Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1788: The Sun and the Kingdom of God

"I agree with your point of view." Mu Qing smiled lightly.

Indeed, as long as the strength is sufficient, Shen Mietian can kill Long Mingqing and other people who are new to the ultimate supreme, and perhaps Wu Sheng, who has not yet reached the enchanting rank, can also kill the ultimate supreme.

As long as a strong man without evildoers stops Shen Mietian, then he can kill one by one!

"Know you still do this?"

Shen Mietian raised his brows and said unexpectedly: "Are you not afraid of death?"

In his opinion, only the ultimate supreme of the evildoer level could stop him, and that was just a stop.

Mu Qing is just a newcomer to the ultimate supreme, and it is impossible to be his opponent.

However, in the face of the problem of Shenmietian, Mu Qing smiled, his face straightened, his palms turned over, and he took out a treasure.

When Shen Mietian saw Mu Qing's actions, his eyes were also directed at his hands.

Not a holy artifact, but a dominating holy thing!

It was a shell with a black pearl full of small holes lying quietly in it. Each hole was as deep as a black hole, and it shimmered in darkness. It seemed to contain an unknown world, leading to a mysterious universe.

Mu Qing secretly urged the secret method of the Eucharist he obtained from Tianzang, and then the shells and black pearls in his palm appeared dense cracks, which broke apart with a bang.

A large swath of poisonous mist rushed out like black clouds, and the purple-black light pierced like a sharp blade, shooting all around.

A poisonous cloud hovered over Mu Qing's head, and trails of purple and black gas fell down, sheltering him.

This dominating sacred object contains the rules of poison, which is completely incompatible with Mu Qing, but with the existence of the cosmic body, he can absorb this power.

Unlike Tianzang, Mu Qing chose to consume all the power that governs the holy thing to condense a pure holy body.

The pure Eucharist does not need its own scriptures, similar to the core of the pure rules, but therefore requires more power, so it consumes all the power to dominate the holy relics.

Mu Qing looked at Shen Mietian, grinned, and said: "Now you can't kill me."

Consume an entire power to dominate the holy thing to protect himself, and Mu Qing himself has the power of the ultimate supreme, he believes that even if it is God Mietian, it is impossible to kill himself at once.

At the same time, with the fierce fighting and oppressive stimulation, Mu Qing's Eucharist will gradually take shape and become stronger and stronger!

This is his true confidence against Shen Mietian!

Shen Mietian's face became serious, he looked at the poisonous cloud above Mu Qing's head.

Suddenly, the ancient divine writings on his chest were shining brightly, the golden divine light was like a pillar of light that penetrated the sky, the sacred and immortal power gathered on his arm, and a punch was blasted out!

Shen Mietian saw that Mu Qing's reliance was the poison cloud formed after the shattering of the dominating holy artifact, so he planned to break it.

Different from the previous one, this time God Mietian not only urged the power of the gods, but also the scriptures in the body. The power of the dynasty scriptures of the gods was also blessed on the body, the ancient mirrors of the gods appeared, and countless gods worshipped.

Both have reached the final level of power fit, perfectly blended together, forming the fist of God Mietian, magnificent, majestic and overbearing, he himself is at the head of the gods and is the king of the gods!

King of the Gods Fist!

The scriptures of Shenmietian were created by himself. Although they are currently only at the dominating level, they belong to themselves after all. They have multiple changes and gains, and can perfectly control and exert all their powers.

The most important thing is that his dynasty scriptures of the gods and the gods of the blood demon race are combined together. This blow is motivated and blessed by the power of gods, and the power is extremely terrifying!

Mu Qing didn't dare to entrust him, even if he was protected by the power of a poisonous cloud, he would definitely be killed.

If you have been seriously injured, even if you have the power to maintain and repair the injury, you will be forcibly killed.

Therefore, Mu Qing must use all his strength to fight. After reaching the Consummation Realm, the sun meridian balanced by the core of the rules is urged, using the palm as a knife, cutting the sun blade, and the light of the knife turns into a golden thread, bursting out endlessly. Light and heat.

The dazzling rays of light erupted, and where the Burning Sun Blade passed, there was a series of explosions of the power of the sun, roaring continuously.

But this still couldn't resist the fist of the gods and kings of the heavens. With the posture of the king, they forcibly smashed the burning sun blade, and the gods penetrated through the sky and bombarded Mu Qing's body.

The powerful force did not spread at all, and there was no aftermath under this blow. Instead, it all fell on Mu Qing, knocking him back a kilometer, and the flesh cracked through gaps and blood flowed.

This blow demonstrated Shen Mietian's perfect control, not allowing a single trace of power to escape, and all bombarded Mu Qing, causing considerable injuries.

With just one blow, the gap between Mu Qing and Shen Mietian was revealed.

Even with the background of the vast starry sky of the Eight Realms, Mu Qing couldn't compete with God Mietian.

Just as when Mu Qing was in the second-order supreme, as fellow practitioners of the master-level scriptures of several sects, his strength was far superior to other powerful masters who practiced master-level scriptures.

In the realm of the ultimate supreme, the two systems of Shenmietian fellow practitioners, one divine way and one scripture, have reached the level of the ultimate supreme.

This allowed Shen Mietian's strength to directly advance to the enchanting level, far surpassing Mu Qing!

Fortunately, Mu Qing cultivated the Cosmic Eucharist, possessing the characteristics of extremely fast recovery, almost unlimited energy, and extremely powerful physical body. The injury was not too serious.

At the same time, the poisonous cloud above his head hung a purple-black light, mending Mu Qing's body.

In this process, the power that belongs to the ruling sacred object will also transform and nourish his body, transforming in the direction of the sacred body.

Because Mu Qing doesn't even have the prototype of the Eucharist, he needs a powerful opponent like Shenmietian as the external pressure to stimulate himself.

Mu Qing appeared gloomy all over his body, countless star lines converged into the world, unfolding like a picture scroll, he himself turned into a supreme **** sun, located in the center, bursts of golden sun rays burst out.

With billions of light appearing, Mu Qing pointed to it, vigorously burning, the life ancestor dragon condensed, and the dragon chant shocked for nine days.

At this level of battle, only the eternal life sutra of the supreme scripture can help.

It's a pity that Mu Qing was successfully promoted to the ultimate supreme based on the Sun Sutra. Next, he must consider the things that dominate and change the scriptures he created. There is no time to worry about other scriptures.

If he is promoted to the ultimate supreme based on the supreme scriptures of the Eternal Life Sutra, he will reach the level of the enchanting level directly!

Shenmietian stepped on his feet, step by step, and the ancient divine writings on his chest were golden and light, reflecting a flourishing and prosperous kingdom of God.

He punched out one after another, and the fist of the kings of the gods rendered the world into brilliant gold, and under the vent of the terrifying power, all of Mu Qing's retreat was cut off.

Relying on the protection of the poisonous cloud above his head, Mu Qing is not afraid of it. Sometimes he clicks the longevity finger, sometimes cuts the burning sun blade with the palm of his hand, although every time he is beaten by the shining golden god, he suffers serious injuries. , But there is a faint tendency to fight against the gods!

The battle between the two came to the clouds of the Third Realm, and two golden figures in the sky occupied each side.

On one side is the golden kingdom of God, with ghosts and ghosts everywhere.

On one side is the golden sun, and the Supreme God's Sun is all over the sky! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1788 The Sun and the Kingdom of God), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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