Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1697: Evil nerves

The Emperor glanced at the Sun Dominator next to him, his expression did not change much.

"The Scarlet Ruler itself is not credible. Any accident is possible, but I am even more curious. What is it that forces him not to continue? Is it because of fate?"

The Emperor half-squinted his eyes, and a dangerous aura was revealed in his eyes.

The Lord of the Sun also glanced at the Emperor of Heaven, with a strange look in his eyes.

He was originally a strong master at any rate, even if he is now in a period of weakness, but he is much more powerful than the ordinary supreme tenth heaven.

But why, he felt a slight threat in the heavenly emperor's body?

Who is the master?

"Then how do we act? The fate of the black world has been watching around, and the other party will definitely disrupt our plans, and may even help the evil gods to deal with us!"

The Sun Dominator frowned.

There is only one person they are afraid of, and that is Fate!

In particular, the Emperor of Heaven is more aware of the means of life, not only has his own dominant-level scriptures, but also has cultivated to the realm of Dacheng, and has the power of time!

Such beings, if they don't hold back the other party, they want to seize the evil god's Holy Spirit universe crystallization, which is not realistic.

"The plan is still going on as usual. I have secretly observed that this evil **** relied on foreign objects to forcibly upgrade from beginning to end. The strength is not very good, and the two of us are enough to take it down."

The Emperor's tone was slow, as if he was not in a hurry at all.

He slowly said: "As for Fatexuan, I will find a way to stop it, you don't have to worry about it."

The sun ruler immediately looked at the emperor with a weird look.

There is still a way for the emperor to stop his life? !

How many means does this guy have!

The sun dominates the bottom of his heart and is surprised. In his heart, he already regards the Emperor of Heaven as an opponent of the same level as Mingxuan, which is very threatening.

At this moment, the sun ruler put away all his contempt. Originally, he didn't see the emperor in his eyes, and he even felt that the biggest opponent was the scarlet ruler.

Mingxuan and Tiandi are just relatively powerful Supreme Ten Heavens.

When he returns to the realm of dominance, he can easily suppress it!

But after a period of contact, the sun dominates discovered that things do not seem to be the case.

On the contrary, the strongest are Heavenly Emperor and Mingxuan, and he and Scarlet Dominator are the two weaker ones.

Not to mention waiting for their two former masters to return to the realm of dominance, at this time, Mingxuan and the emperor may be the first to reach the realm of dominance!

"The time is set in three days. When Fatexuan is stopped, that is when we do it, remember to make a decisive point and directly kill the evil gods and take away the Holy Spirit universe crystal!"

"Remember, although this evil **** is not very strong, the Holy Spirit universe crystal has been in his hands for long enough. If you wait, the other party will consume the energy in the Holy Spirit universe crystal to create a master-level scripture sooner or later. , We must hurry up!"

The emperor said in a low tone.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around, the space in front of him cracked, and a huge mouth like an abyss swallowed him and disappeared.

In the golden hall, only the sun dominates.

The sun ruler's face turned gloomy, and he looked at the direction where the emperor was leaving, and there was a look of jealousy in his eyes.

"The Emperor of Heaven is not credible, and he would rather believe in the Scarlet Ruler than the Emperor of Heaven!" Although the Ruler of the Sun doesn't know what tricks the Emperor has, he knows what he thinks of the Emperor.

Most of the opponent will not share the Holy Spirit universe with him, but will use his power to deal with evil gods and other accidents that may arise.

"But I can't use it so easily!"

The sun dominates the cold voice.


The starry sky, the moon.

Mu Qing returned to his practice site, he asked Tu and the others to understand the wastage of the previous battle.

But Tu Lao's reply is that there is almost no loss!

Except for the initial raid of the monster clan army, which caused those galaxies to be destroyed, the battle that followed was completely dominated by the starry sky world.

At the same time, the news of this battle has spread throughout the universe. Countless creatures and forces of all sizes have realized that the Starry Sky Realm will be the fifth magnate in addition to the Demon Realm, Devil Realm, Holy Realm, and Black Realm. power.

Among them, the news that Mu Qing, the master of the starry sky world, killed the Demon Flame Supreme was spread like wildfire. Those supreme who didn't know the specific news thought that the demon world had been completely destroyed by the starry sky world and planned to occupy the demon world.

As a result, these supreme beings, without exception, were killed by the Scarlet Domination, and even controlled by the Imperius Curse.

"Both the Yang Realm and the Demon Realm have calmed down, seeming to give up the attack on the Holy Realm." The King of Primal Chaos brought a piece of news to Mu Qing, claiming that the power of the Demon Realm had completely shrunk, and there was no movement in the Yang Realm.

"No." Mu Qing shook his head and said: "They will still deal with evil gods. The chance to restore dominance lies in the hands of evil gods. Even if they can't hold back their lives, they still won't give up!"

Mu Qing asked everyone to keep an eye on the actions of other circles to avoid being attacked again.

Of course, since the demon clan army was annihilated and even the demon flame supreme fell, Mu Qing believed that most other forces would not dare to attack their starry sky realm.

