Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1707: Three-strength ratio

"Clone secret method?"

Mu Qing hesitated.

There are many ways to refine one's own clone. Guang Mu Qing himself has a way to create a clone for every master-level scripture he cultivates.

But the clone is only a clone after all, and Mu Qing's body's combat power is comparable to the supreme tenth heaven, but if a clone comes out, it will at most be the supreme eighth heaven and ninth heaven level.

At this level, the avatar of the Supreme Eighth Heaven or Nineth Heaven is of little help to Mu Qing.

What's more, there are many restrictions on clones.

The Sky-Swallowing Beast clone similar to the Emperor of Heaven is obviously much stronger than the ordinary clone.

The Sky-Swallowing Beast clone not only has all the natural abilities of its body, but its strength has also reached the first-order supreme tenth heaven!

This is more similar to seizing house control. Everything the Sky-Swallowing Beast possesses, but its consciousness belongs to the Emperor of Heaven.

This couldn't help but make Mu Qing think of the body of the Lord of Heaven at the time, and its ability is also control.

And the body of dominance, which can be regarded as a weakened version of the dominance level scripture, can indeed strengthen the strength, but it cannot really break through to the realm of dominance.

From this point of view, the emperor's sutra of the emperor may be the key to the secret method of the clone!

You know, the curse of the long river of time is not so easy to get rid of, even the time ruler in the life king's court can't avoid it, this curse can't be evaded by just a single clone.

"No! The Heavenly Emperor's body must have entered a long river of time, otherwise he would not be able to create the Emperor's Scripture!"

Mingxuan frowned, then whispered in a low voice: "So, what method did he use to get rid of the curse of time?"

The emperor scripture of the emperor of heaven should be the key to creating a powerful clone, but when the emperor entered into the long river of time, there should be no emperor scripture, so it is not accurate to say that the emperor used the clone to enter the long river of time.

Mingxuan and Mu Qing both thought about it, but couldn't figure out what method the Emperor Tian used.

"No matter what, there must be a way to avoid the curse in the hands of the emperor, but this method is likely to be used only once."

Mu Qing guessed again.

He thinks that his guess should not be wrong.

It is certain that the Emperor of Heaven can avoid the curse of time, but if it can be avoided all the time, completely ignoring the curse of time, it must be impossible to do so.

Otherwise, the Emperor of Heaven would have already controlled the power of time, and the other party would definitely be taboo against the power of curses, and would not dare to try the power of time.

After a while, Mu Qing left Mingxuan and returned to the star realm.

After the two talked, they became even more afraid of the Emperor.

Nowadays, Mingxuan can still rely on the power of time to suppress the emperor, but as the curse worsens, Mingxuan will sooner or later have problems.

Although Mu Qing had grown up, he was still far behind the level of contending with the Emperor of Heaven.

At the same time, before leaving, Mingxuan also told Mu Qing that his control over the power of time was getting stronger and stronger.

This is not a good thing!

The stronger Mingxuan's grasp of the power of time, the more serious his curse.

During this period of time, Mingxuan's strength will become stronger due to the curse, but when it really comes to the final deterioration, its strength will rapidly weaken.

Mu Qing must hurry up to grow up. At present, Mingxuan can suppress the Emperor of Heaven, but once Mingxuan's curse deteriorates and his strength begins to weaken, no one can resist the Emperor of Heaven.

Of course, there is another strong man standing on the same front, and that is the ancient god.

The ancient gods believed that the emperor was a fierce beast that wiped out the ancient gods and beasts, and he already had the strength of the first-order supreme tenth heaven. When he digested the holy spirit universe crystals, he should be able to compete with the emperor.

However, the relationship between the ancient gods and Mu Qing has not reached the level of Mingxuan and Mu Qing.

When Mu Qing returned to the starry sky, the first thing he did was to use the identity crystal to get the body of consciousness into the royal court of life.

The place where Mu Qing appeared this time was the planet assigned to him by the King of Life, and the butler Poppi quickly moved forward.

"Your Excellency, is there anything I need to order?"

Poppi smiled and said to Mu Qing.

"I need to redeem some natural treasures, similar to the Thunder Fruit rewarded by the King of Life."

Mu Qing went straight to the point.

He remembered that the Royal Court of Life could exchange all kinds of things with the water of life, and even the sovereign holy artifacts could be exchanged!

"Thunder Fruit contains a certain amount of rule power and belongs to the second-tier treasure. There are indeed many stocks in the treasure house of the King of Life, but I am sorry, your Excellency, you do not have the authority to redeem it."

Poppi immediately responded, and he continued: "If you want to redeem all kinds of things from the treasure house, you need to pass the newcomer competition."

"Of course, there is no such requirement in the trading market, but the trading market requires you to go there in person. If it is for sale, you can hand it over to me for consignment."

Hearing this, Mu Qing nodded.

I didn't expect to redeem directly from the treasure house, but I was not eligible yet.

However, there are no regulations in the trading market, and there should be something similar to Thunder Fruit.

Mu Qing's idea is to buy a treasure of heaven and earth comparable to Thunder Fruit with the water of life on his hand, and convert it into a golden light group.

At this stage, there are two main things that Mu Qing can improve.

One is the cosmic Eucharist, which requires a thousand golden light clusters to open up the eighth starry sky.

