Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1737: Sea princess

Half a month passed again.

Mu Qing and An Shaomu finally entered the central area of ​​the Second Realm.

Even in the depths of the ocean floor, they can still see ten pillars of light that penetrate the sky from the ocean floor to the sky.

"There are a total of ten light beams. They are ten human fish kingdoms with spatial channels. The three mermaid kingdoms occupied by the blood demons are already known. We need to go to the other seven!"

Mu Qing said lightly.

If the people of Death Hell and the Royal Court of Life both occupy the three mermaid kingdoms like the Blood Demon Clan...

Of the remaining seven human fish kingdoms, three belong to the death demon, and three belong to the royal court of life.

The last remaining one is likely to be occupied by no one, but it is equally dangerous. According to the news obtained from the memory of the gods, the mermaid kingdom itself is powerful, and the strongest among them is the mermaid king, the ultimate supreme ten. day!

Although the mermaid king was restrained and his strength was attenuated, at any rate, the existence of the ultimate supreme tenth heaven was not comparable to the second-order.

"But, there are seven mermaid kingdoms left, how should I choose?" An Shaomu was a little worried, if he enters the mermaid kingdom guarded by death hell, I am afraid that he will be out of life.

"It's not as bad as I imagined. I don't believe that the Ultimate Tenth Heaven will always monitor the entire mermaid kingdom. Just be careful and flee when you find something wrong." Mu Qing shook his head.

It is impossible for them to be discovered by the Ultimate Supreme Tenth Heaven as soon as they approach, and if it is the second-order Supreme Tenth Heaven and below, the two will not panic at all.

What's more, Mu Qing himself has enough hole cards, whether the ability of the Star Book is to improve the scriptures to master the temporary ultimate power, or to upgrade the destiny by using a time pause, they can escape from the hands of the ultimate supreme.

And An Shaomu is not such a simple character. The scriptures that the other party cultivates are at the master level. When he encountered Urhun earlier, An Shaomu escaped smoothly, which shows that there are still some means.

Mu Qing didn't believe it, there are still people who can keep them!


Mu Qing took An Shaomu and hurried straight towards the mermaid country closest to them.

Soon after, Mu Qing and An Shaomu came near a beam of light, and they were blocked by a piece of seaweed.

This piece of seaweed is extremely huge, like a large forest, and at the same time it has a bright green luster.

"It's dangerous!" Mu Qing frowned.

An Shaomu was also aware of it. He put his **** together, towards the seaweed, a cyan sword light galloped away at an astonishing speed.

But when the cyan sword light rushed into the seaweed, it received great resistance. The sword light began to tremble slightly. After flying for a certain distance, the sword light seemed to be corroded by some kind of force, and there were gaps in the sword. The light shattered and broke apart.

"The seaweed group contains deadly power, and it can even threaten the second-order supreme, but the impact is not too big. On the contrary, it is the first-order supreme. It is basically unlikely to pass. If you forcibly break into it, you will die!"

An Shaomu analyzed.

Mu Qing looked around and found that there was no gap at all. It seemed that if he wanted to enter the mermaid country, he had to pass through this piece of seaweed.

Of course, at present, the power radiated by this seaweed group is not dangerous enough to threaten the two of them.

Just when the two were about to break into the seaweed group, Mu Qing suddenly noticed something, grabbed An Shaomu, and swept towards the other side.

"Someone is coming." Mu Qing shouted in a low voice while converging his breath.

An Shaomu reacted quickly, concealing his breath.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of fish rushed from a distance, and when they looked closer, they found that it was a celebrity fish warrior at all, each with a tine or spear, light blue skin and body. Strong body, moving at high speed on the bottom of the sea.

There are hundreds of these mermaid tribes, but they are all of the first-order supreme level, and it is impossible to find the aura of Mu Qing and An Shaomu.

It can be seen that the seaweed group, which is a fatal threat to the first-order supreme, has no effect on this group of merman tribes. They safely entered it and soon disappeared.

"Will the mermaid be harmed in any way?" Mu Qing whispered.

But from this point of view, they are clearly encountering a mermaid nation that has not yet been occupied or attacked.

This also means that in this mermaid nation, there is a ultimate mermaid king!

"Brother Mu, I think we'd better evacuate first." An Shaomu also saw the problem.

If it was a mermaid country that was captured by the **** of death or the powerhouse of the royal court of life, then there would definitely not be a mermaid country.

Mu Qing nodded. Although he was not afraid of meeting the Mermaid King, he did not want to forcefully confront the guy with the ultimate supreme strength.

Obviously, the existence of the mermaid king is specifically for the ultimate power sent by the three forces to deal with it. Such powerful people are simply not the second-tier supreme that can resist.

"let's go."

Mu Qing whispered, as he was about to turn around and leave, suddenly his figure stagnated, stopped at the original position, and looked forward.

"what's happenin?"

An Shaomu was a little surprised, followed Mu Qing's gaze, but found nothing.

"Come out! I have found you."

A golden and faint blue flame burst out of Mu Qing's body, and at the same time there was a chaotic light dormant in his eyes.

He spoke to the empty space in front of him, the power of the starry sky surging throughout his body, as if he was facing an enemy, ready to fight at any time.

