Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1679: The last resort, the end!

"It's really troublesome!"

Seeing Mu Qing hiding in the non-existent realm again, the Lord of the Light was full of discomfort, and a few low curses came out in his mouth.

I thought that the battle could be solved directly, who knew that Mu Qing still had this kind of ability!

This battle is probably going to last a long time.

The Holy Light Master finally decided to defeat Mu Qing first, after all, he would definitely be blamed by the higher-ups if he surrendered directly.

Between the two, he chose to defeat Mu Qing.

The Holy Light Lord sat in the endless void, even closing his eyes.

But in fact, he was watching the surroundings.

After feeling the energy remaining in his body, the Lord of Light was almost aware of Mu Qing's intentions.

The other party wants to exhaust his energy!

Only the realm level of the Supreme Eighth Heaven is indeed a great limitation for them, who are the masters themselves.

Not to mention encountering Mu Qing's life-saving methods first-class.

If it is someone else, encounter the power of the rule of the rule, and kill it directly with one or two moves.

But while Mu Qing is also the Supreme Eighth Heaven, he can enter the non-existent realm at any time, adjust his state, and recover from his injuries!

The Lord of Light knew that the best time for him was at the very beginning, and Mu Qing hadn't reacted to his speed and was hit directly.

However, Mu Qing has the shield of chaos, even if it is penetrated by the light, it still resists the next part of the power for Mu Qing.

If the Holy Light dominates it with all its strength, then Mu Qing's consciousness is likely to be crushed!

And now, the Holy Light Lord is ready, he mobilizes the few energy in his body, intending to kill him in one blow when Mu Qing appears next time!

If Mu Qing wants to pass the assessment, he must be defeated, but once Mu Qing emerges from a non-existent realm, the Holy Light Sovereign guarantees that he can consolidate all his strength with a single blow, absolutely can kill!

This assessment lasted for several days.

In the non-existent domain, Mu Qing quickly recovered from his injuries due to the consciousness. He is now observing the Lord of Light.

The other party sat cross-legged in the endless void, lowered his head, dozed, and even snored.

"He's not in a hurry anymore?"

Mu Qing was stunned.

When he first saw the wretched old man dominating the Holy Light, the other party looked rather irritable.

Why is it calming down now?

After waiting for a while, Mu Qing took a deep breath and was ready to take action.

His state has been restored, the next step is to find a way to defeat the Lord of Light.

It doesn't make any sense to stay here all the time, because at the same time as his recovery, the energy in the body of the Holy Light will also recover.

Even if it's not as fast as him, it certainly won't be too slow!

"The speed of this holy light is too fast to be captured at all.

But after the first two fights, he should have also discovered that my world snake ability can escape at any time, so the next attack, he will not keep his hand, it is definitely an attack with full force! "

"In the consciousness of the Supreme Eighth Heaven, even if it is the master, it is impossible to attack with full force without any loopholes!"

"There is only one chance!"

Mu Qing's expression was solemn, and he wanted to defeat the Lord of the Holy Light with a little difficulty after excluding the ability to time out.

There is only one chance to attack. If it fails, he will probably be killed by the Holy Light in a flash.

This is completely different from when the space dominates the battle!

Facing the master of space, Mu Qing had enough time to react and use the world's snake ability to escape.

But the Holy Light Lord is different. After appearing in front of him for an instant, he will be hit, either dead or injured!

"From this point of view, the master of space may have released water."

Mu Qing whispered.

Taking a deep breath, Mu Qing was mentally prepared.

At the same time, he triggers the ability of Star Book!

In his mind, there is a set of plans and actions.

But there is also uncertainty.

Mu Qing is basically certain that the next time he appears in front of the opponent, the Lord of Light will do his best to attack him.

He can only bet that at the moment when the Holy Light dominates with all their strength, the opponent will show flaws!

Only by grasping this opportunity to attack can Mu Qing have a chance to win.

After all, the consciousness dominated by the Holy Light was weakened to the realm of the Supreme Eighth Heaven!

This also means that as long as Mu Qing's attack can hit the Lord of the Holy Light, it can also cause huge trauma, even a direct kill!

Strands of golden gas emerged from Mu Qing's body.

Every strand of gas contains terrifying temperature, and even the power of the liquid space in this non-existent field must melt.


A heat wave swept away like a storm!

Mu Qing's body burned with golden flames, forming a sun coat, extremely dazzling!

A star snake rushed out of nothingness and swallowed Mu Qing.

At the same time, Lord of the Holy Light in the endless void, his body trembled slightly.

He was taking a nap, suddenly stood up, his eyes were sharp, and he swept away!

The Holy Light Master locked Mu Qing's figure, sneered, and then raised his finger.

In an instant, the endless brilliance, the blazing white light converged at this moment, forming a spot of light located at his fingertips.

This is all the power that the Holy Light Lord can use, but after all, there is only the Supreme Eighth Heaven, and it can only form a small light spot.

Even so, the power contained in it is extremely terrifying, enough to kill Mu Qing!

