Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1710: Eternal Life by Dacheng

"After eternal life is completed, my life span is probably longer than that of the universe."

Mu Qing stroked his chin, thinking.

The eternal life sutra of the Dacheng realm has not yet reached the point of immortality, so it can be said to be longevity.

There is almost no end to his lifespan, even if a universe goes to a period of exhaustion and is destroyed, Mu Qing will not die of old age.

If Mu Qing cultivated the Eternal Life Sutra to the Consummation Realm, that would be true eternal life.

At the same time, in this state, Mu Qing can display a technique called Changshengzhi!

This longevity means that not only the energy in the body is consumed, but also its own vitality is consumed to activate it, but correspondingly, the power that erupts is also extremely powerful.

"If I cultivate the Eternal Life Sutra to the Consummation Realm, wouldn't it be possible to burn vitality without limit to increase my combat power?"

Mu Qing couldn't help but muttered.

However, he glanced at the Starry Sky Book and found that the Eternal Life Sutra could not rely on the golden light cluster to ascend at present, and the Starry Sky Book did not give any information.

This is true of all the master-level scriptures of Mu Qing that reached the Dacheng realm, and the Starry Sky Book did not specify how many golden light clusters were needed.

The world's snake ability is most in demand, and it will cost 10,000 golden light groups next time.

Mu Qing guessed that it might be that her realm was insufficient, of course, it might also be that the Starry Sky Book hadn't grown to that point.

Since obtaining the Starry Sky Book, Mu Qing has clearly felt that this treasure will slowly improve on its own.

When Mu Qing absorbed such treasures as the Thunder Fruit into the Starry Sky Book, he obtained the golden light cluster, and the Starry Sky Book would also grow to a certain extent.

After spending 30 golden light clusters to upgrade the eternal life sutra, there are still 127 golden light clusters left in the starry sky book.

"It's a little far away from a thousand golden light clusters."

Mu Qing sighed, it seemed that there was no way to improve his strength in a short time.

However, the second-level treasure can provide 50 golden light groups, and it is hopeful to get together 1000 golden light groups.

He remembered that there was a mission hall in the King of Life, and he could pick up some missions and earn the water of life.

Of course, what Mu Qing needs to care about at the moment is the so-called three-strength ratio.

In the Chaos Universe, Mu Qing only needs to be careful of the emperor and a few people, and to participate in the three-strength ratio, facing the enchanting genius from all over the multiverse, there must be many better than him!


Demon Realm, the top of Ten Thousand Demon Mountain.

A group of golden sun hovered here, and there was a silver bell-like sound, but it was all kinds of curses.

The Scarlet Master frowned and waved his hand tirelessly, a burst of blood pierced through and shattered the sun.

"Unexpectedly, the emperor had some ability that day, but the emperor didn't know that there was such a thing as a regular dagger in Mu Qing's hands."

Scarlet Dominator smiled a little gleefully.

At the same time, he was even more fortunate that he did not follow to the Holy Realm.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of disappointment appeared on the face of Scarlet Dominator, and he said regretfully: "Unfortunately, the sun dominates this guy and ran away."

If the sun ruler also fell, he would be even happier.

Scarlet Dominator touched his chin, he was thinking whether or not to shoot Mu Qing.

In fact, he followed the battle in the Holy Realm, and kept observing it in secret.

I originally planned to use the Imperius Curse on Mu Qing several times to completely control Mu Qing, but unfortunately I couldn’t find a chance. After all, the ancient gods and demon ancestors were next to Mu Qing, and the Scarlet Ruler is currently the strength of the first-order supreme tenth heaven. It’s impossible. Crossed the two to make a move on Mu Qing.

If I missed this opportunity, I probably won't have a chance next time.

"Hey, I was thinking of taking the opportunity to control Mu Qing, it seems like it's out of play." The Scarlet Dominator shook his head.

He didn't hesitate much, and decisively chose not to trouble Mu Qing anymore.

During the Holy Realm War, if that opportunity was not seized, there was basically no second chance.

If you attack Mu Qing now, I am afraid it will lead to the fate of the leader of the black world!

Although Scarlet Ruler had a very high vision, and he didn't think much of the Supreme Tenth Heaven, he was still quite jealous of such characters as Mingxuan and the Emperor of Heaven.


Suddenly, the Scarlet Master seemed to sense something, and his eyes suddenly looked far away.


The entire demon world was in turmoil, and a burst of invisible power spread out, shining with divine lights of various colors, turning into bursts of light sweeping.

Not only in the Demon Realm, but also in all realms of the universe.

In the starry sky, Mu Qing also raised his head and looked at the sudden appearance.

"What happened?" Mu Qing frowned.

"Strange, although your chaotic universe is only in its maturity period, the instinctive consciousness of the universe is unexpectedly strong."

A silver light appeared, but the silver-winged empty bird appeared beside Mu Qing.

It behaves quite surprised.

"Do you know what happened to this?"

Mu Qing asked immediately after hearing this.

He was keenly aware that the words of the Silver Winged Sky Bird involved the instinctive consciousness of the universe!

Silver-winged Kongniao nodded his head and explained: "Our clan has special sensing abilities. Under my perception, I found that your universe's instinct consciousness is mobilizing the power of the original source and making some changes to the entire universe..."

"No, it should be said that it is power recovery!"

"It stands to reason that only the instinctive consciousness of the universe in the complete or exhausted period will do this. This is the first time I have seen the instinctive consciousness of the universe in the mature period.

Mu Qing frowned slightly and asked, "What is the universe instinct doing?"

"Your universe is divided into ten realms, and now this cosmic instinct is swallowing several of these realms, drawing all the power into itself." Silver-winged empty bird replied.

Mu Qing's pupils shrank suddenly.

He hurriedly left, and a flash appeared outside the bounds.

Not only Mu Qing, other people also rushed out of the boundary at this time.

Mingxuan and others, Crimson Ruler, Sun Ruler, Heavenly Emperor and Demon Ancestor!

Even the ancient gods were alarmed and appeared outside the realm.

It's a pity that they are all late, and looking at the entire chaotic universe outside the realm, the original ten realms have been wiped out of the five realms!

Even the Void Wind Realm has disappeared!

In today's chaotic universe, only the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm, the Yang Realm, the Black Realm, and the Star Realm are left!

The rest of the world disappeared in the vision just now.

Seeing this scene, the faces of many strong men present had different expressions.

The Emperor of Heaven, Scarlet Ruler and others quickly left, the ancient gods looked solemn, nodded to Mu Qing, and turned and left.

The Demon Ancestor didn't care much, he glanced at the direction where the emperor had left with a gloomy look, and then disappeared without saying a word.

Mingxuan looked at Mu Qing and said through the sound transmission: "Come to my side, the horoscope has discovered some secrets of the emperor."

Subsequently, Mingxuan's figure turned into stars and disappeared.

Obviously, Mingxuan did not come from the body, his body was affected by the curse of time, so he appeared in front of outsiders as little as possible. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1710 Eternal Life Sutra Dacheng), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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