Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1735: Blood Demon God Blood

"Damn it!"

This blood demon clan was frantically resisting the power of the longevity finger. The ancient rune on his chest was gushing out formidable power, but he was still invincible. When this finger came down, his whole body was crushed to pieces, and the whole person almost exploded completely. , The blood rushed to the surroundings, staining the surrounding sea water with blood.

However, this blood demon **** clan did not fall immediately, but persisted.

After all, it came from the blood demon clan, that tenacious life force was manifested when he was seriously injured and dying, and it was difficult to be killed.

Even these blood demon races have terrifying characteristics. If they survive, the bloodline concentration will increase due to the training of severe injuries, and their strength will increase by a certain amount.

Coupled with the ancient runes on his chest, it seems that there is a power that is close to dominance, which protects the mind of this blood demon **** race, and the power envelops him and retreats backwards.

"Impossible! My dignified Blood Demon God Race will be crushed by scripture cultivators!"

The blood demon protoss roared hysterically, he couldn't accept the facts.

Obviously, he has used all his strength, and the key to transforming into the Gorefiend God Race, the full power of that divine text can't resist the vast force crushed by this huge finger.

He understood very well that what Mu Qing used was the power of the scriptures and was to dominate the scriptures!

However, things like dominating the scriptures are precisely the product of cultivation that the blood demons disdain.

The blood demon race itself was created entirely by the old blood demon tree, and the blood veins in the body inherently conceal the power of some rules.

They are inherently special, but almost every blood demon race is extremely arrogant, and even looks down on those dominating scriptures.

It's not that the blood demon clan can't practice the dominance-level scriptures, on the contrary, because the blood veins in the body contain the power of certain rules, as long as each blood demon clan finds a suitable dominion-level scripture, it will be easier to practice.

However, the Blood Demon Race discovered early that instead of concentrating on cultivating the dominion-level scriptures, it is better to find ways to improve the bloodline, and the strength will increase faster.

Almost every blood demon clan looked down on the dominion-level scriptures and disdained cultivation.

In their view, their own blood is the most powerful, and it is also capable of overwhelming scripture practitioners.

But at this moment, the blood demon **** clan was extremely shocked, and he was not at all an opponent of Mu Qing, the scripture practitioner.

Is it possible that to the end of the scripture cultivation, it is even more powerful than the blood of their blood demon race?

On the other side, the Blood Demon God Clan that was bombarded by Mu Qing approached again. The ancient runes on his chest flickered, filled with incomparable strength, and the khaki brilliance shrouded it like a big mountain.

Mu Qing almost became more and more courageous in the Vietnam War. He raised his hand and patted it. The two flames in his palm burned, smashing the ocher brilliance.


The blood demon **** clan performed extremely badly. After suffering from Mu Qing's palm, he flew upside down again, smashed and fell on a mermaid clan hall, and the rubble fell randomly.

The golden sun's fire burned his body, and the dark blue fierce fire burned his soul. At this moment, this blood demon **** clan was suffering extremely, suffering unimaginable pain.

Everyone in the distance was shocked. The blood demon kings couldn’t believe it. The three masters on their side were killed by Mu Qing as soon as they started fighting. The remaining two Protoss powerhouses were losing streak and retreating. Enemy of Hehe.

"This is impossible."

A royal blood demon murmured, their power for cultivating bloodline should surpass those of scripture cultivators, even those of the gods, but the bloodline and accompanying weapons merged into the divine text, possessing the power of the second-tier supreme tenth heaven. But it was crushed to the ground like this.

This is unacceptable to any blood demon clan.

And just at the moment of its shock, An Shaomu held a divine sword, and with a sword, the sky swallowed it, shattering his body and soul.

An Shaomu, who had a little understanding of Mu Qing's strength for a long time, was not shocked to such an extent, and decisively shot and killed these first-tier supreme and tenth-tier royal families.

The Azure Palace and the Sword City have a very good relationship, and they are both superpowers of the sword repair faction. An Shaomu displays the Azure Sword Scripture, which is a scripture created by the founder of the Azure Palace and a great master.

The Scriptures of the Great Domination level are obviously higher than the Scriptures of the Domination Level. When one sword goes down, there are countless azure swords, strangling a blood demon king.

"Go! Go!"

"Pass the news to the little **** king!"

The Blood Demon God Race, who was under the fingers of Changsheng, let out a final roar.

His body has become mud, unable to move, but the endless stream of majestic vitality is a fatal attack, powerful and powerful, destroying his soul.

A gap also appeared in the divine text on the chest of this blood demon **** clan, and he was almost unable to resist.


In the shattered mermaid palace, a yellow light shot up into the sky, isolated the surrounding sea water, fleeing towards the distance at an astonishing speed.

The moment this blood demon clan heard that word, it burned its vitality crazily, and the rich blood enveloped the whole body, coupled with the crazy urging of the gods, the speed was so fast that the naked eye could not catch it.

The little **** king is a kind of title. In the blood demon clan, the **** king is the existence of the great master level, and the little **** king means that he has the qualifications and potential of the **** king, and even the character who will surely become the **** king in the future.

