Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1635: Black Skull Sword

"This is a bit bad!"

Everyone stared at each other as they watched the battle in the endless void.

A breath of horror swept across like a wave, shocking everyone.

The two royal blood demons are fighting in the depths of the endless void.

The remaining two teams of double-horned Gorefiends, a total of eight, are also in a melee.

The only good news is that these two Gorefiend teams don't seem to want to pay attention to them. The two sides are in a fierce battle.

"This blood demon clan, even if it is against its own people, the methods are so cruel!"

Mu Qing watched from the sidelines, feeling a little surprised in his heart. He could see that the battle between the two blood demon squads was a dead end!

Regardless of the identity of the same race!

At this time, everyone had to sigh that the blood demons were indeed a fighting race, and they were born with a desire to fight.

Compared with the erratic and uneven opponents in other universes, the powerhouses of the same race are more in line with their needs!

In the three cosmic trials before this, the blood demons all encountered a weaker universe, and they didn't need the royal blood demons to take action. The double-horned blood demons had eliminated all opponents in other universes.

The rest of the trial is basically the battle of the various Gorefiend squads within the same clan.

No blood demon is afraid of death, and every blood demon squad of them is a competitor.

Therefore, every Gorefiend squad encounters, there will basically be a battle, and most of them will fight directly to a certain side to destroy it!

Mu Qing and the others glanced at each other. The group of guys did not take care of them, but there is no doubt that the people of these two Gorefiend teams have already spotted them.

It's just that both parties are in high spirits and don't want to end the battle midway.

Of course, Mu Qing and the others could feel that an invisible force locked them in.

If they want to escape, they will usher in a joint siege of two Gorefiend teams!

The Qi machine shrouding them is already warning them.

"You leave first, let me see if I can get something."

Mu Qing transmitted the sound to everyone.

With the last action, everyone is also aware of Mu Qing's ability.

Supreme Nirvana nodded, he also knew Mu Qing's ability to escape, so he was not worried.

However, they did not use the teleporter. Once they left, they would inevitably attract the attention of the two Gorefiend teams. Therefore, they had to wait for Mu Qing to enter the non-existent realm.

The two Blood Demon squads in front of them were strange faces that they had never seen before.

After all, the two teams of Mie Quan and Mie Heng were both killed by Mu Qing as a double-horned gorefiend.

Mu Qing closed his eyes and sensed the non-existent realm.

The two Gorefiend teams didn't care about them either.

At this time, both sides had suffered casualties, and a double-horned blood demon was abruptly pierced through his chest, and then torn in half.

The other two-horned gorefiend was bathed in blood, and roared to the sky.

As for which team these two double-horned blood demons belonged to, they couldn't tell how.

After all, the appearance of the two-horned Gorefiend looked like a tauren with a hideous face, almost every one of them looked exactly the same.

I don't know how they can tell the difference!

As for the blood demon clan, only after transforming into the royal blood demon, will there be obvious changes in appearance, and even males and females will appear.


Along with the splash of blood, a double-horned blood demon fell and was abruptly chopped in half.

But then, the two-horned gorefiend who had just been killed, holding a big knife, before he had time to react, a huge stick slammed him and killed him!

The melee lasted for a while, and the two-horned blood demons fell one after another.

Maybe they had been fighting for a long time before, so now they were weak and they were killed one after another.

In the end, one side was left with two severely wounded double-horned blood demons, and the other side was left with a free and slightly wounded double-horned blood demons.

The two-horned Gorefiend waved the giant stick in his hand and resisted the offensive of the two-horned Gorefiend, because both of them were seriously injured, so they could still contend.

After a while, a snake in the starry sky emerged from Mu Qing's body!

"It's now!"

Mu Qing gave a low cry, and at the same time, everyone else used the teleporter, and a cloud of blue mist vortex enveloped them, and the whole person was sucked in and disappeared.

The movement here caused the two royal blood demons who were fighting to be stunned and had to stop their movements.

The injuries on both of them were not minor, one holding a long sword and the other holding a long knife.

They first glanced at the casualties in their team, and then turned their eyes to Mu Qing and the others.

I saw that the azure blue mist vortex had dissipated, and at the same time, Mu Qing was also swallowed by the snake of the starry sky with a smile.

Under their noses, Mu Qing and Ji Mie Zhi Zun and others disappeared!

"The guy in this universe has a few tricks."

The royal blood demon holding a long sword said lightly, but his eyes flashed with killing intent.

The double-horned gorefiend with the giant stick flashed up and appeared beside him.

On the other side, the royal blood demon holding a long knife snorted coldly, and beside him were two severely wounded double-horned blood demon.

"Mie Shang, those people disappeared under your eyelids. If this spreads out, I'm afraid I will be laughed at by people of the same race!"

On the opposite side, the royal blood demon known as Mie Shang waved away the blood from the long sword in his hand, his expression indifferent.

"The battle, but it's not over yet, that group of guys ran away."

"These five hearts of blood, I am bound to win!"

