Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1476: Escape from Domination City

"He actually mastered the power of cosmic catastrophe!"

In the outside world, the emperor's face was solemn, and he looked back at Dominating the City, a look of horror appeared deep in his eyes.

The Emperor of Heaven knew more or less about disasters.

The Emperor of Heaven had his own adventures. When Tianqing Universe was facing difficulties, most of the cosmic fragments fell into the chaotic universe.

And the Emperor of Heaven happened to have encountered a lot, and swallowed some surviving guys with Devouring Avenue, and gained memories.

The reason why he knows about the disaster is because the disaster once had a love, but after the disaster betrayed the dominance of the city, he broke off the relationship with his former lover.

Now that the disaster is over, the disaster also feels that the other party has fallen.

But in fact, the lover of the disaster survived, but was swallowed by the emperor and deprived of memory.

Regarding disasters, the Emperor of Heaven learned from it.

The emperor knew that disasters had brought cosmic catastrophe in advance, causing the entire Tianqing universe to be shattered and almost destroyed.

However, the calamity strength at that time was the supreme tenth heaven. Although it was extremely powerful, it did not yet have that ability. Therefore, if you want to cause cosmic catastrophe in advance, it will inevitably have to pay a great price.

And for this price, the Heavenly Emperor originally thought that the price was the power of catastrophe falling on the avenue after seeing the supreme avenue of calamity.

You know, the catastrophe even shattered the entire Tianqing universe, and the treasures that dominated the city became useless. It can be seen how powerful this catastrophe is.

If these forces fall on the Supreme Avenue, I am afraid that it will not take long before the Supreme Avenue will gradually collapse and eventually be destroyed.

The emperor originally thought that calamity was the same, so he wanted to use the power of calamity to seize the universe crystal in the hands of evil gods before the calamity was completely ruined by the catastrophe.

He has some other ideas, attempting to use the crystallization of the universe to promote his Devouring Dao to the Perfect Dao.

However, it now appears that the strength of the disaster is even more terrifying than he imagined.

The catastrophe of the universe, that terrifying power, was actually controlled by the disaster!

"Goodbye, dominate the city."

Disaster looked at the Domination City below, and said lightly.

He was born here, but now he has no feelings at all, he just wants to end everything now.

However, at this moment, the two figures ran towards the city gate frantically.

It is Jin Sheng and the elders of the clan!

Jin Sheng was seriously injured when he was fighting with Mu Qing before, and before he reached the gate of the city, he was restrained by a force of strength.

Calamity looked at Jin Sheng indifferently, and then threw the natural disaster sun down.

This natural disaster sun can dominate the city by half, but the real power that erupts is enough to destroy the city.

After all, this is the dominating city after the catastrophe.

"Oops! We must escape as soon as possible!"

The complexions of Mu Qing and King Chaos changed suddenly.

Tianyue's pupils contracted too, and immediately rushed towards the city gate.

But the calamity was just a glance, and there was a terrifying power shrouded in them, confining their bodies.

But at this moment, a figure rushed into the sky at an astonishing speed, slamming a fist against the disaster.

The disaster's face changed suddenly, and he backed away quickly, but he was still blown away with a punch.


Misery coughed up blood, then his face changed slightly, and he looked at the figure in front of him.

"Tianba ruler is still alive?"

His heart sank. If the master is still alive, he must not be an opponent.

But soon, the disaster discovered that the opponent was not the master, but a bronze statue.

"Bronze statue dominated by Tianba!"

"Why does this thing still have power?"

The catastrophe's pupils contracted, and he really hadn't noticed it before, because the bronze statue was the same as Mu Qing's destiny form, without any aura.

For the copper statue dominated by Tianba, disasters are naturally clear, and the strength of this copper statue has at least reached the supreme tenth heaven.

However, after the catastrophe, the disaster did not put the bronze statue in his eyes.

You know, the major houses that dominate the city and even the treasures in the dominion hall are destroyed because of catastrophes, and there is no charm.

The bronze statue is exposed under the dominating city, without all kinds of treasure protection, how can it withstand the power of disaster?

But it is clear that the bronze statue is indeed not affected in any way.


The copper statue came out with a big hand, grabbed all the top sacred stone veins, and then crushed them all!

There were a hundred veins of top **** stone, before all the energy escaped, they swarmed in and got into the body of the copper statue.

In an instant, the dazzling brilliance bloomed.

The original unpretentious bronze statue suddenly turned into a light man.

"Get up!"

A whisper suddenly spread, not a disaster, but the sound of the bronze statue!

I saw that dominating the city, four huge light beams soared into the sky.

At the same time injected into the body of the bronze statue.

These four beams come from the four dominating halls!

Tianqing Universe, there are a total of five masters, and four of them joined forces to create the master city.

Dominating the city, naturally there is a dominating hall of these four dominators, and all of their descendants live in it.

After the catastrophe, the bronze statue could still provoke the power of the dominating hall, and endless energy poured into the body in an instant.


The bronze statue exploded, leaving a blazing light figure in place.

The light man had a breath and was extremely terrifying, his hands condensed energy, and a lightsaber that horrified the world was cut down, cutting the plagued sun in half.

The shattered natural disaster sun turned into a meteorite rain, smashed into the dominating city, a large ray of light exploded, and air waves were set off.

Dominating the city is still in ruins.

However, because the Guangren took action to stop it, the imprisonment power of Mu Qing and others had long been released.

Tianyue was the fastest, and he ignored Mu Qing and the others, and directly activated the city gate with a drop of blood, teleporting to leave the dominating city.

"Oops, we don't have the blood to dominate the city's dignitaries, we can't get out!"

The faces of Chaos King and Devouring Demon changed suddenly.

Mu Qing moved extremely fast, and instantly moved to the side of Jin Sheng. The Milky Way burst out on his body, smashing an arm of Jin Sheng with a punch.

Jin Sheng, who was already seriously injured, naturally couldn't resist Mu Qing's attack.

Then, Mu Qing crushed this arm, blood splattered.

With this blood, the city gate burst out with a dazzling light, covering Mu Qing and the others, teleporting to dominate the city outside.


Jin Sheng's throat roared.

He almost breathed fire in his eyes, but still resisted his anger, activated the blood to the city gate, and left the place with the elder on the side.

Dominate outside the city.

"Tianyue! Join forces to kill them!"

"They are outsiders!"

Jin Sheng yelled as soon as he came to the outside world.

Tian Yue looked back at Jin Sheng, his face was frosty, and when he raised his hand, it was a sword. Jian Guang turned into an ice dragon and hit Jin Sheng's body.


Jin Sheng coughed up blood again and flew away.

The elder next to him was also stunned, and he didn't understand why Tianyue would attack them. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1476 Escape from Domination City), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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