Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1463: Encounter Moro Supreme

"Damn it!"

"If it weren't for the catastrophe, how could we not be able to help here!"

The elders of the clan gritted their teeth. They wanted to help, but they had no cultivation base, so they would die.

They want to stop, but they can't do anything.

And Mu Qing was indifferent, he didn't care what happened to these guys, he just fought back, it was Jin Sheng who attacked him first.

"No! Help Jinsheng quickly!"

At this time, an elder of the clan couldn't help it, yelled and burst into the battle.

"Burning lives, anyway, after experiencing the great calamity, our clan has broken blood, and now we must save Jinsheng, the Holy Physique!"

"Besiege him!"

The two elders drank low, galloped through the air, and made a joint shot.

Their strength was originally very strong, but because of the disaster, they had no cultivation base.

Now, the rest of their clansmen burned their lives one after another to supply the two elders.

Suddenly, the aura of these two elders skyrocketed, reaching a very astonishing level, their aura soared all the way, once again possessing supreme strength.

But it can only reach the point of the Supreme Triple Heaven.

After all, there are too few people in their remaining clans, even if they are willing to burn their lives to provide them, they can't return to the former Supreme Seventh Heaven and Eighth Heaven realm.


But even so, the three of them joined forces, and they broke out with an astonishing power.

The two elders have very rich combat experience, and cooperated with the seriously injured Jin Sheng to surround Mu Qing and fight each other.

However, Mu Qing became more and more courageous in the battle. He possessed the Avenue of Stars, which could continuously replenish his energy, and the Star God Body was displayed to the extreme.


He knocked an elder of the clan into the air with a punch, and the stars poured down. If the elder took out a treasure and replaced him with resisting Mu Qing's attack, I am afraid this elder would be hit **** the spot!

And that treasure was naturally broken by Mu Qing's fist and turned into scattered bits and pieces.

Jin Sheng's found the opportunity and hit Mu Qing's back with a palm, but it was useless. The star **** body was powerful. Mu Qing coughed up blood, but he was even more okay. He smashed his body with a backhand punch.

However, Jin Sheng still left a golden skeleton, which came from his ancestors, surrounded by golden light, and saved his life very tenaciously.

As for the other two elders, they were not so lucky. The Milky Way exploded on Mu Qing's body, and the stars burst out. Then the dragon fist broke out, and the destruction dragon penetrated the body of an elder, abruptly obliterating it!

The Devourer couldn't help but exclaimed from a distance, Mu Qing's strength was too abnormal!

One person fought three supreme, and even one of the supreme was killed. This kind of record might be a complete sensation in the outside world.

"It's not an opponent at all, this guy doesn't know what it's coming from, maybe it's the son of Domination!"

"His physique is strong enough to easily kill us, but our attacks cannot cause effective damage to his physique."

The remaining elder looked sad, and it was the first time he had encountered such a powerful opponent.

Jin Sheng relied on the golden bones of his ancestors to recover his physical body, and said in a deep voice, "He also has a recovery method that can quickly recover his physical injuries."

This is what he just noticed.

Not only do they have a perverted physique, but also have terrifying resilience. How do they fight?

And after playing for a long time, I didn't see Mu Qing taking a few breaths, indicating that the war of attrition was not enough.


At this moment, Mu Qing suddenly sensed that some familiar aura came from a distance, the power of chaos!


Immediately afterwards, there was a battle in the extreme distance, and the aura from there passed, some people fought, and there was even a monstrous spirit chasing someone.

At the same time, a huge portal emerged, the glow of light appeared, and the divine light penetrated the sky and the earth. This sudden change attracted the attention of everyone in the dimensional crack.


The huge portal trembles lightly, and the glowing rays all over the place are vomiting, and that light contains unimaginable rich energy, which is dazzling and spreading to the surroundings.

Jin Sheng and the elder's injuries are recovering at an astonishing speed at this moment. They are bathed in this sky full of glow, and their strength is recovering.

Mu Qing didn't care about them, his face sank, and immediately turned into a starlight and rushed away, the Devouring Demon followed closely behind.