Among the three Ultimate Tenth Heavens in the Blood Demon Race who participated in the Three Power Ratios, one of them was known as the Little God King.

It is also the ultimate tenth heaven, but the little **** king is much stronger than the other two, and this is also to deal with the little lich in the death hell.

At this time, the escaped Gorefiend God race expected to inform the little **** queen of the power of Mu Qing, a scripture practitioner, and the other side shot Mu Qing to obliterate Mu Qing and avenge his companions!

It can be said that such a powerful practitioner of scripture has appeared for the first time.

Other scripture practitioners, such as the Little Lich of Death Hell, are also a genius of evildoers, but they are not so perverted when they were in the second-tier supreme tenth heaven. It is a qualitative change that the ultimate supreme tenth heaven will have.

"Want to escape?"

Divine light bloomed in Mu Qing's eyes, and a snake in the starry sky hovered suddenly on his body.

The next moment, Mu Qing appeared next to the opponent.

"How can it be?!"

This Blood Demon God Race was full of amazement, he actually felt a trace of spatial fluctuations!

You know, this is the big master of the tripartite forces, and the space that has been strengthened by joint shots, even if it is the master of the three power ratios, it can't move the space, and can only use feet obediently to drive.

As a result, such an unreal scene appeared in front of him, and a second-tier supreme tenth heaven person appeared next to him directly!


Mu Qing didn't have time to pay attention to him, burning vitality, Changsheng pointed out!

The sea water surged, turned into countless turbulence, swept around, a finger with a destructive aura, dotted on the chest of the blood demon **** race, the divine text that bloomed with earthy yellow light burst into pieces, and then the whole body was broken. Run through.

The divine text on the chest is the key to the Gorefiend God Race, once it is broken, the breath suddenly wilts.

Mu Qing stretched out his palm, and the golden and faint blue flames of the palm burned blazingly, covering the blood demon clan.

The blue Li Huo specializes in the soul. After there is no resistance, the soul is completely swallowed by Li Huo for almost a breathing time.

Immediately afterwards, the golden sun's fire quickly refined, and the whole body turned into nothingness, leaving only a drop of blood.

Mu Qing waved, sending this drop of blood into the starry sky book to absorb.

The blood of the blood demon race contains the power of rules, which can barely be regarded as the second-level treasure, but at present, except for the people of the blood demon race, only Mu Qing can use it.

The drop of blood at the moment was for the blood of the gods, and it was even more pure than the blood of the royal family that Mu Qing had absorbed at the beginning.

With the absorption and refining of a drop of Gorefiend's blood, the fire of the starry sky in the Sun Sutra grew and solidified a bit.

Mu Qing touched his chin, compared it, and found that the effect of this drop of divine blood was similar to that of a dominating remnant soul.

It's not how powerful the effects of the blood of the gods are, but the ruling remnants of the Tianze universe are too weak!

These remnants of the masters who became the chances seemed to have been deliberately created by the high-levels of the three forces. They killed the native masters in the Tianze universe, tore their souls into tens of thousands of pieces, and scattered them in every corner as a chance.

Even if it is encountered, it may be one tens of thousands of someone who is dominating the soul, the effect is not so significant.

Mu Qing guessed that if he directly gave him most of the dominating remnant soul, he estimated that he could elevate the Sun Sutra from the realm of Dacheng to Consummation!

After solving the Gorefiend Tribe who wanted to escape, Mu Qing once again urged the world's snake ability, and the moment he took a step, he generated spatial fluctuations and returned to the original mermaid ruins in the blink of an eye.

Looking at An Shaomu, there is no need to help. After recovering from his injury, An Shaomu is also quite strong, urging the Azure Sword Scriptures, and condensing a sword formation with azure light lingering, the group of first-order supreme The blood demon kings of the tenth heaven could not escape.

Originally, An Shaomu was planning to take something and leave, but halfway through, he saw Mu Qing directly violently kill the Blood Demon Race, so he naturally didn't keep his hands.

Mu Qing found the corpse of the blood demon clan that was shot to death at the beginning. The sun was urged, and the golden flame enveloped it. In the blink of an eye, he refined a divine blood and threw it into the starry sky book.

Finally, Mu Qing found the Blood Demon God Clan who was suppressed under the fingers of Changsheng.

This person was confused and was in a state of dying. If it weren't for the tenacious vitality of the blood demon race, he would definitely not live for that long.

Mu Qing took a few breaths after removing the power of the longevity finger, reducing its pressure greatly.

"Give up... I am... I can't say anything..."

Seeing Mu Qing deliberately left him for his life, he suddenly understood that the other party might want to learn something from him.

But now he can't move, he can't even commit suicide, and the divine writing on his chest is also fragmented.

Mu Qing really wants to see if this person has the information he needs, whether it is the second-level treasure or the news about the remnant soul, or the movement of the blood demon clan, Mu Qing wants to know.

"You don't need to say it, I will see for myself."

Mu Qing shrugged and said it didn't matter.

He grabbed the opponent's head, his eyes flashed with weird light, running out evil nerves.

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