Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1482: The mysterious supreme appears

In the starry sky.

Mu Qing was located on the moon, and the original Demon Temple was renamed the Star God Temple.

It has been several months since Thunder Punishment brought back Slaughter Supreme.

Lei Pun's injury was not serious, and he was relieved after seeing his close friend, King of Primal Chaos, returned safely with the help of Mu Qing.

Soon after, Lei Chau left.

"By the way, some major events may happen in the universe recently, rumors..."

Before Lei Chai left, he approached Mu Qing and said through the sound transmission: "The rumor, the ruler inheritance has appeared, and the ruler from another universe left the inheritance in our universe. You may be able to pay attention if you have time."

He patted Mu Qing on the shoulder, then pierced through the sky, leaving the starry sky realm.

"It seems that the Ancient Immortal Realm has also received news. If you say that, 80% of the Three Realms also know the news?"

Mu Qing frowned. From this point of view, it was not only the Black Realm who noticed it, but even the Ancient Immortal Realm knew about the inheritance.

Of course, this kind of news is generally only known to the supreme of the major forces and will never be passed on.

Lei Ping was able to tell Mu Qing the news, which shows that the relationship between the two is very good.

However, Mu Qing had already learned about the ruling inheritance from the leader of the black world.

"How is the situation with Slaughter Supreme?"

After Lei Chai left, Mu Qing went to the Star God Temple and asked about Slaughter Supreme.

Although Slaughter Supreme was rescued by Thunder Punishment, his Supreme Avenue had already been taken away, and his entire body's strength was greatly reduced, and he was not even as good as a **** emperor.

You know, a supreme and powerful man who was originally dignified, but now he has become inferior to the emperor, this feeling can be uncomfortable, and it is no different from a useless man.

"The state of life has stabilized, but Slaughter Supreme is colder than before. Although he didn't speak much, he can feel that his mood fluctuates greatly."

Old Tu came to Mu Qing and sighed.

This supreme avenue has been deprived, and it is almost impossible to return to the supreme unless there is a miracle.

Mu Qing frowned, he could only hope that the Slaughter Supreme would not be inconceivable, after all, the Slaughter Supreme happened because of their starry sky world.

"Let Xinrui comfort him in the past, it is not impossible to restore strength."

Mu Qing said solemnly.

Slaughter Supreme is still relatively weak, waiting for him to recover for a while, he can almost possess the strength of the **** emperor, and the physical body that has experienced self-destruction is enough to match the peak of the **** emperor.

And the Supreme Avenue was deprived, although it is very likely that there will be no way to return to the Supreme Realm, but there is Xinrui, the Reincarnation Supreme, on Mu Qing's side.

Through the power of reincarnation, Xinrui was able to instantly return to the peak state from the near-death state.

Even Xinrui can use the power of reincarnation to resurrect the souls that have been disintegrated!

That being the case, Xinrui can also use the power of reincarnation to restore the power of the supreme avenue deprived of the supreme killing.

Perhaps Xinrui currently does not have the strength to help the Slaughter Supreme restore his strength, but as long as Xinrui grows up, it will be possible one day.

For Xinrui's road of reincarnation, Mu Qing still quite trusts, after all, this is a supreme avenue with the potential of a perfect avenue!

Six months have passed.

All circles in the universe fell into silence for a while, and there was not much movement.

The Three Realms did not do anything, and during this period, the leader of the Black Realm did not appear again.

The so-called inheritance of the ruler has also not been discovered by anyone, and even now the news of the inheritance of the ruler has not even spread from all realms of the universe.

"The rain is coming and the wind is full..."

Mu Qing stood on the moon, staring at the starry sky in front of him.

He knew that this short period of tranquility would usher in violent storms.

Once the news of ruling the inheritance spreads, the whole universe will be boiled!


Mu Qing noticed the abnormal movement of the Qi Luck Pearl. When he took out the Qi Luck Pearl and checked it, he found that instead of pulling his consciousness into the Qi Luck space, he sent a message.

"One of the core members of the Black World, the Astrology Supreme is missing."

"Confirmed dead!"

"Huh? The horoscope is dead?"

Mu Qing was a little surprised when he saw this news.

In his impression, astrology is good at all kinds of escape and defense methods, and the strength is also supreme.

And after becoming a core member of the Black World, there should be more and more powerful astrological methods. Why did he disappear?

Soon, Mu Qing saw another mission through Qi Yunzhu.

The mission description is very simple. It is to investigate the cause of death of the astrology. As long as you provide any clues about the cause of death of the astrology, you will be rewarded with 30 luck points.

And this is not over yet, and the task later described that if you bring back the corpse of the astrology, you can get 100 points of luck as a reward.

Moreover, as long as you bring back the horoscope corpse, the 30 luck points in the front will also be given.

A total of 130 luck points!

More tasks than Mu Qing's previous tasks!

"It seems that in this era, even the Supreme is not completely safe."

Mu Qing sighed, the horoscope supreme seemed to be sure of death.

Subsequently, Mu Qing noticed the person who issued the task.

Pale Demon God!

"These two guys seem to have a good relationship."

Mu Qing said to himself.

The pale demon god, it's been a long time since he saw each other.

At the beginning, this guy was born in Mu Qing's heart demon and transformed into an independent individual. Although he looked the same as Mu Qing, he possessed completely different abilities and strengths.

Originally, Mu Qing was worried that the Pale Demon God was a strong enemy, but after that, the Pale Demon God did not appear in front of him much.

"Forget it, don't care."

Mu Qing put away his luck beads.

The difficulty factor of this task is also very high, because the specific scope has not been determined.

This also means that members of the black world who want to complete this task must search for clues to astrology in all areas of the universe, which is similar to the task that Mu Qing issued before.

Although the rewards are generous, there are probably not many people who must deliberately execute them.

"My lord, there is a problem with a star field in the eastern part of the starry sky world. It is suspected that there is a supreme powerhouse. The holy war angels and law enforcement officers over there are not able to contact, and I am afraid they have all fallen."

At this time, Luo Daozhong quickly approached Mu Qing, sweating all over his head.

"The supreme strong? Are you from the Three Realms?"

Hearing this, Mu Qing's eyes flashed with icy light.

"Not sure, many jihadist angels and law enforcement guarding the border can be contacted, and everything is normal."

"Either a supreme powerhouse who sneaked in from the outside world, or a supreme born within our starry sky world."

Lieutenant Luo Dao informed Mu Qing of his speculation.

In the starry sky, a mysterious supreme powerhouse suddenly appeared.

Even if it is semi-sovereign, it is impossible to kill the holy war angel instantly, causing no information to be received.

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