Mu Qing took out the Starry Sky Book at his practice site.

He also has 17 golden light groups, this time he intends to upgrade the evil nerves he had originally abandoned!

Originally, Mu Qing's plan was to upgrade the Eternal Life Sutra. After all, the Eternal Life Sutra was created by the rumored supreme ruler of life, ancestor dragon, and its power can be imagined.

However, it takes 30 golden light groups to elevate the Immortal Sutra to the realm of Dacheng.

After being attacked by the Imperius Curse dominated by Scarlet, Mu Qing felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. He still has too few defenses against the soul.

Earlier, the Scarlet Lord also displayed the mind of the gods, and forcibly seized a small piece of his memory.

This feeling of being unable to defend at all made Mu Qing feel quite aggrieved!

So Mu Qingming knew that the evil nerve was a bit full, and still planned to raise it to the realm of Dacheng.

Unlike the Eternal Life Sutra and the Destiny Sutra, the evil nerves only need 10 golden light clusters to ascend to the Dacheng realm.

This is still affordable for Mu Qing.

After 10 golden light clusters poured into the sixth page of the Starry Sky Book, that is, the page that was branded with the evil nerves, surging sentiments and messages flooded my mind.

Mu Qing digested and absorbed frantically, his control of evil nerves became stronger and stronger!

Behind him, a double-faced evil **** emerged, with a hideous appearance with red-faced fangs on the front, containing terrifying power of destruction!

There seems to be another posture on the back of this evil god, but even if Mu Qing's evil nerve reaches the realm of Dacheng, it still cannot be condensed.

"Sure enough, as I thought, this evil nerve fits perfectly with my path of destruction!"

There was a trace of surprise in Mu Qing's eyes.

His path of destruction, to a certain extent, perfectly matched the evil spirit phantom that was born after he cultivated evil nerves.

This makes him even more powerful when he stimulates evil nerves!

After that, Mu Qing closed his eyes, and his evil nerves were running, and all of a sudden, he felt endless babbling from all around him.

After hearing this babble, people couldn't help being mad, and even affected their sanity, making themselves degenerate and crazy, assimilated into a monster.

However, the Starry Sky Book in Mu Qing's hands helped Mu Qing resist the endless babbling, and ensured that Mu Qing would not be affected in any way while stimulating and cultivating evil nerves!

Mu Qing opened the Starry Sky Book and found that the sixth page that was branded with evil nerves was still intact, without any abnormality.

When he turned back to the fourth page, that is, the page that was branded with the Destiny Sutra, he could see strands of bronze luster, with a certain weird special power, gradually eroding this page.

Mu Qing fell into deep thought and whispered: "Could it be that the level of evil nerves is too low? So Xingkongshu can help me resist?

The Destiny Sutra is related to the curse of time, so Destiny Sutra can only help me delay the impact as much as possible, instead of completely erasing the negative impact? "

Mu Qing's eyes became solemn. He couldn't guarantee whether the Star Book would help him completely resist the curse of time. It seemed that he still needed to go to the Palace of Life to explore what was left by the rule of time.

It was an evil nerve. He was originally worried that Xingkong Shu could not help him withstand the influence of evil nerves. Now it seems that he doesn't need to worry at all.

Mu Qing flipped through the Starry Sky Book, and at the same time a message was delivered to his mind.

Now his cosmic body has opened up the vast starry sky of the seven realms, and the information given by the starry sky book requires a full 1,000 golden light clusters to advance to the next stage!


Mu Qing's face turned dark, where did he get so many golden light balls?

Turning to the second page, it is the ability of the world snake. It takes 10,000 golden light groups to upgrade to the next stage.


Relatively speaking, a thousand golden light clusters are still relatively small.

The third page of the Starry Sky Book is the Sun Sutra, but as always, it does not show how many golden light clusters are needed, as if it can no longer be improved.

"It shouldn't be! Even the world snake ability shows that it needs 10,000 golden light clusters. Why doesn't the Sun Sutra of Consummation state show how many it needs?"

Mu Qing was a little puzzled. He guessed that his realm might not be enough, so the Star Book simply didn't show himself how many golden light clusters were needed to improve the solar meridian.

After all, the Sun Sutra of the Consummation Realm can only last for fourteen seconds when used in his current state!

The strength of the vast starry sky in the seven realms in his body can only last for fourteen seconds!

The realm difference is too great!

If Mu Qing has a matching realm of dominance, then it is also the power of the seven starry sky, and it is estimated that the solar meridian that can display the perfect realm will not stop for several months.

Mu Qing's gaze continued to look back.

The fourth page is the Destiny Sutra. It is currently in the Xiaocheng realm. If you want to rise to the Dacheng, you need 50 golden light groups.

The fifth page is the Chaos Sutra. At present, the Dacheng realm cannot be improved temporarily, just like the Sun Sutra.

The sixth page is about evil nerves, and now it is in the realm of Dacheng, and it cannot be improved either.

The seventh page is the Eternal Life Sutra. It is in the Xiaocheng realm. It takes 30 golden light groups to rise to the Dacheng realm. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1697 Evil Nerve Master), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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