Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1694: The death of the demon flame supreme

Shell of the soul turtle!

Mu Qing didn't expect that the treasure that Wang Ting of Life had just rewarded him would be used up like this.

The silver-white misty filaments stretched their teeth and danced their claws, turning into various weird shapes to attack Mu Qing's soul.

But the shell of the soul tortoise is as solid as a rock, protecting Mu Qing's soul.

"How can it be!"

The voice of Scarlet Domination came, and the other party was obviously in a state of extreme shock.

The silver-white misty silk formed a figure full of tentacles, just like the body of the Scarlet Domination.

He kept hitting the translucent shell, but all was in vain!

"It seems that Scarlet Ruler is recovering faster than imagined!" Mu Qing withdrew his attention, a solemn expression appeared in his eyes.

There is no need to worry about my soul anymore.

One is that Mu Qing himself does not have any effective means to resist the attack of the soul, and the other is that the defensive power of the soul turtle shell alone is enough to withstand the Imperius Curse of the Scarlet Domination!

At this time, Mu Qing had a trace of fear. If he didn't have the shell of the soul turtle, he would really be controlled by the Scarlet Domination.

What's more, judging from the soul shock displayed by the Scarlet Lord, the soul level of the opponent has at least restored to its heyday!

In other words, the soul of Scarlet Domination has been healed and reached the dominance level.

Of course, the opponent's cultivation realm has not returned to the master, otherwise there is no need to find a way to let the Scarlet Dominator come to affect the life, but directly shot it personally and crushed everyone.

But even so, the Scarlet Ruler poses a great threat to these supreme tenth heavens in the Chaos Universe.

Because Scarlet ruled the evil nerves of cultivation, he was very good at soul-related methods, similar to the current Imperius Curse, if it weren't for Mu Qing's soul turtle shell, I'm afraid he would be completely controlled by Scarlet ruler.

Mu Qing shook his head, the silver-white mist was still impacting his soul, making him a little uncomfortable.

But there is the shell of the soul tortoise, but you don't need to care, Mu Qing looked at the demon flame supreme in front of him.

At the moment, Yaoyan Supreme was in a somewhat weird state. The huge nine-headed dragon was hovering, filled with scarlet mist, but it was motionless like petrification.

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes, and keenly discovered a problem. The vitality of the Demon Flame Supreme was declining at an astonishing speed.

"It turns out that the main body of Yaoyan Supreme is no longer here, but it can still cast such a powerful Imperius Curse in an attempt to control me.

It's because the Scarlet Master is consuming the vitality of the demon flame supreme! "

Mu Qing's Eternal Life Sutra had reached the realm of Xiaocheng, and he could intuitively see that the vitality of Yaoyan Supreme was being eaten away by an evil **** full of tentacles.

The connection between the Scarlet Sovereign and the Yaoyan Supreme is the evil nerve that the other party bestows on the Yaoyan Supreme. Through this connection, the Scarlet Sovereign actively consumes the vitality of the Yaoyan Supreme and casts a terrible Imperius Curse in an attempt. Control Mu Qing.

Originally, this method was to prevent Mingxuan from directly killing Yaoyan Supreme, and was prepared to contain Mingxuan.

However, the Scarlet Lord, through the contact with the Yaoyan Supreme, discovered that Mu Qing's strength had reached the Supreme Tenth Heaven level, with the help of the Nirvana Supreme.

There is no doubt that the plan of Scarlet Domination failed!

Mingxuan was not attracted at all, but the Scarlet Lord saw Mu Qing's strength and planned to control Mu Qing with the Imperius Curse.

At this time, Mu Qing would not be merciful, holding a silver hour gun, which directly penetrated the middle dragon head of the demon flame supreme.

Yaoyan Supreme did not resist at all, because at this time his body was controlled by the Scarlet Sovereign. When the Scarlet Sovereign drew away from his vitality and cast the Imperius Curse to attack Mu Qing, he could not move at all.

The silver hour spear's power erupted completely, turning into a silver-white river, smashing the head of Yaoyan Supreme.

But Yaoyan Supreme did not die. As a monster, his vitality is also quite tenacious.

Mu Qing observed the vitality of the Yaoyan Supreme through the Eternal Life Sutra, and only this time has accelerated the vitality of the Yaoyan Supreme.

"One more surprise for you!"

Mu Qing snorted coldly, and the power of the vast starry sky on his body was vented, and the life ancestor dragon hovered in the sky, turning into ancestor dragon scissors, and directly intercepted and took away the vitality of the demon flame supreme!

In the eyes of Yaoyan Supreme, boundless hatred was revealed, which was dominated by Scarlet!

In order to pursue a powerful force, he did not hesitate to pray for the Scarlet Domination to give him an evil nerve. Who would have thought that at a critical moment, this evil nerve had become the key to sending his life away.

The Scarlet Ruler doesn't care about the life of Yaoyan Supreme, the other party wants to continue to cast the Imperius Curse in an attempt to control Mu Qing.

But Mu Qing's move to cut Zulong cut off most of Yaoyan Supreme's vitality with a click, and directly feeds himself back.

Yaoyan Supreme's breath has weakened a lot!

"Just now, kill him!"

Mu Qing shouted angrily.

He raised his hand and threw the Chaos Spear, and then he held a silver hour spear. The violent starry power was injected into it. The silver-white light was as bright as a galaxy, and a shot pierced the chest of the Supreme Demon Flame.

The Supreme Nirvana also took his black gold sledgehammer and smashed it against the body of the Supreme Demon Yan, ripples shook up layer by layer, and bombarded the Supreme Demon Yan with boundless power.