The other is the Eternal Life Sutra, which is still in the Xiaocheng realm, and it takes thirty golden light groups to rise to the Dacheng realm.

"I'll go there in person." Mu Qing said to Poppi, just as he was planning to see what the so-called trading market looked like.

"By the way, what is the classification of the various treasures of heaven, material and earth in the Palace of Life?"

Mu Qing suddenly looked at Poppi curiously.

"The classification of artifacts and all kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures is the same. Basically, those that do not involve dominating the realm are rated as the first-level treasures. The first-level treasures are very mixed. Some are only effective for the low-level supreme, and some are not. It has a significant effect on the Supreme Tenth Heaven."

"Similar to the Thunder Fruit, which slightly involves the power of the rules of dominance, they are all classified as the second-level treasure. In this category, the most valuable thing should be the dominating holy artifact, which is relatively rare."

"Only things that are really useful for dominating can be classified as the third-level treasure. For example, dominating devices are classified in this way."

"There are also the fourth-level supreme treasure and the fifth-level supreme treasure, corresponding to the great master and the supreme master respectively."

Hearing this, Mu Qing almost understood the classification.

Soon, Mu Qing seemed to think of something, and quickly asked: "What level does the blood of the blood demon king belong to?"

"It belongs to the second-level treasure, sir!"

Although Poppi didn't know why Mu Qing asked this, he answered quickly.

He explained: "The blood demon clan is quite special. They can become quite powerful without practicing the dominion-level scriptures, and even break through the dominance. The blood of the blood demon king clan contains certain rules and powers, so they are classified as two. Level treasure."

Afterwards, he added, "It's just that the blood of the Gorefiend King is almost useless to others, so the price is the lowest among the second-tier treasures."

Mu Qing secretly said as expected.

It seems that those who can be appreciated by the Star Book must be at least the second-level treasure.

"The blood of the Blood Demon Kings can indeed transform into golden light clusters, but the number is not large, and they are also classified as the second-level treasure, and the golden light clusters transformed by Thunder Fruit are much more."

Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

Although Poppi told him that the blood of the Blood Demon King was the lowest price, there were also few golden light clusters that could be transformed.

What's more, if he buys a large amount of blood of the Gorefiend King, it will inevitably be questioned.

"Forget it, let's go to the trading market first!" Mu Qing shook his head, not thinking so much.

"Sir, the consciousness body can be directly transmitted to the trading market through the identity crystal." Poppi reminded.

If it is the body, there is a special teleportation array on this top planet, but Mu Qing is a consciousness body, and can go there in an instant through the identity crystal.

Mu Qing took out the identity crystal and meditated on the name of the place he was going to. The whole body of consciousness was swept away and disappeared in place.

Dragon body universe, a galaxy located to the west.

Mu Qing's conscious body appeared here. He looked at the galaxy in front of him and could see many conscious bodies shuttled here.

"The entire galaxy is a trading market?" Mu Qing was slightly surprised.

He went to one of the planets according to the guidance given by the identity crystal.

This planet, all sold inside are the second-level treasures!

As soon as I entered here, there was no imaginary sea of ​​people. The members of the Life Palace did not see a few, and they could see some supreme powerhouses, but most of them were life tree demons.

There are ten giant cities on the entire planet, and Mu Qing can see a light curtain when he enters one of the giant cities.

The above lists a variety of secondary treasures, which are currently being sold in the trading market. Mu Qing can directly select them, and then the consciousness will be transmitted to the specific location.

This is quite convenient.

"The blood of the blood demon king... actually needs a hundred drops of life water to buy one drop?" Mu Qing glanced, his face stiffened slightly.

The water of life in his body is enough to buy a hundred drops of blood of the blood demon king.

Whether it can transform a hundred golden light groups is hard to say!

Mu Qing looked at the other second-level treasures. He saw the Thunder Fruit, which was priced at 3000 Life Water.

Seeing this price, Mu Qing decisively chose Thunder Fruit.

His consciousness was teleported away at the moment of making a choice, and appeared in a space.

Opposite Mu Qing was a tree of life.

Obviously, those who sell the most precious treasures in the trading market will definitely not stay in the trading market all the time by themselves, and usually ask the Life Dryad to help deal with it.

When Mu Qing's consciousness returned from the Palace of Life, he had already spent nine thousand life water.

He bought three Thunder Fruits, but because it was a consciousness body, it was impossible to bring them out directly. He had to wait for the King of Life to send the Thunder Fruits.


A few days later, Mu Qing was cultivating, and suddenly there was a twist in the void, and a silver divine bird fluttered out and landed in front of Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's face was weird. The reward for his assessment last time came over after a full month. Why did it arrive only a few days later this time?

However, the sacred bird that came this time was different from the last time.

Last time it was gray and black, this time it was a silver sacred bird, and it was much smaller, only about one meter tall.

"His Excellency Mu Qing, regarding this newcomer competition, the high-level discussions have been completed. Because of the speciality of the three power ratios this time, I need to take you to the Palace of Life. The specific time is ten years later. You can follow now. I go to the Palace of Life, and I can wait until the ninth year before following me."

Unexpectedly, this silver bird was not here to deliver anything, but to pick him up to the Palace of Life! Starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1707 Three Power Ratio), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support ! (

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