Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1775: Mermaid king, fall!


The face of the mermaid king on the throne suddenly changed, and a look of horror appeared on his wrinkled face.

All the thoughts in my mind have been read by Dorgon in front of me!

Not only was it known that he was carrying an ordinary sacred artifact, but the greatest secret of the Tianze universe was also discovered!

It turned out... the three major multi-element forces already knew what they were doing, so they would directly attack the Tianze universe and kill the three kings headed by the heavenly kings.


The mermaid king looked up to the sky with a long sigh.

When the king of heaven obtained that treasure, he was just ordinary dominating the realm, but he couldn't resist the temptation, and he secretly slaughtered some universes that hadn't been born to dominate the strong, and gained a lot of benefits.

Subsequently, the King of Heaven distributed the benefits to the Sea King and the Dragon King, and to the entire Tianze Universe. Therefore, the pure blood was born, and there were a lot of Ultimate Supremes, and there were as many second-order Supremes!

All of this is the result of slaughtering a large number of lives.

Most of the creatures in the Tianze universe believe that they are innocent, but in fact, the strong men standing at the top of the Tianze universe have done appalling acts, slaughtering souls so recklessly, even the strong men of death hell. Won't do it.

The mermaid king seemed to be very general, showing a look of repentance, but the next moment there was a sudden killing intent in his eyes, and his body suddenly soared. A deep and secluded ancient well emerged from the top of his head, bursting out the rules of water, manifesting boundless. **, the shock to Dorgon.


The mermaid king shot with all his strength, exhausting all his strength to mobilize the holy artifact.

Even the sacred artifacts of ordinary level can still exert the power that can be called against the sky, and the power of the rules is turned into pieces, like the heavens falling down, to suppress Dorgon.

Billions of light flashed through Dorgon's eyebrows, countless eye pupils appeared in nothingness, dense eyes converged at one point, blood yellow gas leaped into the sky, blasting towards the **.

His endless double pupil is the method that specializes in the soul, with many miracles, sees through the falsehood, insight into the human heart, mad opponents, and crushes the soul!

Hemorrhage and yellow gas filled the pupils of the sky, and he hit the deep and secluded ancient well.

However, no matter how supernatural Dorgon's magical powers are, there is no way to compare it with the sacred artifacts. Once the sacred artifacts are activated, the power of rules will be used.

Pieces of ** crashed down, as if the heavens were suppressed, crushing all the blood and yellow gas, the water ripples, and the dense pupils and eyes collapsed, the blue light flashed, taking in the endless heavy pupils of Dorgon's eyebrows .


The terrifying blue wave hit the center of the eyebrows and shook Dorgon back several tens of feet. Blood was flowing from the center of the eyebrows and he was traumatized.

He has a hideous face, millions of pupils appear in his eyebrows, the blood stream turns, his eyes turn into dirty mist, and the surrounding patches are washed away.

A smile appeared at the corner of Dorgon's mouth.

It is indeed unexpected that the mermaid king possesses a sacred artifact.

After all, even if it is to dominate the strong, the sacred artifact can be said to be an existence that can reverse the situation, and it can be compared with an extraordinary artifact.

If there is no sacred artifact, Dorgon alone can rely on the miracle of the endless double pupil to take down the mermaid king.

But now, in the one-to-one situation, Dorgon couldn't beat the mermaid holding the sacred instrument, but he didn't intend to leave.

Because he did not come alone!


In an instant, two figures appeared beside the mermaid king.

The Yin Siam of the Yin corpse tribe has a graceful posture, a black dress swaying, long snow-white legs stepping into the void, and the birth of a blossoming black lotus. Its delicate but lifeless face is extremely pale. If the fairy bathed in a wave of billowing death, it is ethereal. It's weird.

The green jade pointed out, the black light skyrocketed, and the rivers of yellow springs rushed out, colliding with the patches, and setting off huge waves.

The long river of yellow springs converges and becomes a huge yellow spring vortex, which envelops the mermaid king. The flowers on the other bank, the gust of wind, filth, depravity, coldness, coldness, etc., fill the surroundings. The yellow springs are like a huge mouth in the abyss, wanting everything Drag into reincarnation!

The Great Domination Scripture of the Yin Corpse Clan, Huangquan Scripture!

Dorgon smiled, strode out, and his black-scaled tail hit the ground fiercely, his eyebrows appeared with endless double pupils, millions of pupils appeared, blood yellow air filled the entire palace,

The dense gaze pierced through the ages, pierced through all falsehoods, and absorbed the mind of the mermaid king, the blood and yellow gas turned into a magnificent and terrifying figure, with thousands of arms and thousands of heads, each head showed a murderous face, crushing the spirit of the mermaid king Wisdom, bombard the soul.

The Great Domination of the Demon Race, the Magic Eye Sutra!

The mermaid king's body trembled, and he was lost in consciousness, and was disturbed by the endless heavy pupil for a few moments.

The last figure walked slowly from outside the palace, walking leisurely, but the breath escaping from the body was much more terrifying than Dorgon and Yin Siam.

White jade bones, white gold robes, tall and wide figures floating out, death clouds and mists, a pair of deep ghosts and fires in the hollow eye sockets dazzling people's souls!

The little lich was late, but it was also the best time.

Yin Siam blocked the power of the sacred artifact for the time being, and Dorgon interfered with the soul of the mermaid king with his endless double pupil, which also played a role.

Although the sacred artifacts were powerful, Yin Siam and Dorgon cooperated tacitly, and the two of them worked together to limit the sacred artifacts, and made the fish king trance for a few moments.

I saw that deep and secluded ancient well suspended above the mermaid king's head was crumbling.

