Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1690: talks

A star snake hovered above the void, and Mu Qing's figure quickly emerged.

It took more than a month to break through a realm!

He came to the meeting hall, and after hearing the news of Mu Qing's successful breakthrough, Xinrui, King of Chaos and others also arrived.

"The situation is about to become messy again!"

Xinrui frowned, then came up and said.

"The Demon Realm and the Yang Realm have organized their troops to attack the Bipolar Realm and the Poison Ze Realm under the Holy Realm."

"It's probably been a few days since the Demon Realm and the Yang Realm are already ready to move, but I guess this is just a temptation!"

Xingfeng said in a deep voice.

The Primordial King's expression also became serious. He said, "In fact, neither the Demon Realm nor the Yang Realm can produce much killing power. There may be a lot of Supremes, but there should be few high-ranking Supremes."

"But there are fewer strong in the holy world! If the evil gods don't make a move this time, the demon world and the sun world will probably successfully win the two worlds!"

"If the evil gods don't do anything, then all forces will take advantage of the trend to target the evil gods and seize the Holy Spirit universe crystals in the opponent's hands.

And if the evil gods appear, it is estimated that the war will be triggered at any time, and there will definitely be the great powers of the supreme ten heavens in secret! "

"Where is the black world?" Mu Qing looked at King Chaos.

Among the high-levels of the Starry Sky Realm, the Chaos King and the Black Realm have more connections.

The King of Primal Chaos replied: "The leader of the black world allows us to watch the changes. What he meant is that it's best if we just let you go."

Mu Qing nodded, which was consistent with his thoughts.

At that time, the supreme tenth heaven powerhouse is likely to appear, and Mu Qing will definitely not let the king of chaos and others go to death just in case!

Once the battle of the Supreme Ten Heavens broke out, even the Supreme Eight Heavens and Nine Heavens would be at risk of being killed by a spike!

The number of supreme members in Mu Qing's hands has increased, and those law enforcement officers have begun to break through to the supreme realm one after another.

But there are really few high-level supreme.

Mu Qing didn't want the King of Primal Chaos, Xinrui, Lei Punishment and others to be killed by Yaoyan Supreme.

"Are you going alone?"

Xinrui frowned, a little worried about Mu Qing's safety.

After all, they all knew that the enemy they faced this time would most likely be a powerhouse of the Supreme Ten Heavens.

"Don't worry, it is estimated that Mu Qing can already contend with the Supreme Ten Heaven, right?" Lei Chao was not worried at all, and said with a big smile.

He can still guess one or two of Mu Qing's strength.

Mu Qing smiled and did not answer.

If he insisted, Mu Qing was indeed able to contend with the Supreme Ten Heaven.

But that is only the zero-order supreme tenth heaven!

According to the specific division of the Supreme Tenth Heaven by the King of Life, there are zero-order, first-order, second-order, and final-order.

The zero order corresponds to the supreme tenth heaven where the dominance-level scriptures have not reached Xiaocheng.

The first level is the dominating scripture of the Xiaocheng realm, and the second level is the Dacheng.

The final stage is complete!

However, the Tenth Heaven of the Ultimate Supreme is very rare, because generally speaking, after the Tenth Heaven of the Second-Order Supreme, either it has been stuck, or he created the dominion-level scriptures and broke through to the dominance realm!

The dominance level scriptures of the Consummation Realm can only be grasped more easily after reaching the Domination Realm, otherwise it will be as difficult as ascending to the sky.

"Don't worry, even if it's not an opponent, I can still escape." Mu Qing said with a smile.

His strength is equal to that of the rank zero supreme tenth heaven like Jianxin supreme.

But among the opponents, there are more powerful ones!

The demon flame supreme was supposed to be the rank zero supreme tenth heaven, but since the scarlet ruler controlled the entire demon world, Mu Qing didn't know the specific strength of the opponent, but at least there was also a rank one supreme tenth heaven, let alone behind There is also a mysterious Scarlet dominates.

The remaining few supreme tenth heavens are also quite terrifying in strength. The sun dominator has just been resurrected, but the opponent has a complete state of dominance-level scripture, even if the strength is still weak, at least there is a first-order or even a second-order supreme ten. Chongtian's strength.

There is also the emperor, the other party has created his own emperor scripture, estimated to have reached the realm of Xiaocheng, and is the first-order supreme tenth heaven.

But Mu Qing knew very well that Mingxuan was very jealous of the Heavenly Emperor, and Mingxuan's Destiny Sutra was already in the realm. In addition to borrowing the power of time, there was no way to help the Heavenly Emperor. One can imagine how terrifying the real strength of the Heavenly Emperor is!

On the surface, the emperor is the first-order supreme tenth heaven, but in fact it is definitely more powerful than the second-order supreme tenth heaven!

Even Mu Qing is not sure to contend with these strong men, but he still has the strong man Mingxuan, who is one of the best in the entire Chaos Universe.

Furthermore, Mu Qing himself also has the ability of the world snake, in the field of non-existence, few people can catch up with him.

Afterwards, Mu Qing discussed with everyone to further understand the current comprehensive strength of the starry sky world.

There are currently more and more Supremes in the starry sky world, and it is almost possible to form a Supreme Legion!

This is entirely due to the fact that after the Chaos Universe has been promoted to the maturity stage, it has become easier to break through the supreme.

However, these Supremes are all low-level Supremes, and there are not many high-level Supremes in a short period of time.