In an instant, the light points of the fingertips burst out, and a slender beam of light forcibly traversed the endless void. The terrifying power tore through the layers of space and directly bombarded the location of Mu Qing.

The speed is amazing!

There is no way to avoid it!

Mu Qing naturally knew this, so he didn't even think about avoiding it at all!

He glanced at the Lord of the Holy Light in the distance, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.


The Lord of the Light, who tried his best to shoot, still stood in place, and did not disappear into countless rays of light as it did last time.

This is an opportunity!

The Holy Light Lord believed that his attack could kill Mu Qing instantaneously, and there was no need to avoid it. Moreover, all the energy in the body was used in this attack, and there was no extra power to turn the body into countless rays of light.

However, this is also Mu Qing's first-line victory!


The golden flames swept away like a continuous wave.

"Fire Soul Burial Ground!"

Mu Qing held a fire knife and groaned in a low voice.

In an instant, three thousand super-giant suns appeared on Mu Qing's body, one after another sun resisted in front of him, among them, countless fire soul monsters were summoned by Mu Qing's guidance.

"How can it be?!"

Even if it is the Holy Light, the pupils shrink violently at this time, feeling shocked.

As the master, he is naturally not unfamiliar with this power.

This is clearly the power of the Consummation Realm to dominate the scriptures!

The Holy Light Lord couldn't believe that a mere Supreme Eighth Heaven was able to directly cultivate the Lord-level scriptures to the realm of Consummation!

This is the culmination realm that can only be reached by a master!

"No! This level of Consummation was forcibly promoted, and the dominance level scriptures were not created by this little guy. After all, it is still not as good as the real level of Consummation!"

The holy light dominates with sharp eyes, and instantly understands everything.

But even so, this level of Consummation is much more powerful than the master-level scriptures of the Dacheng realm!

At this moment, even the Holy Light dominates, they can't help but have a trace of appreciation for Mu Qing!

"Unfortunately, even so, you still can't withstand my blow."

The Lord of Light shook his head.

boom! boom! boom!

That beam of light pierced through the super-giant suns, and the soul of the fire was touched by the light, and it melted like snow.

Compared with the real dominance and rules, Mu Qing's Sun Sutra of Consummation is still slightly inferior after all!

Three thousand super giant suns all exploded, setting off a dazzling light!

A spear of chaos rushed out, and at the same time the shield of chaos followed.

But the result can be imagined, the blazing white light beam smashed the Chaos Spear on the spot, and once again penetrated the Chaos Shield.

That beam of light finally hit Mu Qing's chest, and with the defensive ability of the cosmic body, it was blasted out of a huge hole!

The white light beam penetrated all the way, distorting the endless void, and blasted a hole leading to the realm of nonexistence.

Mu Qing lowered his head and glanced, there were wisps of blazing white light on his chest, spreading to the whole body.

He took a deep breath, looked resolute in his eyes, and gave a sharp low voice!


A road full of destructive power suddenly descended, crushing on the Lord of Light abruptly.

The Lord of the Holy Light trembled because of exhausting all the power in his body. Although he didn't suffer any major injuries, he was suppressed and unable to move.

He looked at Mu Qing with some horror.

How much energy does this kid have?

Just spurring a dominance-level scripture with a perfect state is enough for hundreds of supreme eighth heavens to exhaust their strength, right?

"It seems that I won!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Mu Qing's mouth.

The sun coat on his body was broken, but it also resisted the last part of the power for him.

The three thousand super-giant suns, the shield of chaos, the sun coat and other methods in the Cremation Burial Ground were exchanged for only Mu Qing was not killed in a second!

But this is enough!

Mu Qing's hand revealed a silver-white spear, which contained a mysterious aura, emitting a soft light.

The Holy Light Master looked at the silver-white spear, his pupils shrank sharply, and he realized that it was not good.


Mu Qing let out the final roar in his throat, and threw the silver time gun in his hand!

This special tenth-class artifact created by the Supreme Nirvana has extraordinary power, and its attack level is comparable to that of the Supreme Tenth Heaven.

The only drawback is that it consumes too much!

But in order to make up for this shortcoming, the Supreme Master of Nirvana specially engraved the Destiny Sutra into this silver hour gun, making it an artifact that can be owned and operated by itself!

This will reduce some energy consumption.

And Mu Qing spent a lot of time afterwards, raising the destiny scripture in the silver time gun to the realm of Dacheng!

Perhaps because the Silver Hour Gun is an artifact, or the Destiny Sutra in the Silver Hour Gun does not involve the power of time, it takes very little time to reach the realm of Dacheng.

At the same time, this will also reduce energy consumption to a greater extent, so that Mu Qing's current state can also use the power of the silver hour gun!

Endless void.

The long spear blooming with brilliant silver-white light turned into a long river running through it!

The power of the Holy Light's eruption was just released from the suppression of the Avenue of Destruction, and was penetrated by the Silver Hour Spear!


In the dazzling silver white light, the consciousness dominated by the holy light was completely destroyed.

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