Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1786: Challenge the little king

Wu Sheng trapped the little **** king, making it temporarily unable to make a move, and missing a monster-level ultimate supreme opponent.

The rest of the situation became five-on-two.

Both sides have reduced a final level of combat power, but for the life king's side, there is a chance to breathe.

Jian Xinhen cooperated with Yueyin with a soul sword, and the two temporarily stopped the five ultimate opponents.

Among them, Yueyin is the main defensive, and she displays her magical powers, and the moonlight ripples in layers. If the heavenly fairy dances lightly, it also resolves the surrounding offensive.

Jian Xinhen is the main attacker. He holds a sword of the soul, and every time he cuts it out, no matter who encounters it, there is a feeling of heart demon growing and burning his body.

Even the little lich will involuntarily produce a trace of fear in the face of Jian Xinhen's sword moves, as if he cannot resist it and must avoid it!

This is the mystery of the sword of the soul, even if the ultimate supreme of the same enchanting rank, it is difficult to resist the influence of his soul to a certain extent.

Even this is still in the case that the Little Lich has a sacred weapon to urge and resist!

The invisible sword aura and the real sword light slashed out one after another, forcing the five people including the Little Lich back.

He was quite calm at the moment, and he didn't care about his injuries at all.

Of course, they were able to hold on for so long, mainly because the little lich didn't move the real way, and the shots were quite easy, with only one move to kill the clutches of the dead, and shots from time to time.

The little lich is quite sensible. He sees the madness and coldness in Jian Xinhen's eyes. If the pressure is too much in this situation, it is likely to cause Jian Xinhen to fight back desperately. At that time, he may hurt himself seriously, and finally let the little **** Wang picked it up cheaply.

He is delaying time now and not irritating Jian Xin Mark.

As long as the little **** king gets out of trouble, the two will naturally kill Jian Xinhen and others when they work together. There is no need to worry.

Although Wu Sheng's methods were astonishing, they were not at the level of enchanting. It was unexpected to be able to trap the little **** king, and it was impossible to stay trapped forever. I believe that the little **** king will get out of the trap soon.

The little lich is waiting for that moment, when the furious little **** king will surely make an all-out effort, and he can hide some means and keep it until the last to show his true strength!

Just as the little lich was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed something, and quickly looked towards the sky.

Long Yin bursts, a million-foot green dragon filled the sky, and the vast dragon power was crushed down, and the vicissitudes and ancient aura passed out.

"Aboriginal creatures?" The little lich and the others were stunned.

wrong! It is for one's own side!

The thoughts in the little lich's mind passed in a flash.

The azure dragon entangled in the sky, leaned a claw, tore through the world, the ancient aura lingered on it, the cyan scales reflected the world of dragons one after another, and the terrifying dragon's might vented down from the nine heavens.

The blood demon in the black costume had just condensed a vast amount of frost and turned into a glazed giant python, which was torn into pieces by the blue dragon claws, and ice scum was scattered all over the place.

The blue dragon's brilliance bloomed, suddenly converged, the huge figure disappeared, and a young man with a majestic head and a majestic eyebrow landed down.

The breath of the ultimate supreme rushed away without reservation!

"Long Mingqing?"

Jian Xinhen and Yueyin both showed surprises, including Wu Sheng, who was sitting cross-legged behind him, seemed to be aware of it, and his body trembled slightly.

For Mu Qing and Long Mingqing, who entered the top ten in the first assessment, they naturally knew.

Even before the three-strength ratio, the senior officials deliberately told them to protect the two as much as possible. Of course, the Goblet of Fire is the first priority.

"The ultimate supreme of the King of Life?"

The Little Lich and the others were even more surprised when they saw Long Mingqing falling beside Jianxin Mark.

The original fierce battle suddenly stopped, and one after another looked at Long Mingqing.

In the comparison of the three powers, each party of the final stage supreme can only send three. This is personally confirmed by the big masters of the three parties, and it is impossible to secretly hide a final stage supreme in.

This also means that Long Mingqing made a breakthrough in the three-strength ratio!

"Fortunately, it's just one more guy who has just broken through the ultimate supreme, and it has little effect."

Dorgon smiled on the side.

And there is a life king with the ultimate power, and it needs to be suppressed even more.

"Really?" Long Mingqing gave a weird smile and glanced at Dorgon.

The Little Lich and the others had a bad premonition.

With a flash of escape light, a sturdy and tall figure fell fiercely from mid-air, smashing a big hole directly on the ground.

The dazzling blue light flashes, the power of the rules is hidden in the muscles, and the majestic sound of the sea is set off in the acupuncture points and pores.

Today's Tianzang, the Holy Physique is complete, the body is more than five meters high, the muscles are towering, and it contains boundless power!

Tianzang no longer needs to hide, revealing a true posture, coexisting boldness and domineering.


Jian Xinhen's purple eyes flickered, which was more unexpected than when he saw Long Mingqing.

Obviously Tianzang also has the strength of the ultimate supreme, but before the reputation was not obvious, the current appearance will bring more impact to everyone.

Yue Yin and Wu Sheng didn't know Tianzang at all, but Tianzang fell beside Long Mingqing, obviously on their own.

Opposite, the ghost fire in the little Lich's eyes flickered, and Dorgon's smile on the side solidified, with an unimaginable expression in his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, there will be two more ultimate supreme in the royal court of life?

Should this group of newcomers in the royal court of life be so enchanting?