The ultimate urging holy artifacts, even ordinary ones, belong to the higher tiers. Once the energy transmission of a few breaths is interrupted, the power will converge.

The last moment of the little lich came, and all the timing seemed to have been arranged long ago. He shot it out with a palm, lifeless, and a huge palm appeared out of thin air, crushing against the mermaid king.

Surrounded by the power of violent death, intertwined with gloomy and filthy air, the white and crystal-clear bones of the palm of the hand, wrapped in layers of death and negative power, turned into a dark clutch that destroys the world and the universe!

What the little lich displays is the Lich Tribe's Great Domination Scripture, Nine Serenities.

In fact, the three tribes of death and **** are equivalent to many superpowers in the royal court of life.

Regardless of the top of the death hell, only these three clans, but each clan has many great masters, and there are also many great masters scriptures.

The Nine Nether Scriptures selected by the Little Lich are among the strongest scriptures in the Lich Clan!

The darkness lingers, the clutches of black light that destroys the world bypasses the deep secluded ancient well and crushes on the mermaid king.


Jiuyou Broken Soul, urge the clutches of death!

A wave of black light swallowed, filth, evil, cruel and other forces invaded the mermaid king's body, destroying everything in a destructive posture, reincarnated into death, and washed away the flesh and blood.

With one palm down, the dead air turned into a huge wave, venting in all directions, invading the surrounding sea, and the black air lingered in the entire mermaid kingdom, turning this land into a dead kingdom.

The mermaid king's body was only left with a white withered bone, and the last ray of light drifted along the sea. It was his only remnant soul, planning to take the opportunity to escape.

Unfortunately, under the palm of the little lich, the entire mermaid kingdom became a kingdom of death, and the black air was like mist, enveloped this place. In the dark and dark, a celebrity fish clan touched the black death cloud, and it also became a white place. Skeleton.

The remaining soul of the mermaid king could not escape. The surrounding sea water was polluted and became the water of death. Under the erosion, the last remnant soul of the mermaid king was wiped out.

An ultimate supreme holding a sacred instrument fell in a short period of time!

After all, the mermaid king is bound by the space channel, and his strength is affected. Even if there is the sacred weapon, it is difficult to face the combined force of the three ultimate sacreds of death hell.

And the cooperation of the three final ranks of death **** is also quite tacit.

At the beginning, Dorgon tempted the mermaid king head-on, and then shot at the same time as Yin Siam to stop the power of the sacred instrument, and then the little lich shot with all his strength at the critical moment, urging death under the palm of his hand.


A deep and quiet ancient well fell on the ground, and the waves flowed, without being disturbed and corroded by the air of death.

The white bone hand reached out, and the little lich took this deep and secluded well into his bag.

"The Three Power Ratio does not allow the sacred artifacts to enter, but if you get the sacred artifacts in it, it will not be considered as breaking the rules, so the sacred artifacts are also a big variable.

"This ancient well belongs to an ordinary sacred artifact, and it can be activated in a short time of refining, and then even facing the guy Shen Mietian will have a bit of advantage."

"We finally entered the third realm in death hell, but we got the benefit!"

The little lich collected the deep and secluded ancient well, and then faced the other side of the palace, the cold and lifeless energy condensed, and the white jade-like bone hand protruded, smashed the wall, and penetrated into the side hall.

In a quiet room of the side hall, there is a woman lying flat on the sapphire bed, and the power of the rules on her body appears from time to time, and naturally a layer of illusions evolves around her body.

Haifei's daughter, as a true pureblood, even if the root cause is damaged, after a period of self-care, gradually approaching a state of awakening, the power of rules in the pureblood in the body has begun to produce the ability to protect the Lord.

Maybe in a few days, she will fully wake up, using the rules of illusion, if she concentrates on hiding, it may even help the entire mermaid kingdom to hide.

It is a pity that at this juncture, the powerhouse of death **** came to the door, and the three final tiers directly killed the Murder Fish King and found this sleeping pureblood.

"Sure enough, at the very least, the high-level of the three parties arranged three copies of pure blood to let me wait to open the space channel."

The little lich said flatly, he sensed the pure blood aura in the opponent's body.

Immediately afterwards, Jiuyou's death spirit lingered above the bone hand, and the black magic light bloomed, forcibly shattering one illusion after another.

Under the white and wide palm of the skeleton, the power of death rushed towards Haifei's daughter, the flesh and blood collapsed and melted, and the black light shrouded, a group of pure blood was refined, suspended in the palm of the bone.

As for the daughter of Concubine Hai, she has become a slender white skeleton without any miracles. She fell in her deep sleep and died completely!

At this time, a strong man of death **** came to the mermaid country. In this country where the environment has changed drastically, the face of a second-tier supreme was surprised, bathed in death, and his strength increased.

The little lich took control of the death cloud and rose into the air. At this moment, the figure seemed to be extremely magnificent, and while waving his hands, he swayed the mass of pure blood towards the stele next to the space channel.

Every mermaid country has a beam of light with a spatial channel. Since you have obtained pure blood, it is better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Even if the little lich intends to open the seal and take the people of death **** to the third realm!

"You follow me into the third realm."

The voice of the little lich echoed.

I saw the beam of light trembling, visions clustered, bursts of light blooming, and the space channel was completely opened.

The little lich stepped into the space channel and disappeared.

Dorgon and Yin Siam Luo followed closely, heading to the third realm, and then a strong man of death **** stepped into the space channel.

There was no one in the place, but no one noticed, an inconspicuous particle was emitting a little bit of fluorescence at this moment. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1775 Mermaid King, Fallen!) reading record, and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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