Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1688: Ready to move

Mu Qing recalled the situation of the Sun Dominating Hall and Scarlet Dominating Hall.

"None of these masters are fuel-efficient lamps, and when faced with the catastrophe of the universe, they all have a certain amount of back-up, trying to resurrect in various ways.

"So, will there be the remnants of the Heavenly Lord and the Storm Lord in the remaining Wild Lord Hall and Storm Lord Hall?"

Mu Qing touched his chin, guessing.

Since both the sun ruler and the scarlet ruler want to resurrect, it is estimated that the ruler of the sky and the ruler of the storm are about the same?

"However, things that dominate the temple are still secondary."

Mu Qing shook his head. Ever since he came into contact with the Royal Court of Life, he has realized that the dominion-level scriptures are not as precious as they thought.

Including Mu Qing himself, his fellow practitioners have enough master-level scriptures. If he cultivates a few more disciplines, I'm afraid it will be difficult to use them in normal times, and the power of the six stars in his body will not be able to hold it!

Therefore, Mu Qing believes that he is already enough, and even the evil nerves and the destiny can be temporarily put aside.

Just major in a few other subjects!

Anyway, in the end, you still need to create your own dominating scriptures.

"The most important thing is the evil god's side!"

Mu Qing's eyes became solemn, her eyes sharp.

There is something in the hands of evil gods that is comparable to the dominating holy thing, and that is the crystallization of the Holy Spirit universe.

That thing can make people create dominance-level scriptures, and is an important medium leading to the dominance realm!

Many people are aware that the evil **** has this thing in the hands of the evil god, and even the emperor is very likely to have been eyeing the evil god, ready to kill him at any time, and seize the Holy Spirit universe crystal.

Naturally, Mu Qing, Ming Xuan and others would not let the Emperor of Heaven succeed, not to mention that if they could obtain the Holy Spirit universe crystals, they could also have a potential seed of dominance!

In fact, if it weren't for the instinctive consciousness of the chaotic universe to hide with the origin of the universe, I am afraid that the current supreme tenth heavens of the chaotic universe would gather their targets there.

The crystal of the universe is refined from the origin of the universe, and it is comparable to the existence of the dominating holy thing!

Although doing so, it will lead to the lack of the original source of the chaotic universe, and the entire universe will collapse.

But compared with achievement dominance, no one cares about the life and death of the universe!

However, the instinctive consciousness of the Chaos Universe has matured abnormally, and the origin of the Chaos has been hidden early, even the Supreme Tenth Heaven cannot find it.

Therefore, for those who are ambitious to dominate the realm, the goal is only the Holy Spirit universe crystallization in the hands of evil gods!

At present, the chaotic universe is quite calm, but Mu Qing knows that this is just the tranquility before the storm!

The situation in the entire universe may be chaotic at any time!

More than half a month later, Mu Qing got the news. It was not a secret. Almost all circles in the universe knew about the news.

Tianchen Realm was captured by a terrifying strong man!

In addition, the powerhouses in the Tianchen realm were unified, renamed the Yang Realm, and became the fifth giant-level power outside the Demon Sage and the Black Realm!

This means that at the very least there is a supreme tenth heavenly powerhouse in the Yang Realm.

Mu Qing could guess who that person was almost without thinking.

A graceful figure in a golden dress appeared in his mind.

But Mu Qing knew that the other party was no longer Day Ching, but the sun ruler who had robbed his newborn daughter and resurrected!

The threat level of the opponent is far more terrifying than the ordinary supreme.

After all, even if the power of the sun dominates only the supreme tenth heaven, it is even a little bit weak and in a weak state, but the other party is a real consummation-level master-level scripture!

"The starry sky world shouldn't be targeted, right?" Mu Qing frowned after learning that it was the sun dominating.

Now that the sun ruler has made this move, then he believes that the other party will not only be satisfied with occupying a small area.

What's more, there are not many strong people in the Tianchen realm. After the sun dominates, it is difficult to say whether the strong people under his command truly surrender to him.

However, as long as the sun dominates the existence of this powerful person comparable to the Supreme Tenth Heaven, it is enough!

Even the sun dominates the title, but it is more attractive than other giants in the Chaos Universe.

As long as the sun is given a certain amount of time to dominate, the opponent will naturally regain the power of dominating.

It is estimated that there will be many strong people who seek refuge in the word "Domination"!

