Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1772: Enchanting hand

Mu Qing looked at Tianzang in surprise.

Unexpectedly, people who have a certain fit with the dominating holy thing will directly resonate with the dominating holy thing and get feedback.

He originally thought that Tianzang would ask him to show the Lord's Relic to see if it fits.

Mu Qing nodded, and then took out the dominator holy artifact from the Scarlet Domination Hall.

During this trip, Mu Qing got a total of two dominating holy objects, and the bottom one was a blue dominating holy object shaped like a five-pointed star.

The tenth layer is a black pearl full of small holes.

What he took out at this moment was a blue five-pointed star, and this dominating sacred object was the one that Tianzang sensed resonance.

The Tianzang Tiger's body shook, and with some excitement, he stretched out his big hand like a fan to dominate the holy thing.

The azure five-pointed star trembled lightly, as if responding to Tianzang.

It seems that this dominating holy relic does have some fit with Tianzang.

Mu Qing calmly wrapped the five-pointed star with the power of the starry sky and hovered beside him.

He looked at Tianzang and chuckled lightly: "I wonder what you want to use to trade my master's holy artifact?"

What the other party said before was exactly what Mu Qing had in mind. The two dominating holy relics that Mu Qing obtained in the holy tower did not fit him. Although relying on the power of the cosmic eucharist and the starry sky book, it may be able to forcibly absorb and refine, but That only needs one.

Of course, even if there is no Tianzang, he can wait until the three-strength ratio is over and return to the Palace of Life to shoot the dominating holy artifact.

Dominating sacred objects are extremely rare treasures and extremely valuable.

Most masters rely on special places, comprehend their own master scriptures, and then slowly cultivate up.

And dominating the holy relic can greatly shorten this time.

Moreover, the power and the insights that dominate the sacred objects can immediately push the scriptures to the realm of Dacheng, saving decades or even hundreds of years of hard work!

After all, there is a huge difference between practicing other people's scriptures and practicing one's own scriptures.

The scriptures of others have been perfected, especially the master-level scriptures cultivated by An Shaomu and others, which have been continuously polished and improved by the power of the strong, and even further improved.

On the other hand, looking at the scriptures created by oneself is tantamount to blazing a path of cultivation. Everything can only be promoted by self-understanding and gradually improving the scriptures, which is very difficult to practice.

Most people choose to practice other people's scriptures first, go through all kinds of hardships, and then go back and create their own scriptures with the help of special realms, and they also use other people's scriptures as stones of other mountains.

Tianzang's face turned straight. He knew that it was time to talk about the price. If he didn't come up with something that moved Mu Qing's heart, the other party would not necessarily agree to the transaction.

His secret method of condensing the Eucharist in advance is exactly the need to dominate the holy relics, create his own scriptures in advance, and push to the Xiaocheng or even the Dacheng realm in one breath, so that he can condense the powerful Eucharist and become the leader of the ultimate supreme.

If you can’t find the dominating sacred object, you can only retreat and create your own dominating scriptures by borrowing from the special realm of the royal court of life. However, the scriptures created in this way do not even have an introductory realm, which will lead to his holy sacredness. Physical power is reduced a lot.

For others, dominating sacred objects is a good thing to drastically shorten the training time and quickly increase the realm of scripture and combat power.

If there is, then it is naturally best, but if not, then slowly start practicing scriptures from the beginning.

But for Tianzang, dominating the sacred object is of great significance, and it is the key thing for him to condense and dominate the sacred body in advance and break through the final stage.

Tianzang took a deep breath and looked at the dominating holy artifact beside Mu Qing.

Among the azure five-pointed star, the majestic sound of the sea faintly radiated, emitting a faint fluorescence.

Although this dominating sacred object is not the most suitable for him, but in this situation, to meet the dominating sacred object with a certain degree of fit, it is already very lucky, and you must seize the opportunity!

With hesitation in the hesitation, Tianzang groaned for a moment, then gritted his teeth severely and took out a glove.

Mu Qing was also curious about what good things Tianzang would bring out, and his attention turned away.

Strictly speaking, it was not a glove, but a white smoke in the shape of a glove.

"I believe you have seen me control the five blood demons before, right? It's this item."

Tian Zang said solemnly, with some dismay in his eyes.

At the same time, he kept comforting himself in his heart, and muttered silently: "It doesn't matter, when the sacred body is completed in the future, not only is the ultimate leader, but the master is just around the corner. Sooner or later, it will become stronger, and this thing will be useless to me."

Although he thought so in his heart, Tianzang still felt a little bit reluctant to give up, but he was reluctant to let his child not catch the wolf.

"This is a third-level treasure, and even a very rare functional saint!"

"Presumably you have learned about the level of sacred artifacts from Jianxinhen, but the functional sacred artifacts are different from ordinary sacred artifacts. They are particularly independent. They have no attack power, but have special abilities."

"Of course, functional sacred artifacts are also strong and weak, some can make the Nine Tribulations Lord fall into the illusion, and some can only affect the One Tribulations Lord."

Tianzang said in a whisper, he knew that Mu Qing's knowledge of dominance realm was far worse than himself, so he explained it in particular.

"Functional sacred artifact?" Mu Qing was even more curious when he heard it, and looked at the glove formed by the interweaving of clouds and smoke.

"It's called the hand of 氤氲, I got it from the treasure house of the Dragon King!"

Tianzang said, and his eyes fell on Mu Qing with complicated eyes.

Mu Qing probably got the treasure trove of Sea King, and his wealth is rich, but unfortunately he couldn't get some of it.

