Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1732: Evacuate

In the face of an Erhun who was about the same as himself, plus a demon baby whose strength surpassed him, Mu Qing judged it immediately, and it was better to retreat earlier.

Otherwise, you will be in danger of falling!

If there is only one Ehun, then Mu Qing will spend a while, and he may be able to defeat the opponent, but the appearance of the Tianma baby makes Mu Qing no longer thinking about fighting.

There are two solutions, both of which are related to the starry sky book ability.

One is to upgrade the Destiny Sutra, and use the ability to pause in time to escape directly.

With Mu Qing's current strength, the power of the eight realms of the starry sky was fully opened up in his body, enough to display the consumption of time suspension.

The second method is to improve the dominance level scriptures of other Dacheng realms to reach the realm of Consummation.

After reaching the level of Consummation, Mu Qing's strength rose to the level of the ultimate supreme tenth heaven, and he could also contend against the combination of the demon baby and Ehun.

After considering it for a while, Mu Qing decided to choose the former.

To be honest, even with him now, the scriptures that urged Consummation are still huge.

Although it is much better than before, it still cannot last long.

Just in case, Mu Qing still chooses the more secure power of time. Anyway, the time curse is temporarily blocked by the star book to help him. After the three power ratio ends, Mu Qing can still enter the gate of time and space to explore the time dominance. The traces left behind may be rewarded.

No matter how bad it is, afterwards, the ability of the world snake will be improved, and it can also resist the curse of time.

At least in Mu Qing's hands, there are two roads to choose from, and they can even proceed together!


A layer of invisible ripples spread around Mu Qing, covering the entire seabed remains.

Both the Tianma Baby and Erhun stagnated, unable to move, and were completely frozen.

It seems that after Mu Qing's strength has improved, even if it is still the master-level scripture of the Dacheng realm, the power of time borrowed is obviously stronger than before.

At the beginning, the Qingtong of the Supreme Tenth Heaven could barely break free from the imprisonment of the power of time, but now Mu Qing has reached the second-order Supreme Tenth Heaven, and the time is suspended again. Neither the Heaven Demon Baby nor Ehun has any resistance to it. In the freezing of time.

Mu Qing didn't waste time either, his body was surrounded by snakes in the starry sky and his feet were on the void. Before leaving, he did not forget to take away the remnant soul of the master from the corpse of the mermaid.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Qing moved away from the location of the seabed ruins. He put away his disguise, changed back to his original appearance, and found An Shaomu.

"Quick! Quick!"

Mu Qing shouted in a low voice.

An Shaomu was also shocked when he saw this. He wanted to use the secret method to take Mu Qing to escape, but was directly pulled by Mu Qing and fleeed away.

He was stunned, and looked back at the location of the seabed ruins, and found that Erhun and others had not chased it out. It seemed that the situation had not reached a critical level.

"Brother Mu, you were the one who fought Ehun earlier?" An Shaomu asked curiously.

Although An Shaomu was only outside, he still felt the terrible power fluctuations, and it was hard to imagine that it was the power that the second-order supreme tenth heaven could burst out.

"No, I just observed it on the sidelines. In addition to Erhun, there is also a powerful Gorefiend God Race. Both of them are terrifying."

Mu Qing didn't want to reveal that he had another layer of disguise, so he made up a lie, and at the same time pretended that he had lingering fears.

An Shaomu glanced at Mu Qing and found that there was no obvious injury on the other party's body. There was no doubt about him, and he believed Mu Qing's words, and then the two quickly left the place.

After this battle, Mu Qing suffered a lot, but the injuries were really not much.

At the beginning of the battle with Erhun, it was obvious that Erhun was worse than him. In addition, Erhun used a rule of power to deal with the remnants of Haimodong, which consumed a lot of strength, and then fought against Mu Qing. Down the wind.

Neither side received any serious injuries. For Mu Qing, the power of the vast starry sky of the Eight Realms gave him the capital to defeat Ehun.

Later, when the Demon Baby appeared, Mu Qing had no idea of ​​continuing to stay. The gap was suddenly widened. Before being injured by the Demon Baby, he took the time of the Heavenly Demon Sutra to escape directly.

While fleeing with An Shaomu towards the distance, Mu Qing thought.

"It seems that Ehun itself has no way to cultivate the Death Sutra, and the other party is likely to succeed in the cultivation with the help of the devil baby.

Moreover, the opponent's Death Sutra has reached the highest level of power quality, but it is only part of the power that can be displayed, which is not as good as my Eternal Life Sutra. "

There was already a contrast in Mu Qing's mind.

Like him, Ehun relies on foreign objects to successfully cultivate the Supreme Scriptures.

Mu Qing relied on the Star Book, and Ehun relied on the help of the Demon Baby.

However, the biggest difference between the two is that the eternal life sutra cultivated by Mu Qing can fully exert the full power of this supreme sutra.

The Death Sutra of Ehun's cultivation is actually the same as those individual existences of the Life Tree Monster. It can indeed be cultivated, but the power it exerts is limited.

This is why Erhun couldn't beat Mu Qing.

