this bone, he judged that this bone was absolutely very strong before his life. This bone alone can be said to be a supreme bone, and a very powerful coercion escaped, which made Mu Qing feel a while. A sense of oppression.

This skeleton is exactly the creature that Mu Qing saw earlier. It was originally four-handed, single-horned, and had a pair of golden eyes.

But now, there is only one skeleton left.

Mu Qing speculated that this skeleton had at least the strength of the Supreme Nine Heavens during his lifetime, and it might even reach the Supreme Ten Heavens!

"What kind of calamity is it that wiped out these powerful people?"

Mu Qing looked at the skeleton, there was no energy fluctuation, only the remnant supreme aura was left.

If it were placed in the Chaos Universe, I am afraid it would be a supreme power again.

Regrettably, these powerful men were affected by a terrible calamity and died just like that.

"They come from the Tianqing universe, does that universe still exist?"

"This dimensional crack, is it the last remaining space debris in the Tianqing universe?"

Mu Qing was very curious, he really wanted to know what the so-called catastrophe was.

He now knows that there are multiple universes. It's really hard to say how many universes there are.

Perhaps, some universes are stronger than the Chaos universe, and it is not necessarily true that there are strong ones who dominate.

"It's normal. I stayed with the Demon Ancestor for a while, and learned some news from him. When they were wandering in the multiverse, they had been in contact with many universes, and of course they were all excluded and inaccessible."

"Some universes are so weak that even the supreme realm can be crushed!"

"And some universes are extremely powerful. The Demon Ancestor guessed that there are strong people who dominate the realm."

The Devourer spoke from the side.

"Do you know what this so-called catastrophe is?" Mu Qing asked Devourer.

"The catastrophe of the decay of the universe!" The Devourer answered decisively!

"Every universe is very weak when it is born, but it will gradually grow. In the end, the creatures in the universe will continue to grow stronger, until the dominance state appears."

"But the universe also has a lifespan. Although it is quite long, it is certain that the universe will eventually decline, and the creatures in the universe are moths!"

"The more powerhouses in the universe, the more energy will be divided up. If the powerhouses that dominate the realm appear, I am afraid it will carve up a large amount of power in the universe."

"Our chaotic universe is a bit different. The chaotic instinct consciousness was born. It knew that the universe would go to extinction, so it restricted the shackles to the Supreme in advance, and even tried to kill the Supreme Nineth Heaven and Supreme Tenth Heaven in order to prevent its own power from being divided. "

"Only the fewer creatures in the universe, the longer the life span of the universe!"

The Devourer slowly explained that it knew a lot!

"This so-called catastrophe should mean that the universe has come to an end, and generally such universes are very powerful and give birth to instinctive consciousness."

"The universe instinctively didn't want to die, so it began to slaughter creatures. As long as there are fewer creatures, the more likely it is to survive."

"So, the catastrophe of the creatures under this stone tablet should be caused by the decay of the universe and the instinct of the universe at the same time."

The Devouring Demon said that it had received a lot of information from the Demon Ancestor.


Mu Qing took a deep breath, dominating the realm. Perhaps the dominating realm that the creature said was the same as their side.

On their side, there are not many Supreme Tenth Heavens, and they are powerhouses without a master.

The so-called road to dominance is actually just to the multiverse.

"The one who has the most hope to become the master should be the original Supreme Chaos God and the God of Heaven, right?"

"It's a pity that they have all fallen, and they all seem to have died by the hands of the instinct of the universe."

Mu Qing sighed.

The chaotic universe should be far from reaching the point of decay and collapse, and the catastrophe is still very early.

However, the instinctive consciousness of the Chaos Universe was born early, and the consciousness possesses a fairly high level of intelligence, and it is very clear that too many creatures are harmful to it.

The more powerful people appear, the more threatening the chaos instinct is.

As a result, the chaos instinct put nine chains on all the supreme, and even attempted to kill the supreme Nineth Heaven and the Supreme Tenth Heaven.

"Damn it, shouldn't this really be the remaining fragments of other universes?"

The Devourer began to call out: "If this is the case, there may be surprises. There is a master in this universe, come on! Mu Qing! Maybe you can find a way to break through the master."

The strongest people in the Chaos Universe are the Supreme Ten Heavens. Everyone wants to reach the realm of dominance, but they don't have much clues and are still groping.

If Mu Qing really finds a way to break through the supreme, then he will make a lot of money.

"Stop! Who are you!"

The ruins were huge. When Mu Qing and Devouring Demon went deep, they met a man in front of a dilapidated temple.

The man scolded, with golden eyes and a single horn above his head, staring at Mu Qing and Devouring Demon.

"I am Moxu Supreme..."

Mu Qing just wanted to speak, but soon discovered something was wrong, because the other party was not a magic repair!

This is a bit weird. You must know that the people who enter this time are all demonic cultivators of the Demon Realm.

Looking at the man in front of me, his eyes were golden and his head had a single horn. Apart from not having four hands, he was very similar to the creature under the stone stele that Mu Qing had seen before!

Devouring Demon was even more horrified, and exclaimed: "It's not a demon repair! I have never seen such a creature in the Demon Realm, it belongs to another universe!"

As soon as the voice fell, the man on the opposite side shot directly, the world was shaken, and the dazzling light swept away, carrying a storm and flames in his palm, crushing towards Mu Qing and Devouring Demon.


Suddenly, the surrounding area shone brightly, the ground shattered and a vision appeared.

Mu Qing also stepped out in one step, without any fear, and between raising his hands and feet, an astonishing power broke out, the Milky Way bloomed, and the Avenue of Stars extended to the triple sky!

He urged the star **** body, and displayed the form of destiny, golden flames burst, golden silver eyes, the power is even more terrifying.

Mu Qing blasted with a punch, the stars were shining, and the Milky Way emerged. Each punch was like a star, smashing at the opponent, the star **** body was unfolded, the surrounding space was trembling, and cracks appeared.

The space here is also very solid, and Mu Qing's ability to use the Star God Body has not been able to break the space at once.

But Mu Qing's sudden eruption made the opposite creatures trembled.


The one-horned creature with golden eyes screamed, coughed up blood, flew upside down, and was smashed into the ruins. He couldn't resist Mu Qing's power at all, and even his palm was blasted with a punch! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1461 Tianqing Universe) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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