Mie Shang said solemnly.

The subordinates around him have already refined some blood hearts. If all these five blood hearts are obtained right now, then they can help them transform into royal blood demons!

This is definitely a boost for Mie Shang, and there is a helper when he takes the heart of the sacred tree.

After all, according to their family's regulations, the double-horned blood demon transformed into a royal blood demon during the trial, and could not attack his captain, and at the same time could not obtain the heart of the **** tree.

The royal blood demon wants to compete for the heart of the sacred tree, only to recruit his men, form a team, and enter the sacred tree trial.

Only the captain can refine the heart of the sacred tree and transform it into a protoss!

Therefore, for his subordinates to transform into the royal blood demon, Mie Shang is not afraid of the opponent to compete with him, on the contrary, the opponent will do his best to help him.

"What do you mean?"

The royal blood demon who was holding the knife on the opposite side was shocked.

At the same time, he sensed Mie Shang's killing intent on him!


He trembled in the bottom of his heart, and quickly used his magical steps, and violently retreated toward the rear.

This royal blood demon frowned. He didn't understand that the group of outsiders suddenly disappeared. Shouldn't it be time to stop fighting and solve the outsiders' problem first?

After all, it was under their noses and disappeared directly when their Qi machine was locked.

Maybe it was hidden, and wanted to attack them!

The powerhouses of this universe might be able to pose a threat to them!

But Mie Shang didn't care, he sneered, let go of his palm, and the long sword he was holding gently fell below.

Not long after the long sword fell, it turned into puffs of black smoke and dissipated.

"That is!"

The royal blood demon, who was fleeing with a godly step, opened his eyes wide, and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He didn't care about the two men, and quickly fled.

Although the blood demons are not afraid of life and death and eager to fight, in fact, when the real death comes, they instinctively run away subconsciously.

"The second stage of liberation, the sword of the black skull!"

A voice faintly came from Mie Shang's mouth.

At the same time, in the endless void, a billowing black mist surged and shrouded away at an astonishing speed.

The two double-horned blood demons were seriously injured themselves, and could not escape with their magic steps, and they were soon enveloped by the black haze.

Under the black mist, their bodies were stiff, and a black skull appeared behind them, swallowing them in one bite.

Immediately afterwards, invisibly, a long sword came across, from the top of the black skull, penetrating down!

Two double-horned blood demons, completely dead!

The black mist is still spreading.

The royal blood demon fled frantically. He waved the long knife in his hand, and the blades were torn apart, but it was submerged in the black mist, without the slightest ripple.

Nothing happened!

"The second stage of liberation ability!"

He gritted his teeth and his eyes showed hopelessness.

There is also a gap among the royal blood demons!

After reaching the royal blood demon, everyone has their own abilities and can skillfully use the first stage of liberation.

But as the degree of ability development is different, the strength is also different.

And although he is said to be a royal blood demon, but he did not master the ability of the second stage of liberation!

Mie Shang has already realized that although he is in the royal blood demon, it is a bit reluctant to use it, but this second stage of liberation ability is definitely a killer move!

"Thunder roar!"

The royal blood demon displayed his first-stage liberation ability, and the long knife in his hand burst into endless thunder.

He roared, raised the long knife in his hand and chopped it away!

But unfortunately, the golden thunder was quickly swallowed by the black mist.

In despair, a black skull appeared behind him, swallowed him, and was imprisoned in the black skull.

Through the hollow eye sockets of the black skull, he could see Mie Shang's figure shrouded in layers of black mist.

Immediately afterwards, his body became stiff, and the long sword penetrated the black skull, killing him completely!

After a while, the billowing black mist receded like a tide, and strands of black mist condensed into a long sword, which fell into Mie Shang's hands.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Mie Shang's mouth, and he himself was injured. Forcibly exerting the second-stage liberation ability, he did have a certain burden.

"Unfortunately, if you can use it proficiently, killing this guy is easy."

Mie Shang shook his head.

Once his black skull sword is released, it will produce endless black mist. Once it is covered by the black mist, there will be a black skull in the dark, imprisoning it.

Immediately afterwards, the long sword condensed by the black mist penetrated down from above, completely killing the opponent!

His second-stage ability, but with a terrible imprisonment!

After solving the opponent, Mie Shang looked up at the endless void around him.

He shouted loudly: "Mu Qing! Right? If I remember correctly, this is your name!"

"You and your party are very capable. I came into contact with Mie Heng and Mie Quan before, and learned from them that there is such a group of people that can easily disappear and escape under their enchantment."

"And one of them named Mu Qing is able to summon a giant snake, hide himself after swallowing himself, and wait for an opportunity to move!"

"The azure blue mist is your way to escape, but you still summoned the giant snake just now, indicating that you are still here!"

"Let me guess, is it possible that the giant snake can take you to the realm of non-existence?" The starry sky dominates The latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: https://www starry sky dominates mobile reading: read/147180/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (the first Chapter 1635 Black Skeleton Sword) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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