Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1657: Savage Sutra, the power of ripples

The battle is on the verge!

The ruling descendants and the group want to leave, either to eliminate all the royal blood demons, or just watch one of the royal blood demons refine the heart of the sacred tree.

But they don't think that when a royal blood demon transforms into a **** blood demon, they will be let go.

Instead of this, it would be better to fight the royal blood demons directly, perhaps there is still a hint of life.

"There is a problem with this space, it has been specially reinforced!"

Suddenly, the white wolf spoke to Zhou Qing.

Its face is a bit ugly.

Originally, its greatest reliance was the strength of its own supreme tenth heaven, which could break through the endless void and enter the realm of non-existence.

When the time comes, the situation is not right, even if there is no way to escape with everyone, but at least it is confident to leave with Zhouqing.

But now, this method does not seem to work!

Because the secret space where the heart of the sacred tree is located, the space has been specially reinforced, resulting in a very solid space here.

Not to mention entering the field of non-existence, even breaking through the space is a bit difficult, you need to show your full strength!

"It seems that you are still inferior to that named Mu Qing after all."

Mie Shang laughed.

All of them, the royal blood demons who have understood the second stage of liberation ability, have experienced several trials, naturally knowing that the secret space where the heart of the sacred tree is located has been specially reinforced.

Of course, the White Wolf can still break the space and enter the realm of non-existence by paying some price.

But at the very least, the White Wolf was hindered to a certain extent, and could not escape for a while.

"Entangling the white wolf and destroying them one by one!"

Mie Heng let out a cold cry, and everyone used their magic steps to rush towards their opponents.

They had already prepared the battle plan.

Unlike the previous battle, this time they plan to entangle the White Wolf first, and kill the three of Zhouqing, Fengling, and Mangu with the highest priority.

Six royal blood demon fighting power, among them, the wild female blood demon holding a big knife and Mie Shang confronted the white wolf.

It is true that the White Wolf is the Supreme Ten Heaven, but the strength of the Gorefiend family is equally terrifying. Together, the two cannot defeat the White Wolf, but it is enough to contend.

On the other side, Mie Quan, Mie Heng, and Mie Shang face Shang Zhouqing, Feng Ling, and Man Gu, respectively.

Among them, there is also a triangle blood demon next to Mie Shang, who is also a royal blood demon!

This is a member of the original Mishang, who broke through to the royal blood demon in the trial.

He will cooperate with Mie Shang to take the lead against Man Gu, and the two royal blood demons will join forces!

After killing Man Gu, the two can help Mie Quan or Mie Heng, killing Feng Ling and Zhou Qing one by one!

Regardless of the tactics, as long as they have a large number of them, then they can hold the others, and the extra strong will directly work together to set fire to one of the opponents.

"Black Skeleton Sword."

Mie Shang directly used his second-stage liberation ability, and the long sword in his hand turned into a thick black mist, which diffused and enveloped Man Gu.

At the same time, the royal blood demon players around him wielded giant sticks, surrounded by dragons, and used the first stage of liberation ability.


Man Gu roared, his body burst into dazzling light, and the wild aura vented around him like a wave.

His eyes were crimson, staring like copper bells, and directly urged the wild scriptures to the extreme, turning them into a wild behemoth.

Brute force broke through nine days and punched fiercely. The reinforced space was rippling and twisted, and the fist wind broke the black mist!

However, Mie Shang's figure is not ahead!


Man Gu started his hands again, and while roaring, he shook the ground with one foot, and the ripples spread out layer by layer, with him as the center, crushing the surrounding space!

Even if it is a reinforced space, it is still surface space after all.

After the extreme urging of the power of the Barbaric Jing Dacheng realm, the surface space was still shattered, exposing the void inside.

However, the black mist was dense, blocking Man Gu's sight.

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind Man Gu.

It's the royal blood demon holding a giant stick!

Under the control of Mie Shang, the black mist only affected Man Gu, and the royal blood demons as a team member had no effect.

The giant cudgel turned into a flood dragon directly, slamming directly behind Man Gu's roar.


