Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1508: The sudden appearance of the demon flame supreme

"I'm afraid that the leader of the black world does not exist. In fact, the person who really controls the black world is the swordsman supreme, right?"

After entering the Secret Realm of Ashes, the Demon Ancestor whispered.

If it was before, it would be fine, but now, it is related to the inheritance of the master, and even the swordsman supreme has come, then the leader of the black world can't not come!

They did not see each other, it is very likely that the leader of the black world does not exist.

Not only the Demon Ancestor, but also Yaoyan Supreme and Evil God think so.

After all, until now, the figure of the leader of the black world has not appeared. This has to make people wonder whether this leader of the black world really exists?

Of course, even if the leader of the black world they suspect does not exist and is fictitious, the power of the black world should not be underestimated!

At the very least, on the bright side, the Black Realm has such a supreme powerhouse like Jianxin Supreme!

At the same time, there are Mu Qing and other supreme ones!

Secretly, the members of the black world are all over the universe, and they can't say what the power of the black world is like.

However, just a Jianxin Supreme was enough to make them vigilant.

Several great supreme powerhouses of the tenth heaven, all entered the territory of these three ashes great secrets.

On the far left, there are Jianxin Supreme and Yaoyan Supreme.

In the middle, there is the Demon Ancestor.

On the far right is the evil god.


In the Great Ashes Secret Territory, there were dense clouds and scorched earth, and there was nothing but a few black dead trees.

Golden flames can be seen everywhere, burning on cracked ground and dead trees.

"Sure enough, as Lei Chai said, there is a lot of room for trials."

After Mu Qing entered here, he looked around and saw many cracks in the space that revealed golden light.

Behind these space cracks are trial points. According to Lei Punishment, there are different crises in these trial points, some are simple, some are difficult, and the rewards are also completely random.

"The master inheritance is there!"

There are more than hundreds of experts in the demon world, and some people from the demon world and the holy world are mixed, and some of them point forward.

The location of the sun inheritance is very obvious, just high in the distance, it is a shadow of the sun, just like the shadow of the sun when everyone enters the dominion hall.

Obviously, everyone only needs to enter there to start the trial of the inheritance of the sun dominance.

Suddenly, everyone flocked.

As for the trial space next to it, I didn't even look at it!

Because for them, the inheritance of the sun is the most important thing. What about other trial spaces, even if they enter and successfully obtain some benefits?

His own strength is still that way.

Only to fight for the sun inheritance, once become the master inheritor, it will definitely become the key training object.

As a result, these three realms powerhouses, wherever Mu Qing is still in charge, all rushed towards the shadow of the sun, for fear of missing the opportunity.

"Get out of the way!"

At this time, the demon spirit was vertical and horizontal, and the demon flame supreme came from across the air, but he did not even look at Mu Qing. He used the demon fire to disperse the crowd, stepped directly into the air, and rushed into the shadow of the sun.

"The point of trial space with the dominating body...perceived it! On the left hand side!"

Mu Qing did not enter the phantom of the sun for the first time to carry on the sun inheritance, but planned to complete the thunder penalty account first.

The body of dominance, like the inheritance of the sun, is an existence that allows the supreme power to quickly increase the strength in a short period of time.

At present, there should not be many people in the entire universe who know about the ruler's body, even the devil ancestor is slamming and touching, touching a rudimentary form.

Mu Qing wants to destroy it to prevent people from the demon world from acquiring it.

The dazzling star appeared behind Mu Qing. The master body transformed from the Avenue of Stars could be big or small, but now it was three meters tall, suspended behind Mu Qing, like a patron saint.

According to the perception of the dazzling star, Mu Qing walked to the left, the dazzling star's induction became stronger and stronger, and finally he came to a space crack.

This spatial crack is on the ground, and flames are burning all around, which looks like a crack in the ground.

Mu Qing took a step forward, and the golden light on the soles of his feet suddenly bloomed, enveloping Mu Qing, and a sudden pull force pulled him into the crack in this space.

This is a small space, surrounded by a bamboo forest. In the center, Mu Qing saw a stone stele on which were carved golden ancient characters.

Suddenly, Mu Qing understood that the stele was carrying the secret method of the sovereign body!

"Where's the trial?"

Mu Qing stepped forward, but did not find where the so-called trial was.

When he came to the stele, when Mu Qing was a little curious, the stele in front of him suddenly turned into a giant stone snake, gnawing towards Mu Qing.


Mu Qing didn't move, the shining star behind him had already reached out and grabbed it.


On the starry sky body of the dazzling star, countless pupils suddenly appeared, bursting out of starlight, directly penetrating the giant stone snake into powder.

"Probably just equivalent to the power of an ordinary extreme emperor?"

"No wonder Ray Punishment said that this Dominant Body's thinking trial point is relatively simple."

Mu Qing whispered, he didn't need to take action by himself, because the bright star derived from the Supreme Dao was itself equivalent to his second self.

And the trials inside, even the very strong with a little bit of strength can pass, it can be said that it is almost a free benefit.

Of course, the prerequisite is to be able to select exactly this trial point among the many trial spaces.

Even this trial point is more like a golden flame rising from the surface of the charred ground, and most people will not pay attention to it!

If it hadn't been for the bright star to sense, Mu Qing would not have discovered this trial point.

"Thunder Punishment, didn't it happen that he stepped on and just happened to enter this trial space, right?"

Mu Qing guessed, rubbing his chin.

And the giant stone serpent that was killed by Mu Qing's bright star, shattered and burst into golden light again, reunited to form the original stone monument.

Just as Lei Chai said, the trial here is very simple. Defeating the giant stone snake will be completed. Mu Qing estimates that as long as he has the strength of the extreme pinnacle, even if he enters the temple of the sun dominates and is suppressed by the power, he can do it. Conquer easily.

Mu Qing put away the dazzling star, the body of this dominator has been released, and the consumption of him is also very huge.

Starlight began to flicker on his body, a phantom of the Milky Way appeared, and his body had a tendency to become starry.

With the passage of time, Mu Qing's cultivation of the Star God Body is getting deeper and deeper. When the cultivation reaches the end, it will completely turn into a starry sky like a shining star!


Just when Mu Qing was about to destroy the stele, a red light suddenly penetrated from behind and hit Mu Qing's shoulder!


Blood splashed, with Mu Qing's star **** body, it was still difficult to resist this power!

Mu Qing's pupils shrank slightly, he didn't notice anything!

At the same time, he turned his head to look.

It was a strange man with flames burning behind him, and in that terrible flame, the phantom of a nine-headed dragon appeared.

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