Bewildered by Mu Qing's appearance, An Shaomu looked around and still found no one.

But because of the trust in Mu Qing, An Shaomu was still waiting, and the Azure Sword Scripture began to move in his body.

"It's worthy of being a Tianjiao from a multi-level force, but a second-tier supreme, who was able to discover my existence."

There was a very charming and sweet voice.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing and An Shaomu were not far in front of them, the sea water rippled, a strange wave spread, and a graceful plump figure emerged.

This is a gorgeous beauty, delicate features, fair body, long golden hair and blue long skirt.

There is a smile at the corner of her mouth, charming and charming, with a delicate body, wearing a small blue crown on top of her head, and her long golden hair hanging down to her round buttocks. The blue skirt is very short, revealing a pair of slender snow-white thighs. There were boots made of crystal on her tender feet.

Seeing the woman in front of me, the word "beautiful and beautiful" will involuntarily appear in my mind!

Amidst the darkness, a faint fragrance spread out from the sea water.

This scent acts on the soul, and it cannot be isolated by holding his breath. Even Mu Qing mobilizes the power of the starry sky in his body, and it cannot be blocked.

"Damn it! There is a problem with this scent!"

An Shaomu snorted, his face was a little ugly, and blood was already overflowing from the corners of his mouth.

He kept running the Azure Sword Sutra, but it didn't seem to have any effect. Even if the perception of the five senses was blocked, he could still smell the fragrance.


The soul turtle shell in the depths of Mu Qing's soul was completely shattered. This was obviously a soul attack method. After the soul turtle shell helped Mu Qing resist some of the power, it was finally broken.


In an instant, Mu Qing ran the evil nerves extremely quickly, and a double-faced evil **** emerged behind him, making a terrible roar.

The evil **** on the side that contained destruction, opened his fangs and sucked sharply, and the surrounding sea water instantly poured out.

But this evil **** phantom is not swallowing sea water, but absorbing the invisible fragrance!

Sure enough, the fragrance faded away, and the eyes of An Shaomu beside him returned to clearness. At the moment, he gasped and his face turned pale.

An Shaomu was extremely scared, if it weren't for Mu Qing, he would almost have his soul damaged.

His eyes were full of jealousy when he looked at the woman in front of him.

He didn't even know when he moved his hand, and he almost hurt his soul. This is definitely not a general second-order supreme!

"If I guessed correctly, you should be the mermaid king of this mermaid country? But I am curious, how did you come out of the mermaid country?"

Mu Qing calmly looked at the glamorous woman in front of him, and said solemnly.

This guy didn't have the aura of death **** on his body, nor did he have the characteristics of the blood demon race. Under such a close distance, the identity crystal did not respond. There is no doubt that the other party is not a member of any of the three forces.

After a simple speculation, coupled with the opponent's unfathomable strength, Mu Qing immediately thought of the mermaid king guarding the mermaid kingdom, comparable to the existence of the ultimate supreme!

Moreover, the other party's concealment methods were extremely clever, and Mu Qing and An Shaomu didn't find it at such a close distance.

Had it not been for Mu Qing who had cultivated the Eternal Life Sutra, watching the empty space in front of him suddenly appeared a strong and dazzling vitality, I am afraid that he would not be able to find it face-to-face.

However, what makes Mu Qing more concerned about is that according to the memory of the gods, the mermaid king is tied to the mermaid kingdom, just like the black dragon of the first world.

The mermaid king also couldn't leave the mermaid kingdom, and couldn't get too close to the space channel. At the same time, his strength was weakened to a certain extent.

Mu Qing and An Shaomu are located outside of the seaweed group, which is not within the scope of the mermaid kingdom at all.

Compared with the mermaid king who noticed them before him, he was more curious, how did this beautiful and charming mermaid come out?

"Gluck." The blonde beauty covered her red lips lightly, let out a silver bell-like laugh, and then said: "Of course I have my way, but you can rest assured that I don't have any hostility."

"You can call me Haifei."

Naturally, Mu Qing and An Shaomu didn't believe this Haifei's words.

No hostility?

Not to mention hiding the figure close to them, it is difficult to deal with the fragrance that is enough to hurt the soul.

If it weren't for the evil nerves of Mu Qing's cultivation, he was good at soul, and could resist that burst of fragrance, otherwise they would probably have something wrong now.

Concubine Hai didn't care what the two of them thought, her beautiful eyes had a different color, and she glanced at the evil **** phantom behind Mu Qing.

She couldn't help but said: "Soul scriptures of the master level, these are quite rare scriptures, and they are comparable to the master level in terms of value."

Dominant-level scriptures are basically rotten streets, at least for larger forces.

The three multi-level forces, except the ancient blood demon tree, the death hell, and the palace of life, who disdain to practice scriptures, all have a large number of dominator-level scriptures at your fingertips.

It's the scriptures of the Great Domination level, which are even rarer.

Mu Qing snorted coldly, ignored the other party, but kept the evil nerves running at all times.

If it weren't for the hidden strength of Haifei, most of them were the ultimate mermaid king, Mu Qing would have already penetrated this girl with a single finger! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1737 Haifei), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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