Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1488: Last opponent

"Next level, what is this time?"

Mu Qing waved away the scarlet sword in his hand, and then looked at the sea of ​​blood in front of him.

This trial is a bit boring for him.

Perhaps it is very difficult for others, after all, all power will be wiped out.

But from the first trial battle, Mu Qing possessed the power of the Star God Body, and it was very easy to deal with.

Although the abilities of the Avenue of Stars could not be activated, the recovery ability of the Star God Body itself was already pretty good.

"Inheritance of Scarlet Domination..."

Mu Qing touched his chin with doubts.

Passing so many levels in a row, each level will reward a part of the scarlet power, and in the tenth level, the first magical power in the scarlet heritage will be obtained.


However, after Mu Qing showed up, he found that it seemed to be similar to the Star God Body, or even worse than the Star God Body.

Moreover, Mu Qing always had a sense of twisting when he showed it.

"Is it not fully inherited?"

Mu Qing had some doubts.

After all, this scarlet heritage is, anyhow, the inheritance of the master.

If it can be obtained, Mu Qing can be considered to have a master inheritance, and more importantly, as long as there is a master inheritance, he will be trained by the black world.


At this time, monsters appeared one after another. These monsters were all humanoids with strong muscles, but their heads were hideous and terrifying, like beasts, and there were smooth tentacles behind their heads.

These monsters have a total of five heads, holding a sickle, and slashing towards Mu Qing.


Mu Qing's eyes condensed, and the trial of this level gave him a certain amount of pressure.

The stars flickered on his body, and the Milky Way bloomed in the blink of an eye. He came to the sky above a monster in a flash and hit it with a fierce punch.

However, a clear voice came out, and Mu Qing's punch was actually resisted by the monster with a sickle.


The next moment, the monster waved its sickle, and easily cut a hole in Mu Qing's arm!

Mu Qing hurriedly stepped back, blood spattered in his palm, and smooth tentacles condensed, and turned into a scarlet long sword, piercing the monster at an astonishing speed.


One monster was solved, and the remaining four monsters were immediately surrounded.

Mu Qing dodged again and again, and after a while gradually figured out the routines of this group of monsters.

"The sickles in the hands of these monsters can easily break through the defenses of the star gods!"

Mu Qing became vigilant.

Of course, these five-headed monsters, except for the sharp and unparalleled sickle in their hands, were almost almost in other respects.

Mu Qing quickly solved these monsters by taking advantage of the speed.

After the result, a whirlpool also appeared in the sea of ​​blood, and a **** light penetrated into Mu Qing's body, causing the scarlet power in his body to increase sharply.

After resting for a while, the monsters like the ones just appeared again in front of Mu Qing, but this time the number of these monsters reached ten.

"It's useless to come."

Mu Qing was a little disdainful, his figure flashed, and he appeared behind a monster in an instant, slammed it out, intending to shake it.

As a result, this palm was lost!

The monster's speed turned out to be faster than before, blinking around Mu Qing's back, swung down the sickle, and easily broke through the defense of Mu Qingxing's divine body.


A long and narrow gap extended from Mu Qing's waist.

The blood spattered wildly.

Mu Qing quickly moved away, using the power of the star **** body and scarlet power to repair the damage.

He looked at the ten monsters in front of him again, and saw these monsters rushing towards him at an astonishing speed.

Mu Qing frowned. He didn't expect the monsters in this level to gain a huge speed increase.


Compared with the relaxed and cozy before, Mu Qing is now more serious.

If there is no star **** body, it is hard to imagine how light relying on the scarlet power and a scarlet moon slash magical power given through the trial can pass.

Mu Qing skillfully used scarlet power to resist the monster's slash, and at the same time moved his body horizontally.

A scarlet long sword condensed out, blocking the middle of the three monsters, and then dodged immediately to avoid the attacks of several other monsters.

After the speed was greatly increased, coupled with the sickle that could break through the defense of Mu Qingxing's divine body, these monsters were indeed qualified to threaten Mu Qing.

Mu Qing could only deal with it cautiously, as far as possible to prevent himself from being injured. This time of fighting for a long time, it took more than an hour to finally kill all the monsters.

"Fortunately, these monsters are extremely fragile and die when touched."

Mu Qing sighed, but soon had a bad feeling.

After obtaining a large amount of scarlet power rewarded by this level, twenty monsters holding sickles appeared again this time, and they were still very fast.


Mu Qing was quite proficient in his response this time, and when he found the opportunity, he hit a monster with a punch.

As a result, the monster was only knocked out, a little crack appeared behind it, and immediately stood up again, nothing happened.

"Fuck! As expected, the defense has become stronger!"

Mu Qing couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

At the same time, he backed back abruptly to avoid the attacks of several monsters, and then slid smooth tentacles protruding from his arms. The scarlet tentacles turned into sharp swords, and they directly penetrated the bodies of ten monsters. Kill on the spot!


Mu Qing's heart condensed, and the power of these monsters was strengthened again. Even Mu Qing's star **** body could not be killed directly, but relying on the supernatural power of scarlet power, it could effectively cause damage.

"It seems that this dominating inheritance trial is specifically for people to contact Scarlet Supernatural Powers."

Mu Qing used his magical powers again, and the scarlet power burst out, and each tentacle turned into a scarlet long sword, killing all the remaining monsters.

However, even if Mu Qing displayed scarlet supernatural powers, the monsters of this trial became stronger and stronger, and the number increased.

In the twentieth level, a hundred monsters armed with sickles attacked Mu Qing.

Although Mu Qing passed the twentieth level in the end, he was already wounded.

"This **** trial is simply not something people can pass."

Mu Qing gritted his teeth and cursed.

In front of him, a whirlpool appeared.

But this time, no so-called inheritance supernatural powers appeared, and Mu Qing was not rewarded with more scarlet powers.

A huge head appeared, all under it were tentacles, it was the Scarlet Domination phantom that I had seen before.

At this moment, the phantom of Scarlet Domination made a smirk and said, "Congratulations, you have successfully passed a total of 20 trials. You have arranged so many trials because I didn't want people to pass it at all."

"But it's okay. In the end, your opponent will be me. As long as you defeat me, you can go out."

"As for the so-called Scarlet Legacy...hahahaha!"

"Sorry, at least in my dominating hall, there is no such thing at all!" The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: https:// Domination txt download address: /down/147180.htmlThe starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (the last of Chapter 1488 Opponent) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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