Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1666: Smooth operation


Around the huge sacred tree, a figure with a powerful aura emerged!

Demon Yan Supreme appeared first, his face was gloomy, his face was pale, and what was lingering all over his body was not a demon, but a scarlet mist!

He was originally the weakest among the many supreme ones in the tenth day, but now, the breath escaping from his body is quite terrifying!

Not even much weaker than Qingtong!

I saw the demon flame supreme detective hand, the scarlet power condensed, and it turned into a giant slippery tentacle, swept away, shattered the endless void in the blink of an eye, and penetrated into the realm of nonexistence.

However, Yaoyan Supreme quickly withdrew his power, his expression was gloomy.

He naturally has no way to catch Qingtong, after all, Qingtong comes from the royal court of life, a multiverse-level force above the universe.

The method must be far beyond the imagination of Yaoyan Supreme.

What's more, Qingtong had already inquired about the situation in the Chaos Universe long ago, and he knew that there were several Supreme Ten Heavens.

Therefore, Qingtong had already prepared the means to escape, and the moment he succeeded, he immediately left the chaotic universe and escaped.

For people in the Chaos Universe, if they want to leave the universe, they can only take the path of the immortal mountain.

But in fact, the passage called Domination Road is just a passage to the multiverse that was opened up in the past.

In contrast, Qing Tong is different. After he completes the task, he can leave the chaotic universe at any time.

Even if Yaoyan Supreme had gained the evil nerves, he couldn't stop it.

Followed by the evil gods and the emperor!

After a while, Mingxuan and Nirvana Supreme also appeared.

There are a total of four Supreme Tenth Heavens, but there is another one in secret, that is, the Demon Ancestor!

The Demon Ancestor had also thought of it, because he wanted to seize the opportunity.

However, Mingxuan informed him in advance that there were still changes and he could not do anything.

Due to the fact that the two sides were in an alliance, the Demon Ancestor still obeyed Mingxuan's words, and he thought that Mingxuan probably knew something.

"Wait! The power of the barrier is gone!"

Suddenly, the evil **** smiled and realized that the barrier on the sacred tree had disappeared.

Originally, these supreme tenth heavens also wanted to enter the sacred tree space, but they were all turned away and couldn't get close at all.

They suspected that it was an enchantment formed by the power of the master.

Only the power of the master can stop us, the supreme tenth heaven.

But now, the power of the enchantment disappeared.

Several Supreme Ten Heavens looked at each other.

Yaoyan Supreme and the evil **** didn't understand the sacred tree in front of them at all. The two of them looked at the Emperor, then at Mingxuan.

The Emperor of Heaven frowned and hesitated.

Obviously, the Emperor of Heaven didn't know much about the huge tree rooted in the entire galaxy, and he had a trace of fear.

Obviously felt the power of the enchantment disappeared and they were able to enter it, but at this time, they hesitated.

Because the power of the enchantment is obviously far beyond their realm, and it is the master of power!

They are not sure whether they will encounter any danger when they enter it.

The strong from all forces entered the sacred tree space, but no news came out.

Exactly what was going on inside, the people present were not clear except for their fate.

At the same time, no one came out.

What made the evil gods, the demon flame supreme, and the emperor even more concerned, was Mingxuan's expression.

There was a faint smile on Mingxuan's face, completely different from those of them.

The emperor frowned slightly, looked at Xia Mingxuan, then glanced at the Nirvana Supreme behind Mingxuan.

Even the supreme nirvana looks calm and composed!

"Do these two guys know something or pretend it?"

The emperor's eyes flickered, he was not sure whether Mingxuan really had the intelligence of the giant tree in front of him.

And at this time.

A blood-colored figure rushed out from another space and came to the sacred tree.

He has a firm face, is three meters tall, holds a snake stick, and wears a black cloak with three horns on top of his head.

It was Mu Qing who activated the purple eyeballs!

Mu Qing only felt that the power of the starry sky in his body was being consumed wildly, all being swallowed by the purple eyeballs.

Activating purple eyeballs can temporarily transform Mu Qing into a royal blood demon.

But after all, Mu Qing himself has nothing to do with the blood demon clan, forcibly changing the bloodline, the energy paid is very huge!

Of course, at this time, Mu Qing also mastered the power of the royal blood demons.

He is able to naturally display his magical steps, which seems to be an innate ability of every blood demon race. The steps that he takes contain the power of rules, which raises his own speed to an unimaginable level!

At the same time, the snake stick in Mu Qing's hand is naturally derived from the world's snake ability!


As soon as Mu Qing appeared, Yaoyan Supreme yelled angrily.

Everyone looked at it.

Of course, no one recognized Mu Qing's identity. After transforming into the blood demon clan, his appearance changed drastically, and even his breath and strength had undergone obvious changes.

Mu Qing raised the snake stick in his hand and displayed his second-stage liberation ability.

However, it was said that it was the second-stage liberation ability, but in fact it was the world snake ability, but after being transformed into the blood demon clan, some small changes took place.

I saw the snake stick in his hand lightly, and a layer of ripples spread, covering the entire sacred tree in an instant.

The current sacred tree is completely different from before.

