Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1751: Go to the holy tower

From the dying second-order supreme mermaid clan, Mu Qing learned some information about Haifei.

It turns out that Haifei is not a mermaid king, but a second-order supreme in Wucheng. She should have died under the aftermath of the power of the overlord, but her daughter, as a pureblood, has a special ability to make most of herself Pure blood was given to the mother Haifei.

As a result, the true pure-blood fell asleep, and the concubine, who got a half-blood daughter, unexpectedly broke through to the ultimate supreme.

Even Haifei benefited from the power of the rules in the pure blood, able to conceal her breath and body shape, even the Great Master didn't notice the fish that slipped through the net, or the Great Master didn't even plan to take care of it.

Mu Qing is more inclined to the latter. Purebloods, even if they are born to use the power of rules, can only dominate at best, and their strength is far inferior, and it is unlikely that they can conceal the power of great dominance.

Most of the high-levels of the tripartite forces are too lazy to pay attention to them. For them, the ultimate supreme is just an ant.

"It turns out that if you get enough pure blood, you can also have the strength of the ultimate supreme." Mu Qing digested the information in the memory screen, a trace of understanding appeared on his face.

It seems that there are many ways to reach the ultimate supreme, after all, like the blood demon race, they can reach this state without cultivating scriptures at all.

It's just that most people can follow the path of cultivating scriptures to the perfect state and then condensing the core of the pure rules.

It is basically difficult for other roads to reach the ultimate supremacy and the conditions are harsh.

For example, Concubine Hai, she originally stood on the top of the second-order supreme, and received a large amount of pure blood transferred from her daughter to break through to the ranks of the ultimate supreme.

This approach is almost impossible to replicate.

After all, Concubine Hai and a true pureblood have a mother-child relationship, and they fit together well enough to contain pure blood.

For another person, even if he forcibly injects pure blood into his body, the power of the rules will not be retained, and it will eventually become ordinary blood, and there may be some harm.

"Is the power of rules that Concubine Hai gets a hidden ability? No wonder, when Concubine Hai approached him, she didn't notice it at all. If it weren't for the eternal life..."

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes.

The power of the rules that the pureblood masters is different, and this is the same for every strong man who dominates the realm.

The power of universal rules is similar to the rules of water, the rules of fire, the rules of thunder, and so on.

The other rarer ones are space, darkness, light, life and death, which are relatively rare.

At the same time, there are many special rules. For example, the rule power that Haifei gets from her daughter's pure blood is a kind of concentrated and concealed rule power.

And the power of all rules, regardless of high or low, is not a rare type of rules that is stronger than the general rules of fire and water.

In theory, any kind of rule can reach the realm of great domination!

According to Mu Qing's information, there is only one rule that is obviously stronger than the others, and it is much stronger.

That is the time rule!

At the time the time ruler was known as invincible, the ruler realm was able to kill the terrifying powerhouse of the great ruler realm. After it reached the great ruler realm, it was also called the most recent existence.

The master who controls the power of time can protect himself even if he can't kill his opponents. Even if he faces the siege of multiple masters, he can still retreat calmly. This is known as an invincible existence. Unfortunately, such a character cannot resist the curse of time. Being dragged into the long river of time, giving up thinking.

Mu Qing's eyes flickered, and his palm was still holding the half-dead mermaid head in front of him, and pictures of memories flashed in front of him.

In addition to Haifei’s news, he also cares about the holy tower!

Soon, information about the Holy Tower and the dominion of Hemerdon was unearthed. This second-order supreme was one of Hemerdon's confidants and had entered the Holy Tower many times.

According to the memory picture, the Holy Pagoda is a huge tower with a height of one thousand meters, with endless mysterious runes on it. Every moment, there are amazing water fluctuations. These energy fluctuations spread and radiate the entire foggy city, transforming this place. Become a holy place for cultivation.

"There really is a good thing in the Santa!"

Mu Qing's eyes flashed sharply.

The entire holy tower seems to be the tower of rules built by Hemerton with the power of rules, and the escaping fluctuations alone can transform the cultivation environment of the entire fog city.

And entering the holy tower is a great opportunity. Only those second-order supreme who ruled the birth and death for Heimerdon had the opportunity to enter the cultivation several times.

However, these second-tier supreme cultivators only practiced at the bottom of the holy tower. It is not clear at all what structure the holy tower is.

According to the memory picture of this guy in front of him, Mu Qing can only know that there are many second-level treasures at the bottom of the holy tower, and there are huge benefits to practicing at the bottom. After all, there are gentle rules everywhere, and the training effect is higher than the outside. hundred times.

"Just at the bottom of the holy tower, there are at least a hundred pieces of the second-level treasure!"

Mu Qing recalled the memory scene he had just seen, and his eyes were suddenly fiery.

There are many second-level treasures at the bottom of the sacred tower. Through the memory of this mermaid, Mu Qing learned that these are actually not looked at by the ruler of Heimerdon, so they are all thrown at the bottom of the sacred tower as decorations and sometimes as decorations. Reward, give some men.