Mu Qing soon bid farewell to everyone and traveled to the Black World through the space channel.

This time he went to the main body and went directly to the deepest part of the core land, meeting Mingxuan in an independent space.

At the same time, in this independent space, there are the Supreme Master of Jianxin and the Supreme Nirvana.

"This time, it's a temptation between the Yang Realm and the Demon Realm, but if the evil **** appears, it might directly turn into a battle of the Supreme Ten Heavens. We also need to prepare early!"

Mingxuan looked at Mu Qing and said with a smile.

"Aren't they so stupid? Maybe there will be some means to target us!"

Mu Qing whispered.

The Demon Realm and Yang Realm directly started to take action, which surprised Mu Qing.

Are they not afraid of the Emperor of Heaven or their ultimate profit in the dark world?

"I don't know, maybe the Scarlet Ruler and the Sun Ruler are still in the majesty and thinking of the rulers, looking down on us, the Supreme Ten Heavens, or there are still hole cards in our hands that we don't know?"

Mingxuan shook his head slowly, then his eyes were half-squinted, and he said, "Of course, there is another possibility that the Holy Spirit universe crystal is more tempting to the two resurrected masters, so they can't wait. Do it!"

In their predictions, it should be the emperor who couldn't help it first, and he had to deal with evil gods.

As a result, the Demon Realm and the Yang Realm had movement first.

"Perhaps, they have been in the Supreme Tenth Heaven, giving them a sense of crisis." Jianxin Supreme said.

The Supreme Nirvana chuckled and said, "Yes, they were originally masters, but now they are in a period of weakness not long after they were resurrected. Maybe they will be killed by our Supreme Ten Heavens, so they are more anxious, too. Understandable."

He acted quite relaxed, because Mingxuan had told them earlier that Mu Qing had the strength of the supreme tenth heaven.

At this time, the supreme tenth heaven that the black world can mobilize, but has reached a full four!

Mingxuan, Mu Qing, Nirvana Supreme and Jianxin Supreme!

The fighting power of the four supreme ten heavens, no matter how you look at it, far surpasses other circles.

Therefore, the supreme nirvana seemed completely indifferent.

"The other few guys, maybe because we have too many powerhouses, they will join hands to deal with us!" Jianxin Supreme couldn't help but snorted to the Nirvana Supreme.

"Jianxin Supreme is right, so we can't relax our vigilance, but no matter what, the Holy Spirit universe cannot be obtained by others!"

Mingxuan said solemnly.

He thought for a while, and added: "The Emperor of Heaven, the Scarlet Ruler, and the Ruler of the Sun must never be obtained. The best plan is naturally to directly destroy the Holy Spirit universe crystal!"

"As for the worse plan, it is to continue to be obtained by evil gods."

Mu Qing glanced at Mingxuan, the secret path was worthy of being the leader of the black world, and he saw it thoroughly.

The best result is to directly destroy the Holy Spirit universe crystal, so that no one can get it, and no one can get it.

After all, at present, their advantage in the black world is already very large, as long as the top combat power of other worlds stays in place, it is the best result for them.

And whether the Holy Spirit universe crystal falls into the hands of the Emperor of Heaven or the two resurrected masters, it will have a huge impact, and it is even possible to cause the emergence of the master's combat power.

Therefore, the Holy Spirit universe cannot fall into the hands of these three people.

At the same time, it can't be in the hands of the black world!

The crystallization of the Holy Spirit universe is already a hot potato, not to mention the strength of the Black Realm itself is very strong, on the bright side there are three supreme tenth heavens: Mingxuan, Nirvana Supreme, and Jianxin Supreme.

There is also such a supreme Nine Heavens Mu Qing in the dark, but he can rival the fighting power of the Supreme Ten Heavens!

If the Holy Spirit universe crystal is obtained by the black world, then other forces may directly join forces to deal with the black world.

"Where is the Demon Ancestor? Isn't he in alliance with us?"

Mu Qing looked at Mu Qing and asked about the whereabouts of the Demon Ancestor.

The Demon Ancestor is also full of hatred towards the Emperor of Heaven, and can barely be regarded as their side.

If you count the devil ancestors, then they have the fighting power of the five supreme ten heavens.

Mingxuan shook his head, "The Devil Ancestor doesn't stand with us wholeheartedly, so I didn't count him.

Of course, the Demon Ancestor's hatred of the Emperor is true, so when we deal with the Emperor, we can count him as a combat power. "

He has said it very clearly.

Mu Qing suddenly realized that for the alliance of the devil ancestors, it still depends on who the opponent is.

This time the opponent is the evil god, the demon ancestor will probably not stand with them, and even the opponent may have been observing in secret and will not appear.

But if the opponent is the Emperor of Heaven, it will be different, and the Demon Ancestor can be counted as a combat power at that time.

"Since the appearance of the emperor, the demon ancestor has changed. He is now very spared and has been hiding in the dark to increase his strength. At the same time, he is a very talented powerhouse. If he obtains the Holy Spirit universe crystal, he may be able to create in a short time. Write your own dominating scripture!"

Mingxuan smiled lightly, and compared to his disdain for evil gods, he actually praised the devil ancestor.

"Therefore, there can be one more result in our plan, that is, the magic ancestor gets the Holy Spirit universe crystal!

This ending is beneficial to us, after all, the devil ancestor and the emperor are equally deadly enemies. ”The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1690 Interview), and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time!If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support!! (www

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