Man Gu spewed out a large amount of blood, his eyes were splitting, and he turned around, ignoring the injuries on his body, and grabbed the dragon with his huge palm.

The Jiaolong wailed and changed back to a giant stick again, but it began to bend in Man Gu's hand, almost to be broken abruptly.

The barbarians who have cultivated the savage classics to the realm of Dacheng are absolutely overlord!

But at this moment, the surrounding black mist surged, and Mie Shang was nowhere to be seen. Instead, a skull appeared, swallowing a wild behemoth that turned the ancient into a wild beast.

The skull head was pitch black as a whole, lingering in the black mist, imprisoning Man Gu in it.


Man Gu roared and blasted out a punch, and the wild runes all over the sky condensed into a monstrous force and poured out.

The entire black skull was broken and turned into fragments.

But in the blink of an eye, those fragments turned into black fog again.

Immediately afterwards, in the raging black mist, one after another skull and crossbones appeared, extremely ferocious, coming towards Mangu.

The giant stick that was originally captured by Man Gu turned into a flood dragon and fled away.

Man Gu was no longer able to predict that flood dragon, his muscles bulged, his fists came out, unfolding the power of heaven and earth, and smashed the skulls approaching him.

"Not good!"

Man Gu's face sank, and he could feel that his movements had a slight slowness, lying in the black mist, as if he had been chronically poisoned.

His whole body, including his soul, became slow!

"Give up struggling! My black skull sword, specifically restrain you!" Mie Shang's figure still did not appear, hidden in the black fog, but the voice came from all around.

Man Gu did not speak, the wild beast he transformed into still roared, dealing with the black skulls and the flood dragon that appeared around him.

He knows very well that once swallowed by this black skull, he will be hit!

However, Man Gu's opponent was not only Mishang, but also the royal blood demon holding a giant stick.

Under its control, the first stage of unblocking ability was displayed, and the giant stick transformed into a dragon, with good strength, mixing in the black mist from time to time to attack the wild behemoth.

"Get out of here!"

Man Gu was extremely annoyed, and once again grabbed the dragon, with both hands forcefully, the savage air flow spread on his body, and he planned to tear it in half abruptly!

But at this moment, the figure of the royal blood demon appeared with a weird smile.

I saw his right hand turned into a knife and slashed his left arm!

After breaking one arm, that arm turned into a dragon, spreading its teeth and dancing claws, biting towards Mangu.

Obviously, after breaking his arm, the phantom dragon is much more powerful. It bites on Man Gu's neck with one bite, and his body entangles him, firmly imprisoning Man Gu like a rope.

"God Killing Ripple!"

Man Gu roared and displayed the power of the wild scriptures. The wild air on his body swirled like a violent air current. With his as the center, a layer of ripples spread out.

The dragon entwined around him turned into powder directly, and the other dragon in his hand was crushed in half under the force of the ripples!


The royal blood demon coughed up blood, showing an extremely weak state.

Two Flood Dragons, one was transformed by the companion weapon of their Gorefiend clan, and the other was transformed by their own arm. They were all crushed by Man Gu, which also affected his body.

Man Gu's strength is much stronger than this guy who has just reached the royal blood demon!


For the first time, Mie Shang's figure appeared in front of his eyes, with a tricky smile on his face.

Taking this opportunity, a huge black skull will be swallowed by Man Gu.


Man Gu showed disdain, roared, and the ripples on his body spread out, crushing the entire black skull.

However, the fragments of those black skulls turned into black mist, rushing towards Man Gu frantically, as if to penetrate the opponent's pores into his body.

Man Gu's whole body was entangled with a wild wave, dispelling the black mist, but even so, his control over his body was getting weaker and weaker.

The black mist of extinction was an extremely powerful control force, and it was not easy for Man Gu to persist for so long.


At the same time, on the other side, hundreds of flood dragons roared!

Man Gu was extremely irritable and roared violently, all the power of the ripples gathered on his fist and burst out suddenly!

All the flood dragons stopped in front of him, crushed by the ripples!

But the next moment, those flood dragons that were crushed into pieces turned into black mist in the sky! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1657 The Wilderness Scripture, The Power of Ripple), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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