Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1714: Supreme Ten Heaven!

"this is?!"

Mu Qing's face was filled with astonishment. He found that the Starry Sky Book had undergone tremendous changes.

Originally, the Starry Sky Book would send a specific message to Mu Qing, letting Mu Qing know how many golden light clusters are needed to advance.

But now Xingkong Shu has absorbed the power of the Spirit Palace for a full year and a half, and it has changed.

I saw on the first page, a cluster of starry sky fire was swaying.

This cluster of star flames is quite illusory, with golden light spots in it.

After the starry sky book grows again, the demand for advanced is more vivid. When this cluster of starry sky fires are fully grown and solidified, it is the time for the advancement of the universe's Eucharist!

At the same time, Mu Qing opened the Starry Sky Book and found that the four pages of the Sun Sutra, Chaos Sutra, Eternal Life Sutra, and Evil Nerve Sutra all appeared in a cluster of illusory starry sky fire.

"Sure enough!"

Mu Qing's eyes lit up, which means that these four dominator-level scriptures that have reached the realm of Dacheng can be advanced to the realm of Consummation!

Of course, Mu Qing didn't need to think about it. The energy required for these four star fires to be fully condensed completely and completely.

"It doesn't matter, first upgrade the cosmic body. I don't know if I can advance the cosmic body in the remaining year."

Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

He hurriedly seized the time, continued to sit down and began to absorb the golden spiritual power and the power of rules around him.

The energy in the Spirit Palace is quite special, divided into two types.

Golden spiritual power and the power of rules!

The power of rules is naturally accessible to the master, but they can also be absorbed by the supreme, but the benefits are not so high.

At present, what is of great benefit to them is this golden spiritual power. This energy is quite special and its quality is incredibly high. After being absorbed by the Supreme Power, it will increase at an astonishing speed.

Mu Qing even suspected that the golden spiritual power in the Spirit King Palace was not the power left over from one of the former supreme masters, the life ancestor dragon after the fall!

Just when Mu Qing officially began to absorb the power of the Spirit Palace, Long Mingqing opened his eyes on a mountain next to him and looked at Mu Qing with some doubts.

He was a little surprised, and didn't understand why Mu Qing hadn't broken through to the Supreme Tenth Heaven yet.

In his opinion, Mu Qing and himself should be about the same, but he has already broken through to the Supreme Tenth Heaven, but Mu Qing hasn't broken through yet.


More than half a year passed quickly.

There was not much time left for Mu Qing to practice in the Spirit Palace.

During this period of time, the golden spiritual power and the power of rules absorbed by Mu Qing were absorbed by the Starry Sky Book and transformed into the Starry Sky Fire on the first page.

Unlike the illusory cluster of sparks at the beginning, the sparks of the starry sky are now solidified and growing.

The fire of the starry sky contained a little golden light, swaying slowly.

Mu Qing had a foreboding that this starry sky fire was about to take shape!

"Time should be enough."

Mu Qing whispered to himself, and then fell into a state of cultivation, focusing on absorbing the golden spiritual power.

Four months passed by.

It has been almost two and a half years since Mu Qing came to the Lingwang Palace.

Today is the last day of cultivation time. Once the time has passed, they will be rejected by the Spirit Palace and teleported out.

At the same time, Mu Qing was observing the starry sky book in his body. On the first page, a group of dazzling sparks burned. Along with the injection of golden spiritual power, the sparks burst out with a dazzling light, and then burst out!

The fire of the starry sky exploded, bursts of light spread, and swept across Mu Qing's limbs.

This starry fire, which had absorbed the power for a full year, produced unimaginable power after it broke out, and it was completely integrated into Mu Qing's body!


A powerful breath rushed out of Mu Qing. At the same time, the power of the starry sky in his body was also boiling riot, and the eighth starry sky was opened up with a loud noise!

The supreme tenth heaven, finally completed!

The eighth starry sky successfully opened up that, the original starry sky fire was also exhausted, turned into strands of starlight, and dissipated.

Others want to reach the Supreme Ten Heaven, with bottlenecks, and it is quite difficult to break through, but for Mu Qing, there is absolutely nothing for him. With the help of the Star Book, he breaks through quite smoothly.

Before coming, Silver Winged Sky Bird speculated that it would take him two years to break through to the Supreme Tenth Heaven.

In fact, except for the one and a half years spent on the growth of the Starry Sky Book, Mu Qing relied on the power of the Spirit Palace to completely reach the Supreme Ten Heaven in just one year!

"The master-level scriptures of the Dacheng realm have reduced consumption a lot!"

Mu Qing stood up, feeling the powerful force contained in his body.

The power of the eight realms starry sky!

With the addition of the master-level scriptures of the four Dacheng realms, his strength suddenly surpassed the first-order supreme tenth heaven, and came to the second-order supreme tenth heaven.

Even in the second-tier supreme tenth heaven, Mu Qing's strength can be considered very powerful!

After all, for most enchanting geniuses, it is quite difficult to cultivate a dominance-level scripture to the realm of Dacheng before the Supreme Tenth Heaven.