Because the trial has ended, the power of rules in the sacred tree space has dissipated, and at the same time, the heart of the sacred tree that maintains the entire sacred tree space has been absorbed by the power of destruction.

Only when Mie Quan had just transformed into a blood demon of the **** race, he was severely wounded and taken away by Qing Tong.

There is no one to guard the sacred tree space right now!

Mu Qing's power quickly affected the entire sacred tree. Under his control, the huge sacred tree slowly disappeared and entered the realm of nonexistence.

"Don't think about it!"

At this time, Yao Yan Zhizun and the others could not bear it.

The scarlet light on Yaoyan Supreme's body broke out, directly shattering the endless void and rushing into the realm of non-existence.

Immediately afterwards, both the evil **** and the emperor moved.

However, Mingxuan flashed, appeared in front of the emperor, and stopped him.

The emperor's eyes flickered for a few moments, his face condensed, and he said solemnly: "It seems that you know that guy who suddenly appeared?"

"That's not a creature of the Chaos Universe? Who on earth have you teamed up with?"

In the eyes of the emperor, jealousy appeared.

He has reached the dominance level scriptures, but in his opinion, it is not enough to deal with fate.

In the eyes of the emperor, Mingxuan was the greatest enemy, with various means to hide it.

At this moment, seeing Mingxuan stopping him, it was obvious that he wanted to help the guy who had just taken away the entire sacred tree!

"Who knows!"

Mingxuan smiled, he naturally couldn't say it clearly, and doing so would make the Emperor even more jealous of them.

After that, the nirvana supreme moved a long distance away and took out the confusion array.

One after another huge pillars emerged in the vast starry sky, with endless mist, shrouded the evil gods.

Although the evil **** possesses the Holy Spirit universe crystallization, he has not yet been able to create a master-level scripture. Therefore, among the many supreme tenth heavens, the evil **** has the worst strength.

The Confusion Array of the Supreme Nirvana is a tenth-class divine weapon, and it can still be done to stop the evil **** a little under full urging.

It's just that the evil **** will be disgusting for a while at best, and it won't take long for the evil **** to get out of trouble.

After all, the Supreme Nirvana that drove the confusion array was only the Supreme Nine Heavens.

If the supreme nirvana has the strength of the supreme tenth heaven, it may be possible to trap the evil **** in the confusion array for a long time!

"I hope the big guys' fights won't affect me!"

The nirvana once again glanced at Mingxuan and the emperor in the distance.

He deliberately moved away only when he was far away, mainly because he was afraid that Fatexuan and the Emperor of Heaven would have a battle, when it would affect him, either death or injury!

The Supreme Nirvana knew very well that the two strongest people in the Chaos Universe at the moment were Mingxuan and the Emperor of Heaven.

The two of them are very mysterious, hiding various means, really want to fight, and really say which one is strong and who is weak!

Secretly, the Demon Ancestor who hid in the non-existent realm also stared wide.

"No wonder! It's no wonder that Mingxuan greeted me in advance and told me not to take action. It turned out that I had arranged someone to take the entire sacred tree!"

The Mozu hesitated.

He was thinking whether or not to break the agreement and take the sacred tree.

That is obviously a treasure.

But soon, the Demon Ancestor woke up and shook his head.

He didn't believe that Mingxuan had no other preparations.

What's more, Yaoyan Supreme had all caught up, and he was not in a hurry. It is very likely that the guy who took the sacred tree had other means.

"There is also the demon Yan Zhizun, why is he so powerful all of a sudden?

Is it true that as Mingxuan said, the entire demon world was occupied by the Scarlet Domination of Tianqing Universe? "

The Demon Ancestor muttered in secret.

Doesn't exist in the realm.

Mu Qing used the world's snake power to successfully bring the entire sacred tree into the non-existent realm. He made a decisive decision and stuffed the sacred tree into the Scarlet Domination Hall.

Even, he specially created a huge space in the Scarlet Domination Hall, specifically for the storage of the sacred tree.

After all, this sacred tree is really too big!

If you want to move this sacred tree to someone else, you may not be able to do it, because the sacred tree is too big, and you want to quickly move it in the non-existent realm with this giant tree, which is much larger than the galaxy, but it is quite exhausting Things.

But Mu Qing has no such concerns.

The Scarlet Domination Hall on him was completely under his control after being purified by the Star Book.

With a thought, countless spaces can be opened up in the Scarlet Domination Hall, as big as you want!

This Scarlet Domination Hall is not only a temporary safe house, but also a storage space that can hold everything!

After squeezing the sacred tree in, Mu Qing himself felt a lot easier.

He waved the snake stick in his hand, and his whole body twisted together and disappeared.

After a while, Yaoyan Supreme appeared, his eyes a little scarlet, and he looked around for a while, and immediately chased him up.

Unfortunately, Mu Qing's speed was even faster than Yaoyan Supreme.

After a long time.

Yaoyan Supreme finally caught up with Mu Qing.

But Mu Qing turned his head and just grinned at him. Standing on a special space node, a light suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing disappeared with the lamp.

Only the dumbfounded Yaoyan Supreme was left in place. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1666, the action went smoothly), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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