Before everyone could digest the situation of the current scene, another powerful aura descended from the sky, the darkness appeared, and the densely dazzling star lines intertwined into a vast starry sky.

Mu Qing finally came out, stepping on the void, as if walking step by step from the universe, strolling in the garden, with a restrained aura, but the golden light on his body became more and more flaming, turning into a round of supreme gods!

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister!"

"Receive the sacred vessel!"

Mu Qing came out indifferently, then gave a low sigh, waved three rays of light towards Jian Xin Mark, Yue Yin, and Wu Sheng sitting in the back.

The three rays of light are impressively the sea crab trident, the dragon sword, and the unicorn golden sword!

Taking into account that Jian Xinhen and others may be seriously injured, Mu Qing did not give the sacred artifacts to Long Mingqing and Tianzang, but to Jian Xinhen three people to make up for their reduced combat strength due to their injuries.

The golden light suddenly appeared, a unicorn leaped into the sky, stepped on the cloud of auspiciousness, rushed towards the heart mark of the sword, and then turned into a golden unicorn sword and fell into his hands steadily.

At this time, Jian Xinhen is a medium-sized sacred weapon Qilin Golden Sword in one hand, and a spiritual sword that is not inferior to the sacred weapon in the other.

With an elegant posture, Yue Yin slowly reached out his white jade hand, and grabbed a soaring flood dragon. The flood dragon quickly surrendered and turned into a big sword, exuding amazing power.

In the last place, Wu Sheng, who trapped the little **** king, had actually been paying attention to the outside world. At this moment, Mu Qing and the three people appeared with the strength of the ultimate supreme. The crisis was solved immediately, and they couldn't care about anything at the moment, and quickly stood up.

He laughed, stepped forward, and took a trident transformed by a sea crab into his hand.

"court death!!"

The heavenly wheel above Wu Sheng's head finally opened wide, and a divine light rushed out from it, and then a golden light rushed into the sky. The divine glow was everywhere. A terrifying figure blasted out a punch, with an intent of anger to Wu Sheng. Boom kill.

Shen Mietian’s eyes flashed with anger, and his dignified and enchanting ultimate supreme was accidentally trapped for a long time, and his face disappeared!

As soon as he got out of trouble, he displayed terrible power, the ancient divine writings on his chest bloomed, the gods filled his body, and an ancient mirror of the gods hung above his head, countless gods worshipped, and the power of the gods blessed him.

The power of this fist caused the entire central mountain peak to falter, cracks appeared, and the sky and the earth changed color, except for the illusory goblet of flame that was hanging high in the air.

Shen Mietian seemed to be incarnate as a **** king, majestic and unable to look directly at him. He hit this punch from an infinite height, and he was about to kill Wu Sheng!

But at this moment, the sword heart mark flashed past and stopped in front of Wu Sheng. With a wave of both hands, the Kirin Golden Sword and the Soul Sword penetrated through.


A shocking energy exploded, and the brilliant light wave spread to the entire third realm extremely quickly.

The central mountain suddenly collapsed and turned into rubble. The five surrounding beast nests also collapsed, and the ground appeared deep as a ravine.

High in the sky, Shen Mietian showed a look of surprise, looked at the sword heart mark in front of him, and glanced at the Qilin Golden Sword in the opponent's hand.

Shen Mietian didn't succeed with a single blow, but did not become angry, but his figure flashed, returned to the little lich, and calmly looked at the situation.

However, when I saw Jian Xinhen, Yueyin and Wu Shengren holding a holy artifact, I couldn't help but my eyelids jumped wildly.

The little lich is a pure white skeleton, with no expression, but in the hollow eye sockets, the ghost fire flickers violently, showing that the mood is not calm.

Dorgon was almost blinded by the gleam of the sacred artifact.

"Damn it! This guy can't cheat anymore!"

Dorgon growled lowly and couldn't help but explode.

Three holy artifacts are given as soon as they appear, let alone within this limited three-power ratio, even in the outside world, most of the masters are not so lavish!

"It's fair now."

Mu Qing chuckled, the power of the starry sky surging on him, his body was as bright as the sun, and he was ready to fight.

The little **** king came out of trouble, but now the situation has changed drastically, and there are three more ultimate ultimates in the life king's court.

A six-on-six battle!

"Three ultimate supreme, good! Very good!"

The little Lich made a hoarse voice, his expression was indistinguishable, but his tone seemed a bit gritted.

With his mentality, they almost collapsed!

The three extra Ultimate Supremes who came out of the Palace of Life, hit their souls even more fiercely than the sword of the soul in Jianxinshen.

He even felt that all the opportunities of these three power ratios were given away by the King of Life.

"Now it's our turn to counterattack."

Mu Qing smiled, and at the same time looked at the six people in front of him calmly.

Both the Little Lich and the Little God King are the ultimate supreme of the evildoer class, which brings a strong sense of oppression to themselves, while the rest of the ultimate supreme have no special feelings, they are just average.

Mu Qing's gaze finally stopped on the Yin Siam of the Yin Zombie tribe.

This woman with beautiful legs in black dress, but terribly pale body, hides a trace of threat!

Soon, Mu Qing withdrew his gaze and glanced at Jian Xinhen and others.

With a smile on Mu Qing's face, he solemnly said, "Everyone, leave it to me, the little **** king."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's faces moved.

In the case of equal number of people, one to one is possible.

He actually wants to challenge the ultimate supreme of the evildoer class, with God Mietian as his opponent! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1786 Challenge the Little God King), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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