In contrast, Mu Qing thinks that the Demon Baby of that day is the one who truly exerts the full power of the Death Sutra, at least it can completely compete with his Eternal Life Sutra.


Relics under the sea.

The invisible ripples gathered back.

Time, start to flow!


Lifeless, countless demon heads slaughtered away, and black light enveloped this space.

The attacks of the Heavenly Demon Baby and Ehun were completely blank. They recovered and found that Mu Qing's figure had disappeared.

"what happened?"

Ehun was stunned. He took a closer look and found that the remnant soul of the master of the mermaid clan had also disappeared.

"A very special power, wait, I have to search for my broken memory...

There is it! It's the power of time! What is that guy's background? Why does he possess both the power of time and the eternal life scripture at the same time? Both of these powers should have something to do with the King of Life. Why does it appear in a blood demon clan? "

The Tianma baby hovered next to Erhun, with a strange face, making a harsh cry.

The power of time is a kind of taboo power, and it is the royal court of life to insist that this kind of power has appeared before.

Because there was a master of time in the royal court of life, and his fame was still in the life of the ancestor dragon. In addition to the power of mastering time, he has a great reputation.

At the same time, the Eternal Life Sutra is the supreme sutra created by the Zulong of Life.

No matter how you look at it, these two powers are related to the King of Life. However, what makes the heavenly devil babies feel weird is that these two powers actually appeared on a blood demon race!

"There is no doubt that it is definitely the blood demon clan, but how did he obtain the eternal life sutra?" the sky demon baby muttered.

Even he did not see the true identity of Mu Qing, and almost believed that Mu Qing was a pure blood demon clan.

However, even though the Eternal Life Sutra was made public by the King of Life, they must become a member of the King of Life and obtain the identity crystal before they can receive it.

The identity crystal of the King of Life is not so easy to obtain. Once the owner has a problem, the identity crystal will melt on its own.

Seeing the demon baby couldn't figure it out, Erhun frowned and guessed: "Could it be that the blood demon clan is a traitor who sneaked into the court of the king of life?"

The reason for this idea is that the Blood Demon Race was created by the Blood Demon Ancient Tree. Every Blood Demon Race has absolute loyalty to the Blood Demon Ancient Tree, and it is impossible for a traitor to appear.

It could only be that the Blood Demon Race had some way to get into the Palace of Life.

You should know that the ancient blood demon tree does not recruit any newcomers to the outside. The so-called newcomers are only the newly born blood demon race, and it is impossible for outsiders to join in.

And the King of Life, when the ancestor dragon of life was in the first place, only received the living beings that fit the power of life. It was not until the Lord of the King that came to the throne that he began to accept all kinds of rivers, and everyone would accept it.

"Who knows..."

The devil baby also didn't understand.

He came to Ehun, showing a tired look, "This strong action uses the original strength, the loss is relatively large, it seems that it will take a while to sleep.

After I wake up, I will improve your physique again, try to fit the death sutra, so that next time you meet that guy again, you will be able to compete. "

Just as Mu Qing had guessed, the Death Sutra of Ehun's cultivation could not exert its full power, but the Demon Baby seemed to have a solution to this.

I saw the lifelessness on the body of the demon baby, turning into a black light and digging into Ehun's mouth again.

Ehun's face was gloomy, and he quickly left here.


A few days later.

"Unfortunately, in these three power ratios, we can't use the identity crystal to contact them. It is still a bit difficult to find Jianxin Mark them."

An Shaomu sighed.

There are many forces and groups in the Palace of Life King, which are complex, and naturally there are good and bad.

An Shaomu comes from the Tianqing Temple and has good friends with Jiancheng. He himself also knows Jian Xinhen, the ultimate supreme tenth heaven arrogant. If he can meet the opponent, he doesn’t need to be too safe in the three-strength ratio. Worried.

This time the three-strength ratio, each party sent three final-level supreme tenth heavens. The main thing is to protect the newcomers a little, so as not to lose too much. After all, many of the newcomers are born in the royal court of life, and they have enough backgrounds. .

"You are very familiar with Jian Xinhen?" Mu Qing looked at An Shaomu next to him. He remembered Jian Xinhen was a final-level supreme tenth heaven from the super-power Jiancheng.

An Shaomu nodded, "It's fairly familiar. We have a good relationship with Jiancheng, and Senior Brother Jian Xinhen is cold and indifferent on the surface, but he is actually very enthusiastic and often helps us."

"In that case, do you know...what is going on in the Tenth Heaven? They really all master the master-level scriptures of the Consummation Realm?" Mu Qing couldn't help asking.

It doesn't matter that Mu Qing is stronger than An Shaomu, but An Shaomu, who was born in the King of Life, must have more contact with some things in the high realm.

Mu Qing only knew that the supreme tenth heaven, who cultivated the dominion-level scriptures to the perfect state, was equivalent to the ultimate supreme tenth heaven.

But now with this strength, he still can't figure out how to stabilize the realm of the ultimate tenth heaven.

Mu Qing has the power of the eight realms of the starry sky, and with the current realm, there is no way to maintain the sovereign level scriptures of the Consummation realm for a long time. He doesn't know whether those ultimate supreme tenth heavens are also like this. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1732 Evacuation), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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