Mu Qing thought for a while, the sun ruler shouldn't trouble them in the starry sky realm.

At present, the starry sky world is not yet a giant-level power, because there is no definite supreme tenth heaven.

Although Mu Qing broke out with all his strength, he was able to contend with the Supreme Ten Heaven for a few times, but after all, he couldn't fight for a long time.

Even if the Starry Sky Realm's background is full, and it has integrated the original forces of the Ancient Immortal Realm, it would not be considered a giant power before the Supreme Ten Heavenly Powerhouse.

However, Mu Qing is confident that if the sun dominates the starry sky realm, he is sure to let the other party suffer a big loss!

The heritage accumulated in the starry sky world for so long is no joke!

Not to mention the relationship between Mu Qing and the black world, dare to attack the starry sky world, that is, to do it against the black world!

"Now the situation in the ten worlds of the universe has changed to a certain extent, and even according to reliable information, the demon world and the Yang world have begun to look at the worlds under the command of the holy world, and it is estimated that they will do it soon!"

In the discussion hall, Xin Rui said in a deep voice.

In the ten realms of the universe, with the exception of the Void Wind Realm, which has no master, the other realms are now ruled by strong people.

Mu Qing occupies the original Hunyuan Realm and changed his name to the Starry Sky Realm.

The black world is the commander of Mingxuan, and it is also the most mysterious world at present, with a large number of powerful people lurking in various forces!

In the Holy Three Realms of Demons, apart from the fact that the Holy Realm is still the leader of the evil gods, the Two Realms of Demons have undergone considerable changes during this period of time.

The Demon Realm has been occupied by the Emperor of Heaven, but the Emperor of Heaven is an arrogant person. He never knows how many strong people are under his command or how strong or weak he is.

Even the Emperor of Heaven doesn't care how much territory he can occupy, he just wants to make himself stronger!

The original demon ancestor had been hiding in the dark, waiting for the signal of fate, and acted on the emperor.

As for the demon world, in fact, Yaoyan Supreme was originally the weakest among all the Supremes within ten days, but in fact, Yaoyan Supreme did not really serve other purposes, but only expanded and strengthened his own power for the sake of the monster race.

It is a pity that the Demon Realm is now the territory dominated by Crimson, and most of the entire senior level of the Demon Realm has been controlled by the Crimson Domination.

At present, Mu Qing is also not clear about the specific situation of Scarlet Domination, but it is estimated that the other party should not have returned to the dominance state, otherwise he would have acted on everyone long ago.

The remaining Bipolar Realm, Poison Ze Realm, and Blue Moon Realm belong to the territory of the Holy Realm!

After all, before the demon ancestors and others returned, the evil gods were considered the strongest in the universe, so they gained the most benefits and occupied the most territory.

Even if the Tianchen Realm was taken away and renamed the Yang Realm, it became the land dominated by the sun.

But in addition to the base camp of the Holy Realm, there is also a territory full of the starry sky of the Three Realms!

If the evil gods have the intention to develop their forces, they will certainly be able to cultivate the strongest forces in the Chaos Universe.

It is a pity that the Holy Spirit universe crystals in the hands of evil gods are infinite. The evil gods only want to study the Holy Spirit universe crystals, and use the Holy Spirit universe crystals to create their own dominating scriptures!

"The evil **** tree attracts the wind, and it seems that the sun dominates and the scarlet dominates are staring at it at the same time!"

Mu Qing whispered.

He was not surprised at all when he heard the news from Xinrui.

After all, the evil gods have the most territories under their hands, and everyone's power is almost the same. Once the fight really starts, the evil gods will definitely not have much power to mobilize, so it is the best choice to gnaw the evil gods' territories.

What's more, the powerhouse of the holy realm has fallen a lot in the battle of the divine tree trial.

Now is a good opportunity to come in!

As long as the Holy Realm is not completely attacked, but the three realms under the Holy Realm are divided up, the evil gods will not appear.

"I just don't know, the Scarlet Ruler and the Sun Ruler, do they have intentions about the territory of the Holy Realm, or do they have ideas about the crystallization of the Holy Spirit universe?"

Mu Qing squinted his eyes and said lightly.

Soon, half a month passed.

The reward given to Mu Qing by the King of Life finally arrived!

On this day, above the moon.

Mu Qing felt the vibration of the identity crystal, and then looked towards the void from a high place, and saw a big bird flapping its wings, traveling through layers of space, and came to him. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1688) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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