Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1778: Condensed core

Chaos universe, Yang world.

Inside the magnificent palace, the sun dominator burst into sweat, recalling everything he had just sensed, his pupils shrank, showing a look of shock.

He was full of disbelief and whispered in a low voice: "It's that guy, absolutely right! But how is this possible? He broke through to the realm of Consummation so quickly, and even forcibly blocked my influence!"

The sun ruler could never believe this fact.

He didn't understand what methods Mu Qing used. You must know that in that illusory universe, he is the only master. No matter who it is, he wants to cultivate the Sun Sutra to the Consummation Realm, it depends on his founder's wishes!

However, Mu Qing didn't know what method he used to confine his power, and then forcibly realized the profound meaning of the Sun Sutra and left calmly.

These methods are too extraordinary, breaking the perception that the sun is dominating.

"And his strength, Mu Qing is already much stronger than me!"

The sun dominates taking a deep breath, recalling everything he saw in the illusory universe.

In that illusory universe, he is the only god, so even if Mu Qing only enters the conscious body, he can feel Mu Qing's true strength by this, which brings him a sense of threat.

"There must be great power behind Mu Qing. Could it be the existence of the Law Bodies that dominate the realm?"

In the golden palace, the sun dominates the walking back and forth, and the heart is restless.

He had died once, and finally resurrected, he no longer wanted to fall.

What's more, his strength has not yet recovered to the realm of dominance. If he encounters a strong enemy, he is very likely to be completely scattered, without the slightest chance of resurrection!

The sun dominates this time is really scared.

He had never heard of the fact that he could forcibly break through to the realm of Consummation without his consent!

Every scripture requires the consent of the founder to reach the Consummation level.

Thinking about it carefully, he guessed that there are quite terrifying powerhouses behind Mu Qing, such as those who understand the power of the law and condense the power of the Holy Spirit Law Bodies, maybe they can do it?

The Sun Ruler has never seen the Great Ruler, it is impossible to be sure, but in any case, Mu Qing's methods are far beyond his imagination.

What's more, even if you don't look at this point, Mu Qing's strength alone seems to be above himself.

"No, I mixed up with the Emperor of Heaven before and offended Mu Qing and the others. Although I don't know where the other party is now, once I return, I am afraid that I will fall completely and disappear."

The sun dominates his mind, and he made a decision in just a moment.

go away!

Escape early from this ghost universe.

Not to mention Mu Qing, even if it was the Emperor of Heaven and Mingxuan, he couldn't understand at all, and he really couldn't figure out who was the master.

In order to save his second life from the resurrection, he decided to leave the chaotic universe without knowing it!

"Don't worry, talk to Scarlet guy. Since his resurrection, this guy seems to be completely awake."

The sun ruled thinking, and at the same time turned into a golden light to escape, and quickly left the sun world.

Although there was a conflict with Scarlet Domination, they all belonged to the Domination of Tianqing Universe after all.

What's more, it used to be because Scarlet Domination Spiritual Intelligence was affected by evil nerves and became crazy and extreme. On the contrary, now, it is not affected in any way, and it is becoming more and more rational and calm.

He wondered whether to add Scarlet Dominator to escape, this chaotic universe is a little weird!

After a period of time, the sun dominates and escapes into the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain, heading directly to the highest peak.

Wan Yao Mountain has huge swords full of flesh and blood and giants with a thousand eyes, both of which were the evil gods under the command of Scarlet Domination, and now they have returned to the realm of the Supreme Tenth Heaven.

However, these two evil gods have always been in a deep sleep state, without the command of the Scarlet Ruler, they would not make a move.

The Sun Lord has recovered a lot of strength and is about to approach the peak of the second-order supreme. He easily bypassed these two evil gods and came to the peak of Wanyao Mountain.

However, the next moment, the sun dominates expression is dull, looking at the top of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain, the top is empty, not even the slightest breath is left, the Scarlet Domination deity disappears.


Tianze universe, the second realm.

The scarlet dominates the hall at the bottom of the sacred tower.

Mu Qing pulled away a large group of dominating souls in the core of the rule, and the power of the starry sky in his palm gushed out, intending to refine it.

The core of the rule is that when the remnant soul of the dominator is pulled out, it shatters like glass and dissipates.

The core of the rule is the source of the power of the rule, but after the rule of the Nine Tribulations, if you want to go further, you must build a holy tower based on the core of the rule, and communicate the power of the law.

After Heimerdong fell, the core of this rule also relied on the dominance of the remnant soul to maintain its shape. Now the dominance of the remnant soul is drawn away, and naturally disappears in smoke.

Mu Qing compressed this large group of Dominant Remnant Soul to the size of a fist, and then starlight gushed out, surrounding Domination Remnant Soul, and began to refine.

Under the full refining of the power of the eight realms starry sky, in just three days, all the remnants of the dominating soul were refining and became the purest power.

But the next thing is the most difficult. You need to slowly condense the core of the rules with the secret method, and at the same time use the pure core of the rules to slowly control the scriptures of the Consummation Realm, and achieve a balance that you can bear.

Jian Xinhen also told Mu Qing before that the whole process of breaking through the ultimate supreme was about ten years or so.

Of course, for the supreme powerhouse with a life span of hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years, there is no difference between a mere ten years and a nap.

Not to mention that Mu Qing has cultivated the Eternal Life Sutra and has become a longevity species. Ten years is not worth mentioning.

He used the secret method, absorbed the power of dominating the remnant soul, and began to condense the core of the rules.

The core of the rules is spherical, which is the origin of the power of rules. However, there will be no power of rules unless they reach the realm of dominance.

Just like this, it is necessary to dominate the remnant soul to replace the power of the rules, and to condense the core of the rules in advance!

Suddenly, Mu Qing had the idea that the pure blood obtained from the sea monster also contains the power of rules, and unlike the blood of the blood demon clan, pure blood is the natural power to control the rules, and can be urged and used.

If pure blood is also refined, can it speed up the condensing speed of the core of the rules?

Thinking of this, Mu Qing took a part of pure blood, refining it together, and then condensing it with a secret method.

Sure enough, as he thought, with the power of pure blood, the core of the rules speeded up a bit, and a very small pure white ball appeared in his body.

However, this pure white ball does not contain the power of rules, it is completely pure.

Immediately, Mu Qing took most of the pure blood, and only set aside a small part of pure blood to open the space channel of the third realm. The other pure blood was refined under the power of the starry sky and turned into a special stream. The power of, converges and condenses along the secret method.

The tiny pure white sphere began to swell, but it was extremely slow. I don't know how many years it would take.

Mu Qing sat cross-legged in the Crimson Domination Hall, motionless, using secret methods wholeheartedly, condensing the core of the rules. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1778 Condensed Core), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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