With a little regret, he continued to explain the effect of the impoverished hand.

"This functional sacred instrument has the effect of controlling others. The upper limit is five, but it cannot control those higher than one's realm. The limit of the control target is the Three Tribulations Domination Realm."

"And the strong of the same level also need to be surprised or defeat the other party. The five blood demon races I previously controlled have been defeated one by one, secretly attacked, and unconsciously used the hand of 氤氲 to control."

After Tianzang said, he glanced at Mu Qing again, and said: "The second-tier supreme is not challenging for you. It is estimated that you can control it with a wave, but the final-tier supreme that goes up is not so easy to control."

"The ultimate supreme are all evildoers. There are a lot of hole cards and they are not so easy to be completely defeated. Moreover, even if you successfully control it, after the end of the three-strength ratio, whether it is the death **** or the high-level blood demon clan, they will intervene. Take control off."

Tianzang shrugged, and he didn't even think about it. After Mu Qing got this functional saint, he would make up his mind about the ultimate supreme.

After all, controlling five second-order supreme is meaningless to Mu Qing, it is the same as if it is there and not, unless it is a monster like Erhun.

After hearing what Tianzang said, Mu Qing's eyes lit up, and he looked at the awkward hand.

That's it!

Previously, Tianzang used this functional saint to control the five blood demons!

Moreover, the upper limit of this entrapped hand has even reached the realm of dominance, and the limit of control is the dominance of the Three Tribulations.

However, the engulfing hand is also a third-level treasure at any rate, and it is reasonable to be able to control the dominator.

As Tianzang guessed, after listening to the description, Mu Qing's first thought was to control the ultimate supreme.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not realistic.

Even if it is really controlled, it is limited to the period of the three-strong match. After the end, there will definitely be a big master and strong player to release the control.

The means to dominate the realm is like a fake to the great master!

"It doesn't have to be the ultimate supreme of the death **** and the blood demon race. If there are native creatures of the ultimate supreme in the third realm, it can bring out a three-strength ratio."

The thoughts in Mu Qing's mind flickered.

I have to say that this entangled hand is really good, and it allows him to see the sincerity of Tianzang, and it is absolutely not a loss to exchange the dominating holy artifacts.

It's just that now it's Tianzang begging him, not him begging Tianzang.

Mu Qing smiled slightly and said: "Brother Tianzang, I wonder if you can add your condensed Eucharist secret method?"

He is very interested in Tianzang’s pre-condensation of the secret method of the Eucharist. If it is feasible, he will condense the core of the rules and the Eucharist at the same time, and become the leader of the ultimate supreme in one breath. The combination of the two can definitely be called a monster!

Tianzang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, and immediately laughed: "There is no problem, but you have to guarantee that you cannot pass this secret method to outsiders."

He thought that Mu Qing wanted the lion to open his mouth, asking for more benefits, but he didn't expect to just condense the secret method of the Eucharist in advance.

This is quite easy to handle, it doesn't even matter if Mu Qing doesn't abide by the agreement and spread the secret law.

After all, to really play a role, it needs a dominating holy thing to cooperate, otherwise the power will be mediocre, not to mention that Tianzang himself has come to this step by relying on adventures.

Even if other people have the secret method and dominate the holy objects, they may not be able to draw the power of dominating holy objects to the holy bodies.

"Don't worry, I definitely won't spread it." Mu Qing said solemnly.

He handed the azure five-pointed star wrapped by the power of the starry sky to Tianzang, and at the same time the probe hand grabbed the entrapped hand.

Tianzang seemed to have erased his soul imprint in advance, and at this time the enchanting hand exploded suddenly, turning into wisps of cloud air and smoke to penetrate into the palm of Mu Qing's right hand.

Under Mu Qing's perception, he could perceive the fusion of the entangled hand with the palm of his right hand, which could be activated at any time, and it would also be hidden in the palm of the hand if it was not activated, which would not increase consumption.

Tianzang was surprised to accept the Lord's Holy Relic. After keeping it, he raised his hand and pointed, and a flood of information flooded into Mu Qing's mind. It was about the secret method of condensing the Eucharist.

"By the way, you said earlier that this enchanting hand was obtained from the Dragon King's treasure house?"

While Tianzang hadn't left yet, Mu Qing asked quickly.

Tianzang nodded, smiled, and said: "The treasure house of the Dragon King is in the first realm, but there is no vision when it is opened. Long Mingqing and I jointly killed a group of strong men in the death hell, and then divided the treasure house. Some good things."

With that said, he glanced at Mu Qing with a bit of resentment.

It is also a member of the King of Life. How good is Long Mingqing, and he will give a lot of things to himself, and you will directly occupy all the treasure trove of Aquaman!

Immediately afterwards, Tianzang seemed to think of something, and said: "Next time we meet, Long Mingqing will probably be the ultimate supreme."

"Long Mingqing has gained most of the benefits left over from the Dragon King's fall. He and the Dragon King's strength and strength are quite compatible, and he has a huge adventure. Today, I am afraid that he is still in the Dragon King Sacred Tower in the first world, and is attacking the ultimate supreme."

Mu Qing showed a look of astonishment. The first realm is indeed a treasure house of the Dragon King. Maybe the Dragon King will fall into the first realm, but at that time everyone wanted to enter the second realm and go to the third realm as soon as possible, and didn't pay much attention.

And the dragon king has a holy tower, so the realm should be similar to that of the sea king, and he is the ruler of the Nine Tribulations! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1772), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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