"If you get these second-level treasures." Mu Qing took a deep breath.

In the starry sky book, the fire of the starry sky on the page of the Sun Sutra has already burned, and the original illusory form has become solid. I believe that some second-level treasures will be able to completely condense and form, and help Mu Qing break through the sun sutra. Consummation!

At that time, as long as Mu Qing condenses the core of the rules to control the Sun Sutra, he will be considered to have completely reached the realm of the ultimate supreme.


After reading all the memories, Mu Qing squeezed the head of the celebrity fish clan in front of him.

The other party obviously didn't have much strength to survive. The aftermath of the power that had dominated the strong earlier almost killed him, and Mu Qing simply gave him a happy life.

Subsequently, Mu Qing opened the secret room.

There was no defense in this secret room, only the secret road outside had a barrier, but that barrier had been affected and shattered long ago when Mu Qing was fighting.

Mu Qing walked into the secret room and saw a young woman who looked almost the same as Haifei, with a full chest, slender waist, slender white legs, and a body like suet jade, which made people unbearable to hurt.

"This is the pureblood?"

Mu Qing stepped forward and glanced at the slender woman. There was no desire in her heart. Instead, she wondered if she wanted to secretly draw a tube of the other party's blood.

Jian Xinhen said earlier that if you want to enter the third realm, you need the blood of a pureblood.

Soon, Mu Qing shook his head, dispelling the idea.

"Forget it, lest the crisis hit this guy."

Mu Qing waved his hand, the power of the starry sky shrouded, and threw the daughter of the sea concubine, the true pureblood into the Scarlet Domination Hall, and created a small space to protect the other party.

This person is not strong in his own strength, just like an ordinary supreme tenth heaven, but with a special identity and a pure blood.

Earlier, she gave most of her pure blood to her mother Haifei, so she fell into a deep sleep and was in a very weak state, which can be said to be broken at the touch of a touch.

Mu Qing didn't want to draw some pure blood to cause this pure blood to die directly because of his greed for a while.

"The Haifei's matter has been resolved, and the next step should be the Santa's side."

Mu Qing looked in one direction, and the specific location of the holy tower could be guessed even without reading the memory.

In the center of Wucheng's inner city, there is an area that is shrouded in thick white fog, and it is impossible to see what is inside from the outside.

That's where the holy tower is!

Mu Qing strode towards that side, he was bound to get the resources in the holy tower, maybe this trip could directly raise the sun meridian to the realm of Consummation.

His strength is within the three powerful ratios, which is already considered top.

The ordinary second-order supreme is not his opponent at all. All of this is due to the eternal life scripture. It is this supreme-level scripture that gives him a strong fighting power. Otherwise, it may be based on other scriptures of the dominance level. Even Urhun is not an opponent.

What's more, in the eyes of Mu Qing, the real opponents are the ultimate ultimates. These guys are all enchanting and have their own card means. If they do not master the matching power, once they encounter the hostile ultimate ultimate, most of them are only Can escape, no resistance.

With a clear goal, Mu Qing quickly came to the center of Wucheng.

It can be seen that the thick white mist in front of you is like a tornado, rotating around the center.

Even not far away there were a few powerful blood demon races. The first few had entered through the thick fog, and seemed to be sure that there was no danger, shouting for the last blood demon race to enter.

"There may be a lot of good things in it. There are many opportunities for this three-strength ratio. After I go out, I may be able to exchange enough blood from the mother tree to increase the concentration of my blood."

In the end, this blood demon clan whispered to himself and stepped into the dense fog with a smile of joy.

Then, when he first touched the dense fog, a huge finger fell from the void behind him, and pierced through the opponent's chest abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, golden and dark blue flames burned. The two flames quickly burned the body of this blood demon clan, melted the other party's divine text, and finally annihilated the soul.

Mu Qing's figure walked slowly.

Regardless of whether it is Death Hell or Blood Demon Race, it is considered hostile to the people of the Royal Court of Life. Since Mu Qing has encountered it, he will directly kill.

The purple eyeballs in his hand can disguise him as a blood demon, but the greatest effect is still a concealed breath.

The function of disguising as a blood demon is still a bit flawed. If it is a protoss, it is easy to find Mu Qing's disguise. After all, Mu Qing has no divine writings, it is something that needs the blood of the real blood demon to reach a certain concentration before it will be born.

However, the function of concealed breath is still quite effective for Mu Qing, and a long life finger silently, which can play a spike effect on the general second-order supreme.

The Destiny Sutra originally cultivated by Mu Qing, the fourth-stage destiny form can also hide aura, but unfortunately there is a limit. At this level, it will be noticed, far inferior to purple eyeballs.

"However, the hidden breath limit of the purple eyeballs is most likely to dominate the level, and some powerful dominators may also be able to detect my aura." Mu Qing estimated in his heart.

Afterwards, he entered the dense fog from another direction. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1751 Going to the Holy Tower), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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