Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1683: Different newcomers

When Mu Qing came back to his senses, he found himself in a starry sky.

"This is...a universe?"

Mu Qing looked around, his face was astonished.

Old man Long laughed and explained: "Yes, the three major areas of dragon head, dragon body, and dragon tail are actually three huge universes!

These three big universes were conceived by the power left over from the life ancestor dragon itself. Other universes will have a period of exhaustion and will go to extinction, but these three big universes are eternal! "

He took Mu Qing and shuttled among the stars to a certain galaxy.

The old man Long continued: "The dragon body universe will not be divided into various realms like in your chaotic universe, but the entire unified universe. There are many galaxies in it, all of which are special training locations. Few galaxies are specially used for fighting against each other.

Of course, once there is a conflict, remember not to do it directly. The way to resolve the conflict is to engage in a duel of the conscious body. It is not allowed to engage in private fights in the royal court of life.

As for the next place, the place we are going to is the core galaxy, which is the center of the dragon body universe, which is also connected to all galaxies. You can directly teleport there where you want to go. "

The speed of the two of them was not slow, and they soon came to the core galaxy mentioned by the old man Long. What came to them was a strong vitality, including the energy between the surrounding sky and the earth, which contained life particles.

"The star of life exists in the three universes: dragon head, dragon body, and dragon tail. It is the core place and manages everything."

Old Man Long took Mu Qing straight into an emerald green planet, where he could see forests everywhere, as well as huge buildings.

All the lakes and streams here contain strong vitality, and they are precious treasures of heaven and earth when placed outside!

"Please show me your identity crystal."

In a huge palace, a turquoise tree monster came forward and smiled passionately at the two.

"This is a hall dedicated to attracting newcomers. Give it your identity crystal. It will help you register your identity and receive rewards. Of course, as the top ten rewards, you will be given to you by high-level officials. Get it here."

Old Long Man smiled.

Mu Qing nodded when he heard the words, took out the identity crystal, and handed it to the other party.

After receiving the identity crystal, the Dryad raised his hand to summon a astrolabe and put Mu Qing's identity crystal on it.

A dazzling light burst out, and a number "nine" appeared on the astrolabe.

The Dryad exclaimed and said, "It turned out to be the ninth level!"

His attitude became more respectful, and he hurriedly said: "Dear Sir, you will get a top-notch planet, located in Galaxy One, which will be named by you."

Immediately afterwards, the tree devil raised his small arm and pointed at his back.

Behind it was a mouthful of spring water, gurgling, and being drawn at the moment, glowing with blue light, a stream of water rushed out of the spring water and penetrated into the identity crystal in Mu Qing's hands.

Mu Qing knew that it was the water of life. The old man Long had previously introduced him that the water of life was similar to currency in the court of the king of life.

At the same time, he also remembered the words of Old Man Long that the water of life can be transformed into a vast ocean with just one drop, which contains incomparable vitality!

Don't look at this spring water as just a stream, but there is definitely more than one drop of water of life!

"Dear sir, the first time you register your identity crystal, you will get a thousand drops of life water because of your ninth level.

This time the reward can only be received after the registration of the level after the first assessment. No matter what results are achieved in the second assessment, no benefit will be obtained. "

The Dryad tremblingly returned the identity crystal to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing took the identity crystal, he was able to clearly capture the water of life in the identity crystal at this moment, and the thousand drops of water of life also gathered together and turned into a mouthful of spring water.

He could feel that he could use the water of life in it at any time, either for payment or directly to recover from his injuries.

"As long as the identity certificate is in the top ten, they will get a top star in Galaxy One as a residence. At the same time, it is not only a simple residence, but also a high-quality cultivation treasure."

"You know, for the same cultivation place, even if I need to spend a drop of the water of life to practice for a day, but for a genius like you, it's free forever."

There was some envy in Old Long's words.

The higher the status level, the better the treatment.

Of course, this does not mean that others with low status levels will have no way out, but anyone who can reach the realm of dominance, regardless of status level, will receive excellent treatment.

Furthermore, the King of Life has many tasks, and the rewards are generous!

"Next, we need to go to the Mission Hall. That is where the members of the Palace of Life usually receive tasks. Of course, you can also ask for tasks by name. There will be someone in the Palace of Life to assign tasks that meet the requirements.

However, you cannot accept tasks yet, because newcomers need to complete the tasks of the newcomer competition before they can officially accept other tasks. "

Old Long's smile gradually diminished, with a solemn expression on his expression.