The two disciplines of fellow practitioners are not absent, but they need to consume a lot more energy.

As for the four practitioners like Mu Qing, there really isn't it!

It's not that other enchanting geniuses don't have this understanding and aptitude, but that other people's energy is far less than Mu Qing.

The energy contained in Mu Qing's body even surpasses those who dominate the strong, and coupled with the extremely fast recovery speed, can he initiate the four master-level scriptures and squander it at will.

As for other enchanting geniuses, fellow practitioners of the Four Sects may end up with a huge loss, and it may not last long in the battle.

"I don't know, now I can compete with the Emperor of Heaven."

Mu Qing clenched his fists, he had always been pressed by the Emperor of Heaven.

Now, he has also reached the level of the second-order supreme tenth heaven, and he doesn't know which is stronger than the emperor.

However, Mingxuan is also the second-order supreme tenth heaven, but it takes time to stabilize the emperor. It is conceivable that the strength of the emperor is definitely not simple.

But at least, Mu Qing is now back to the Chaos Universe, and there is no need to worry about any threats at all.

The sun ruler and the scarlet ruler are just the former rulers, now they are only the first-order supreme tenth heaven, and even if they regain some strength later, they will be the second-order supreme tenth heaven.

Even to be on the safe side, Mu Qing can kill these two guys and erase the threats in advance, lest these two return to the realm of dominance.

At the same time, Mu Qing thought, after the three formidable ratios ended, he might be able to unite Mingxuan and attack the Emperor of Heaven together.

Even if you use the power of time, you must find a way to kill the Emperor to avoid future troubles!

"Finally broke?"

On the other side of the mountain, Long Mingqing looked in Mu Qing's direction and frowned.

This breakthrough speed is much slower than him.

From outsiders' eyes, it took Mu Qing two and a half years to break through to the Supreme Tenth Heaven. In fact, only Mu Qing knew it, and it only took one year for him.

"It's a pity that the opponents of the three powerful ratios are the other two multiverse forces, otherwise I really want to fight." Long Mingqing quickly retracted his gaze and shook his head.

He did not despise Mu Qing because his breakthrough speed was slower than him. After all, he was a figure who could reach the ninth level in the first assessment.

Long Mingqing was very clear about how strong the opponents who entered the tenth level during the assessment were, after all, the top ten opponents are all dominating the strong!

Even if the realm is lowered, it is not comparable to those of them who have not even reached the master.

Of course, the masters also have a look at the mood, more or less will put some water, so that they have the possibility of victory.

But when Long Mingqing defeated a dominant opponent of the same level, he had already used his best. He couldn't imagine how Mu Qing defeated the second place.

"That guy, as expected, has already cultivated the dominance level scriptures to the realm of Dacheng, and a breakthrough is the second-order supreme tenth heaven!"

Mu Qing also turned his gaze to Long Mingqing.

He could feel that Long Mingqing's breath was at the same level as him, both of them were the second-order supreme tenth heaven.

"I just don't know, there are several ultimate supreme tenth heavens in the royal court of life."

Mu Qing touched his chin, he was very curious about this.

Three formidable ratios, in fact, the participants are all newcomers, Mu Qing and Long Mingqing are already quite enchanting.

However, Mu Qing still remembered that Old Man Long said that there would be the Tenth Heaven of Ultimate Supreme.

The ultimate supreme tenth heaven, but it corresponds to the supreme tenth heaven of the perfect realm!

Even Mu Qing, who owns the Starry Sky Book, can hardly imagine, can anyone really cultivate the dominion-level scriptures to the perfect state in the Supreme Tenth Heaven?

Subsequently, Mu Qing looked at some distant peaks, where there were newcomers.

It is a pity that most of them are the first-order supreme tenth heaven or the zero-order, not even the second-order supreme tenth heaven.

Mu Qing also knew that these were not all newcomers. After all, the senior leaders of the Life Palace gave ten years of preparation time. For example, he and Long Mingqing both put the cultivation time in the Spirit Palace at the last juncture.

Most of the others came to the Spirit Palace to practice in the first year or even the second year.

"Time should be almost up."

Mu Qing sat down again to stabilize his realm, and absorbed some golden spiritual power to the solar meridian, causing the cluster of starry sky fire in the solar meridian to grow slightly.

His next goal is to elevate the Sun Sutra to Consummation!

By then, his strength will reach the ultimate tenth heaven.

But this process must be quite long, and Mu Qing can't even imagine how much energy is needed to condense the starry fire on that page of the sun.

"The next advancement of the Universe Eucharist should be to dominate the realm."

Mu Qing touched his chin when he suddenly thought of a question.

The advancement of the Starry Sky Book is forcibly ascending. If you raise one level again and open up the ninth starry sky, will you directly reach the realm of dominance?

He also didn't know that he relied on the Starry Sky Book to break through the dominance, and he still needed to dominate the holy relic.

After all, in Mu Qing's view, the Starry Sky Book itself is no less than the master of the sacred object, and even a treasure that surpasses the master of the sacred object! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1714 Supreme Ten Heaven!) reading history, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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