After several consecutive attacks, even the Demon Flame Supreme could not resist, the body of the main body was fragmented!

"Fen Zhan!"

Mu Qing roared, and the fire of the sun in his hand turned into a long knife, slammed down, the golden flame crescent from the top down, across the body of the Supreme Demon Yan.


The fire of the sun exploded, the body of Yaoyan Supreme was divided into two, and its soul was also annihilated at this moment.

I can't die anymore!

And the fall of the demon flame supreme, the vitality that the Scarlet Lord could consume was also gone, and its phantom disappeared in the air.

In the depths of Mu Qing's soul, the shell of the soul turtle was shining with light, and there were lines on it, which even absorbed all the silver-white mist, but after a while, the translucent shell of the soul turtle was much dim.

"Probably it can only be used once or twice."

Mu Qing frowned slightly and sighed.

The shell of the soul turtle is actually a one-time treasure, but the Crimson Dominator’s Imperius Curse has obviously not reached the dominance level, so after the shell of the soul turtle resisted this attack, it was not completely scrapped.

But after several more visits, the shell of the soul tortoise will no longer be usable.

"If you meet Scarlet Domination again..." Mu Qing touched his chin. He saw the terrible evil nerves today, and suddenly felt a little crisis.

The attack on the soul itself is difficult to resist.

If it were some ordinary guys, then Mu Qing didn't have much to worry about.

But Scarlet Domination is definitely very good at soul means!

This time, if the Imperius Curse hadn't had the shell of the soul turtle, he might have become the puppet of the Scarlet Domination.

Even though Mu Qing's current soul turtle shell in the depths of his soul has lost some strength, he can still resist him a few more times.

But Mu Qing believes that he still has to be equipped first to prevent the scarlet dominance!

"Evil nerve! If the evil nerve reaches the realm of great achievement, there will be certain means to resist the Imperius curse, and even the starry sky book can be used to force the evil nerve to the perfect state at that time!"

Mu Qing immediately thought of a solution.

The evil nerve in his body now is Xiaocheng realm.

But if it is in the realm of Dacheng, then facing the Imperius Curse of Scarlet Domination again, there is a certain ability to resist.

And if you use the Starry Sky Book at that time, you will force your evil nerves to the perfect state.

So even if it is not as good as Scarlet to dominate this evil creator, it is definitely feasible to resist the control of the Imperius Curse!

The only thing that made Mu Qing hesitate was that Evil Nerves was not a serious dominating scripture.

Regardless of the eternal life sutra after cultivation, it is also a bit weird, specifically intercepting the vitality of others, but at any rate the eternal life sutra does not have any negative effects!

Even practicing the Sutra of Eternal Life will prolong your life and increase your life span greatly!

On the other hand, the evil nerves, the negative impact is quite large, even if Scarlet dominates the creator, they have been assimilated into an evil god.

The more you cultivate the evil nerves, the easier it is to be affected, and your reason will gradually collapse, and eventually you will fall into endless chattering, completely crazy.

Mu Qing is still relatively resistant to this evil nerve.

If he is not forced to do so, he does not want to cultivate this evil nerve.

"Why did this guy just stand still?" Ji Mie Zhi looked at the corpse of Demon Yan Zhi Zun with some doubts, and then looked at Mu Qing.

He thought it was too easy!

Originally only wanted to resist Demon Flame Supreme, after all, the other party is already Tier One Supreme Tenth Heaven, and both he and Mu Qing belong to the ordinary Tier Zero Supreme Tenth Heaven.

Unexpectedly, things developed so smoothly that they even killed the Demon Flame Supreme!

Just now, the Demon Flame Supreme didn't even use the slightest amount of power, so he stepped on the void and let them attack.

The nirvana supreme was puzzled, but he didn't ask much. He thought it should be Mu Qing's method. After all, Mu Qing joined the life king court, maybe something was used to stop the demon flame supreme.

But he had no idea that Mu Qing had actually experienced a catastrophe.

The demon flame supreme is not the threat, the scarlet master's Imperius Curse is the most terrifying!

Fortunately, Mu Qing had the shell of the soul tortoise, which turned the danger into a bargain, and incidentally solved the demon flame supreme.

"let's go!"

Mu Qing said to the Supreme Nirvana, and then left the non-existent realm.

I have to say that killing the Demon Flame Supreme was very smooth. If the Scarlet Ruler did not interfere, then Mu Qing and the Nirvana Supreme would still have to spend a lot of effort to take down the Demon Flame Supreme.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Scarlet Dominator, even if Mu Qing had the strength of the Supreme Tenth Heaven, he was just an ant.

After all, for these powerhouses who were once the masters, the Supreme Ten Heaven is really not worth mentioning, and the Scarlet Dominator's vision is there, and he doesn't think Mu Qing can resist the Imperius Curse by any means.

It's a pity that Mu Qing happened to join the Palace of Life some time ago.

"The other problem is that the Scarlet Lord seems to have peeped into some of my memory!"

Mu Qing's face was solemn.

The evil nerves of the Scarlet Domination are quite weird. The Mind-taking Mind can read the thoughts or memories of the opponent. When the Scarlet Dominator used the vitality of the Demon Flame Supreme to use this method, even the shell of the soul turtle could not resist it.

Had it not been for the Scarlet Domination to cast the Imperius Curse again immediately, I am afraid that Mu Qing's memory would be read by the opponent!

Now Mu Qing is not sure what some of the memory images that Scarlet Ruler read on him are about. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1694 The Death of Youyan Supreme), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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