He felt the breath of the power of chaos, it definitely came from the king of chaos!

The King of Chaos has been discovered!

And also being chased and killed!

Mu Qing's speed was very fast, and immediately rushed to the huge portal.

At this moment, the King of Chaos was full of scars, and he himself was in a state of severe damage, and his opponent was a demon with a look very similar to that of Mo Xu, and his strength had reached the fifth heaven of the Supreme!

"Second brother, help me catch him!"

That was Moro Supreme, and there was a group of demonic cultivators by his side. At this moment, Moro Supreme saw Mu Qing, his face was happy, and he hurriedly spoke to help him catch the Chaos King.

The King of Primal Chaos was even more desperate. He was not the opponent of the Supreme Five Heavens after he was hit hard. Now there is another Supreme, I am afraid that he will die on the spot.

However, Mu Qing made a punch, smashing the magical powers displayed by Moro Supreme.

Mu Qing shouted in a low voice: "Get out!"

As soon as these words came out, all the demon cultivators around were taken aback, and even the Supreme Lord Moro was sluggish for a long time.

He didn't realize that something was wrong, his face sank, and he immediately shouted: "Mo Xu, what the **** are you doing!"

Other magic repairs were also shocked. What happened to the Supreme Mo Xu today? He was always respectful to his elder brother, but today he directly verbalized each other, and even took action to resist Moro Supreme's attack.

Could it be that the two brothers turned against each other, and Mo Xu Zhizun also wanted to **** this supreme place?

The group of demons looked at Mu Qing's side and found that the Devourer was disguised as Queen Daluo, and suddenly had some guesses.

Is it possible that the Supreme Moxu wants to seize the position of the Supreme and give it to King Daluo next to him?

"No! You are not the second brother, what did you do to my second brother?!"

At this time, Moro Sovereign finally reacted, his face was cold, the murderous intent was revealed in his eyes, and the devilish energy on his body became even more violent.

He suddenly realized that the second brother in front of him was in disguise, and it was impossible for Mo Xu Zhizun to talk to him like this.

Suddenly, Moro Sovereign raged in his heart.

You know, his third brother has fallen while testing the black world, and because the opponent is the black world, even the Supreme Moro can't get revenge. The demon ancestor issued an order in person and was not allowed to protect the black world. People shot directly.

Moro Supreme has been holding back his anger for a long time. If his second brother also had an accident, then he would probably be completely mad, desperate to kill his opponent.


Mu Qing sneered. He also knew that the disguise was useless now. After the disguise was cancelled, the real appearance was exposed, but it shocked Moro Supreme and the demons.

Even the King of Primal Chaos was surprised. He didn't expect that Mu Qing would come here specifically, and his heart was instantly moved.

But at this time, Moro Supreme's eyes almost spit fire, and roared: "Mu Qing! As people in the black world, you dare to break into the territory of my demon world?!"

He realized that his second brother was mostly in an accident. Although he didn't know what Mu Qing had in front of him, he was definitely not as simple as it seemed. After all, Mu Qing had resisted his attack just now.

"You are looking for death!"

"If you dare to enter my demon world, don't even think about going out alive!"

Moro Supreme strode out, the demonic energy was gloomy, and he came directly through the air, one after another, the evil spirit was wailing, and he shot Mu Qing.


Mu Qing also shot, his body bloomed into the Milky Way, golden arrogance soaring into the sky, a palm leaned out, covering the sky and the sun, the stars were pouring out, his palm seemed to extend to infinity, grabbing all the devilish energy.

These devilish spirits and resentful souls surging turbulently in Mu Qing's palm.

The wisps of devilish energy that belonged to the Supreme Lord of Moruo tumbled at Mu Qing's fingertips, trying to break through Mu Qing's palm, but after Mu Qing cultivated the star **** body, his body was terrifying, and he grasped these devilish energy abruptly.

"What kind of physique is this?!"

Those half-sovereign and great emperor realm cultivators brought by Moro Supreme were shocked, but Mu Qing directly grasped and played with the power of Moro Supreme.

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