When Mu Qing noticed this, he couldn't help but be a little curious, "What is the newcomer contest like? Is it dangerous?"

Old Man Long just wanted to answer, when suddenly there was an exclamation of the tree demon behind him.

"Tenth level! Unbelievable! Today there are two adults who have entered the top ten in the first assessment!"

This voice attracted Mu Qing and Old Man Long, who turned their heads to look.

I saw the tree demon holding a cyan crystal in his hand, surrounded by a real dragon.

The Dryad was stunned. A genius who can enter the top ten level hasn't necessarily seen one for tens of thousands of years. I didn't expect two of them to come at once!

Beside it, there was a man with a smile at the corner of his mouth, with broken black hair, golden eyes, and an upright posture, naturally giving off a faint coercion.

"I didn't expect it to be him!"

Old Man Long seemed to know this person, his face was surprised.

"He is?" Mu Qing half-squinted his eyes and looked at the man in front of him.

The breath escaping from this man reached the Supreme Ninth Heaven, and even made Mu Qing feel a slight threat!

"It seems that there are many powerhouses in the Royal Palace of Life. I am afraid that this guy in front of me can compete with the powerhouses of the Supreme Ten Heavens, right?"

Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

Just when I arrived at the Palace of Life, I encountered a terrifying powerhouse, definitely better than all the supreme Nine Heavens that Mu Qing encountered in the Chaos Universe!

What's more, the opponent's status level is tenth, which shows that he has defeated a master of the same level.

"That person was named Long Mingqing. Just after you passed the assessment, another peerless evildoer who reached the top ten was rumored to come from a universe full of dragons, with a trace of Ancestral Dragon blood in his body.

Our Dragon King Palace originally wanted to spend a lot of money to win you over, but now the target is changed to him. After all, Long Mingqing has a trace of Ancestral Dragon bloodline, which fits our Dragon King Palace. "

Old man Long touched his chin, and then said: "However, the senior management of the Royal Court of Life is only paying attention to you temporarily. It is likely that they will not really appear in front of you until the newcomer contest is over, and draw you these outstanding evil genius , Give many benefits!"

"Okay, let's talk about the newcomer competition. I regret to tell you the bad news. This time the newcomer competition is not the same as usual."

Old Long's face became serious again.

He took Mu Qing to leave here, and ignored the Long Mingqing behind.

Now his task is to take the rookie Mu Qing to get to know the Palace of Life, and the task of wooing Long Mingqing is performed by other people in the Dragon King Palace.

After leaving, the old man Long said while leading the way: "The usual newcomer contests are conducted within the Palace of Life, and participate in the way of consciousness. Basically, they are based on exchanges and exchanges. There is no danger at all.

But this time the newcomer contest is different. Just a few days ago, high-level leaders passed on the news that this newcomer contest will participate in the form of the body!

It is life-threatening! "

Old Long’s face became serious, and he said solemnly: “You also know that the three multiverse-level forces are basically hostile, and over the years, the friction between our three multiverse-level forces has increased. .

This time the newcomer contest will be extremely bloody, and casualties will be normal, because then the newcomer contest will be held by the three major forces. You will face the blood demons and the powerhouses of death hell!

Among them, there may even be the existence of the ultimate supreme tenth heaven!

The specific newcomer contest time has been changed and will be notified through the identity crystal at that time. "

Old Man Long sighed, "You can only improve your strength as much as possible now, otherwise, when you encounter the existence of the ultimate supreme tenth heaven, even the king of life will not be able to protect you!"

Mu Qing frowned slightly, "Does this newcomer competition have to participate?"

Old man Long nodded, "Yes, you must participate!"

"However, you don't need to worry too much. I believe that with your strength, there shouldn't be any big accidents. After all, we also have the ultimate supreme tenth heaven genius in the king of life, unless it is too unlucky. , Generally won’t run into too strong opponents."

"After all, the current stage is just an escalation of contradictions, and it hasn't reached the point where a real fight can happen. The King of Life will definitely not let you face an overly powerful opponent.

Mu Qing was also relieved when he heard Old Man Long's words.

Although this newcomer is somewhat unexpected, if the opponent's realm is similar to him, then Mu Qing has enough confidence to defeat!

After a while, Old Long took Mu Qing to the mission hall.

This is a huge building located in the northern part of the Life Star, and there are also many tree demons inside, welcoming them with a smile on their faces.

Mu Qing also saw a lot of other people in the royal court of life, and even many masters! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1683 Different Newcomers Competition), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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